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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, my message today is about the mindset of an alchemist. The mindset of a human being that uses natural, alchemical processes to utilize all the energy that is flowing through space. The energy that comes from other human beings. The energy that might come from lower vibrational beings. Whether the energy is positive or negative, it is all energy, and all energy can be utilized and harnessed.
Someone may come into your space, and they may say things to you. They may be positive things. Now, if you are receiving positive energy, then it is easy just to utilize that positive energy because what you are hearing, what you’re feeling, is making you feel good. What happens if someone comes into your space, and they start to point the finger? They start to criticize. They start to say this. They start to say that, and it is potentially negative. Now you can utilize this energy too.
You can spin this energy into whatever you want to spin it into. If someone comes into my space and they say something, whatever it is. I am going to smile. I am going to laugh and I’m going to feel that energy that is coming into my energy fields. I’m going to open my heart and I’m going to create this powerful frequency that is going to flow through the information that they’re swirling in my energy field, and I’m going to spin it and transmuted and as I spin it and transmute it from something negative, I’m going to spin it into something positive and I’m going to feed off that energy. I’m going to use that energy to fuel me. It doesn’t matter what is happening. You can spin that energy into whatever you want to spin it into. I am going to give you a little trick.
Someone comes into your space, and you know their energy is a bit shit. They might not even have to say anything to you. They might just be in a depressed mood. They might be angry, and you know, they may just be silent, and you can feel that energy or they might be speaking and that angry energy or that anxious energy is flowing into your space.
If you visualize a golden cube in your heart and place this code – A9997 into that cube, it will expand rapidly out past your physical body through the empty space and it will take all the energy that is coming into your energy field. The cube will spin, and it will whiz that energy up into something beautiful and positive. The cube will shrink back down into your heart, and it will energize you. This is Star Magic. Okay, this is re-coding the energy in this space. Now, you can do this with many, many different things.
All energy is there to be utilized. Don’t be in fear of negative energy. Don’t be in fear of a negative entity or a negative being or dark spirit. Everything can be transmuted and changed and used for your greatest growth. But you must decide that you want to own it. That you’re capable, that you’re powerful and that you have that power and the energy to transmute, to recreate, to elevate and expand in a split second. Because nothing takes time. Why? Because time doesn’t exist. Distance doesn’t exist. Everything is happening in the same space at the same time and all energy came from an original source and so all energy can return to that original source.
There is nothing that cannot be shifted, morphed, recreated, changed, transmuted. Unless you decide, there is and that would be a foolish choice. That would be the choice of a slave. That would be the choice of someone who hasn’t realized who and what they are. A multi-dimensional being, having an experience as an earth angel here on this beautiful green and blue ball. So, utilize this code. Utilize this opportunity to start creating more positive energy in your life.
I know so many people that will not go into certain places because they say, I am an empath, I’m an empath. I pick up on other people’s energies. What kind of B.S. is that? Now, I am not saying that empathic people do not pick up on other people’s energies and that cannot affect them. Of course, it can but that is the choice of the empath, because the empath is not standing in their light, in their energy, in their power in their divinity, in their God, in their Goddess frequency.
That empath is not standing in their lion and their lioness power. They are like a pinball in a pinball machine bouncing all over the place and eventually that pinball falls down the black hole and disappears and its game over. Don’t be a slave to this reality. Be an alchemist. Be an architect and start mastering this reality. Start utilizing everything within this space to your advantage. Instead of moaning about how bad it is or this person’s done that, or that person said this. I cannot be around that person because their energy is this, their energy is that.
You can be anywhere and everywhere and thrive beyond measure if that is what you choose. It is just a simple choice, Beautiful Soul. Wherever you are on this magical planet, go into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go.
Remember, check out our website We got some of the best Ascension tools on the planet. Some of the best, if not the best. If you want to raise your vibration, if you want to train in energy healing, if you want to truly know how to master the energetic mathematical coding within the cosmic fabric, then get over to our website now. I will see you again real soon, Beautiful Soul.
Go and step into that beautiful magical light, that quantum spark in the centre of your chest, that diamond’s heart frequency. Let it shine and exude bright and emanate and permeate every cell of your body. The world, the universe, all things. I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart. One human family. Peace out Beautiful Soul.
“He opened my third eye. Eyes radiate the depths that are beyond this realm. How much he loves everyone in the room. I feel a completely different person. Being in your heart and feeling the love and the passion. Jerry is from another planet. More than I expected. Amazing really, making it very easy for people. I am going to walk away. I feel so great. The ceremony that did it for me, the vibration that I felt was incredible. Unbelievable. Fantastic.”
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