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“So many people will watch this video, listen to this information, and be like, “Nah, Jerry’s full of shit.” No, those seven chakras are everything. You’re stuck in a base template with these seven chakras. It’s a distorted technology. You can stay stagnant, you can stay stuck, where you can elevate and expand. You get to choose.”
So today I wanted to dive into a subject which is guaranteed to ruffle some feathers, especially in this so-called spiritual community because there are so many different systematic approaches to things. There are so many different ideologies and concepts and things that people are teaching to other people that aren’t quite right. So, I know that people will find it difficult to digest this kind of information and it’s not new information from myself. I’ve been sharing this stuff for quite some time. I wrote about it in ‘Healing with Light Frequencies: The Transformative Power of Star Magic’, I don’t know, like seven years ago and it’s something that we share with everybody on our trainings. It’s something we take people through a process, a very important process and if people don’t go through this process, raising their frequency and going through this essential process, it probably won’t happen. Now we’re going to be talking about chakras.
Most people know the seven basic chakras. Your crown, your pineal, your throat, your heart, your solar plexus, your sacrum, your root. There are so many people out there on the planet learning false ways of working with these. First of all, you don’t need them. They are a control mechanism and that is a program in itself that is difficult one to break because people have been downloading and playing with and working with and utilizing the structure of this chakra system for thousands of years. There are people on this planet right now with millions of followers that are teaching people all about chakras and how to move the energy through them and clean them and blah, blah, blah. They were put into our bodies as a control mechanism. Just like our Merkabah field is used against us to spin it the wrong way, to change its rotational magnetic spin points, to shift the access and create a Merkabah field which doesn’t generate life force energy. But this is another video. This is another topic.
What you got to know is this. At Star Magic, we create massive rapid healing. I mean, just yesterday, we were doing a group healing in London. We had a lady that came with the right-hand side of her body paralyzed. By the end of the day, she’s moving her arm up and down and she can speak on both sides of her mouth. The one side was paralyzed. We had another lady that was in a wheelchair. She actually got out of the wheelchair before she came to the healing, but the right side of her body was still screwed up like her knee was mangled. She couldn’t use it. By the end of the first day on a Saturday, she’s running around. The reason that this kind of stuff happens in our healings is because we know how to play with energy. We know how to rewire the codex and play with the mathematics inside of someone’s biological computer. A part of this process is dissolving this chakra system and bringing online your multidimensional transmission centres.
Now, your transmission centres, they reside in the same space as your chakra system, but there are many more of them. You have many more than seven through the body. You have them down below the body, up above the body, in the space and what these transmission centres do is they control the ebb and flow of electrical and magnetic energy. The electrical comes down, the magnetic comes up through the body. It comes up through the body and goes up into the cosmic grids and the electrical energy comes down through the body and into the earthly grids. The transmission centres, they move slightly and control the ebb and flow of light, frequency, data, cosmic, energy, mathematics, geometry. If it wasn’t for our transmission centres, we wouldn’t be able to go through this essential process. We wouldn’t be able to change our mathematics properly. So, what we show people how to do on Star Magic Training Level 1 is how to dissolve these so-called energy centres, chakras, but not the heart.
The heart is mission critical, but the throat, the pineal, the crown, the solar plexus, sacral, and root, you got to dissolve those and bring online the higher dimensional transmission centres, which sit in the same space and control the ebb and flow of data because our bodies and brains are like biological computers. If you truly want to be a high frequency beam, then you’ve got to bring your transmission centres online. If you look at children that are born on the planet, they don’t have chakras. They have a great big heart. They’re a template from the inside of their body. They have a different makeup, a different architectural system, a different light body template, different blueprints. What these children do have is their transmission centre switched on. They’re already coded. We need to recode ourselves because we came through the game of manipulation. We came through the game of power and control and even though children that are coming into this worldly environment right now are still in a system that is partly controlled, they’re operating off a different template, a different structure, so they can move freely through the multidimensional playing fields with ease and grace.
We’ve still got to remember how to recode our architecture so we can change our mathematics and move inter-dimensionally and multidimensional through the stargate systems on Earth and the galaxy and the cosmos and the universe. These kids just do it second nature. They’re amazing. They are our teachers in the process of becoming our teachers. But really, they can’t teach us anything. They can just help us remember. Just like I can’t teach you anything, I can only help you remember and when you dive into your heart and you feel this, you’ll know it’s true. But don’t take it on trust. Dive into it and feel it and experience it and then make your own decision based off the resonance because everything’s resonance. When I recode someone’s geometry at a distant healing session or on a group healing, I’m changing their mathematics, and when I change their mathematics, the energy can flow properly. It’s like a clock. If you take a cog out of the clock, the clock can’t turn properly. All of the pieces are important. If you put extra pieces into that clock, it’s not going to work. The clock needs what the clock needs. Just like our body and our divine cosmic crystal blueprint, it needs what it needs. It requires what it requires. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s a mathematical equation. Two and two will never equal six. It will always equal four.
Our chakra system, those seven chakras, they will never create harmony. They will enable us to sync up to a false template, which might seem harmonious because nature itself looks beautiful, but it doesn’t mean it is running the correct code. The correct code is very similar to the false code and that’s why this game that we’re playing of dark and light, this game of chess, this game of draughts, this game of duality, is so difficult sometimes to figure out because what is good and what is not so good are running off very similar patterns, very similar codex’s, very similar mathematics. But remember this. If I’m going to play golf and hit my golf ball down the fairway, and my club is straight, the ball is going to go straight. But if I’m off by one or two degrees, by the time the ball gets down the fairway, it’s going to be way over to the right or way over to the left. It’s not going to be off by one degree because as frequency moves away from the source point in the game of golf, it’s Fibonacci. In the game of frequency and mathematics and multidimensional technology, we’re talking about frequency pulling away from the zero point at a one-degree alteration. But after a year, it’s going to be off by more than one degree because it is spiraling out and out and out. After 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 100 years, a thousand years, it gets further and further away from the zero point. It spirals incorrectly. We’re talking about the Fibonacci mathematics and the crystalline code. One locks you into the zero point and one doesn’t.
When you activate your multidimensional transmission sensors, you have a transmission centre in your pineal gland. You have one at the right-hand side of your head, one at the left, one at the back. Now, the frequency comes out from your pineal gland into the left and right and out into the one on the back. Then the two at the side join with the one on the back. You then got this kind of triangle. Now what then happens is frequency comes out from your pineal gland and creates the fourth one in front of your forehead. And then the two at the side joins with the one in the front and the one at the front goes straight through your head and joins with the one on the back. You’ve now got a square. Then what happens is these four points, they connect with the transmission centre up above your crown. They also plug in to your heart, which creates an octahedron, which spins through your body. This octahedron is mission critical on your ascension journey and you can’t create this octahedron when you’re running this false chakra system. You’ve got to dissolve them, and you’ve got to bring your transmission centres online. Once this octahedron starts to spin, it creates a second octahedron, which is lower down in your body. The two of them work together in harmony. One is pulling frequency up and one is pulling frequency down.
Once they come online and you’re running the magnetics and the electrical energy in the correct way, up and down through your body, plugged into the stars, plugged into the earth, you then become aware of a cylinder that’s wrapped around your body. This cylinder has 18 smaller cylinders in it. And this cylinder becomes part of your multidimensional architecture. The cylinder actually spins, and it rotates, and the cylinder has a top point and a bottom point, which connects to the alpha and the omega. The alpha is the male, the omega is the female. We’re bringing frequency from the stars and giving birth through the omega, through this cylinder light body, which is platinum in frequency colour, down into the earth’s grids. Our physical bodies are like the link between the electric supply and the kettle. We’re the lead that goes from the electrics to the kettle, from the stars to the earth. We’re giving birth to light codes. Everywhere we go, we’re dropping off code, we’re uploading code. These bodies are powerful computers, very intelligent. When you walk down the road, code is streaming backwards and forwards from humans to other humans, from me to you, from you to me, from you to everyone else, from everyone else back to you. It’s an amazing, intricate highway of code and most people are unaware of this. They don’t see this; they don’t feel this. They’re not aware and that’s okay. That’s someone, when they’re ready, who can step into that frequency band where they’re aware of this multi-dimensional game. But if you truly want to ascend, you’ve got to strip down those basic seven chakras and you’ve got to bring online your multi-dimensional transmission centres.
My new book, ‘Activate Your Superhuman Potential’, dives into this in detail. You can buy it on our website, You can get it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, all major bookshops. If you truly want to make a difference, you need to re-engineer yourself from the inside out. So many people will watch this video, listen to this information and be like, “Nah, Jerry’s full of shit. No, those seven chakras are everything.” It’s like the Bible. The Bible has some truths in it and if you know how to read and decipher and use the sermon and use your intuition, you know what’s right and you know what’s not. There are truths in everything and there is false information. This chakra system, it leads us in the right direction, but keeps us completely stuck in a false system. Those that know, those that truly know, they’ve already dissolved those basic chakras and brought online their multi-dimensional transmission centres so they can access higher wisdom. You’re stuck in the base templates with these seven chakras. It’s like the Kabbalah. They use the tree of life, but it’s a false tree of life. It’s distorted. It’s a distorted technology that only gives you access to a certain DNA template. The true tree of life, the true mathematics that the Atlanteans knew that were connected through the grids of the earth that plug different Stargate networks into each other through the tree of life, Kathara grid structure. That’s the original tree of life. Again, it’s encoded through our body. Each one of those spheres that’s within that Kathara grid tree of life template is linked into different body parts, different transmission centres.
If you’re not running those multi-dimensional transmission centres and you’ve dissolved your seven-chakra system, you can’t plug in to the 12-strand architecture, which really is 13 because out from the 12 come the 13th. The number 13 is everything. Well, it’s not everything, but it’s a lot. Very important. Your 12 strand templates plug into the 12 points on your multi-dimensional Merkabah field, which is a stellated decahedron, 10 tetrahedrons, all spinning five clockwise, five anti-clockwise. The male one’s clockwise, the female one’s anti-clockwise. The 12 points plug into 12 of your transmission centres. The centre of that Merkabah field plugs into the 13th. Those 13 transmission centres, they plug 12 of them into the tree of life and the 13th into the God worlds through the Aramatena gateway in the cradle of Lyra, up to those primary light and sound fields, source technology, source code, the true mathematics.
Two years ago, I hired the Giza pyramid to myself. I went in in the dark for hours, all on my own. I had some crazy experiences and I’m going to make a proper video about this. But when I was inside the King’s chamber, I lay there on the floor, and all of the walls disappeared. The place lit up. There were beings everywhere from both sides and my consciousness was taken out of my body, up through a bend in space time, which is known as the Ark of the Covenant. The pyramid was an electrical generator. The pyramid was a healing machine. The pyramid was a Stargate activator and one of the primary Stargates is accessible through the King’s chamber. Through the King’s chamber, you can access our solar gate, and once you take your consciousness through the solar gate, you can move through the Pleiadian gateway, through the Arcturian gateway, through the Andromeda gateway, up through the Lyra system, through the cradle of Lyra, through Stargate 12, and into the God worlds. That bend in space time is the Ark. It’s the Ark of the Covenant. Now, I know that people will tell you that the Ark of the Covenant was some physical thing and yes, that physical thing that fits into the sarcophagus inside the King’s chamber can help activate this Stargate system.
Now, when my consciousness went up, I went up into the God worlds, had an amazing experience and came back down into my body and my body was turned 180 degrees minus 23. People say the world’s axis has been tilted off 23 degrees but when I came down, my body was 180 minus 23, facing the other way, 157, which is 13. This 13 seems to show up everywhere. Every year we take a large group through all of the sacred temples in Egypt. We’re going again in six weeks, in another month. We go on a 16-day tour, and we go through all of the sacred temples. We have special access to places that people can’t get access to, and we go into these temples on our own, into these pyramids, into these chambers, above ground, underground, amazing places and we do activations. Every year we go to Egypt, the codex is changing because the frequency is elevated, and most human beings don’t evolve. Going through Egypt is like dissolving your chakras and bringing online your transmission centres so you can access new knowledge and wisdom. You can stay stagnant, you can stay stuck, or you can elevate and expand and be the superhuman that you came to earth to be. You get to choose. That’s the amazing thing.
It’s like our Kundalini energy. So many people depict these two spirals of light. That’s a false code programming you incorrectly. There should only be one spiral climbing up through Jacob’s ladder, up those 33 vertebrae, bringing that energy up into the pineal bed. That’s the real resurrection and then opening the third door in Solomon’s temple, the right brain. Once you activate the right brain, everything changes. We show people on our training how to bring your consciousness into the right brain and then go out and receive reality. The access you get to the code, to the frequency, to the mathematics that’s running everything, the quantum building blocks is next level because the right brain can process a billion bits of data plus per second. It sees frequency, it feels, it knows, it trusts. That feminine brain is amazing. You’ve got to bring that energy up into your pineal gland and into Solomon’s temple to get that activation and that recoding to bring the right and the left hemisphere into sync, to decalcify the corpus callosum and open up those lines of transmission. This supercomputer is amazing, but there are so many false programs running within it, consciously, unconsciously, on a level of life, body, on a physical level.
Music is the biggest weapon of mass destruction, and our DNA is activated by certain harmonies, certain frequencies. When someone plays something that isn’t one of those frequencies, there’s a malfunction in the system. That’s why someone like Bob Marley was assassinated because he was changing the world through life, through 432 hertz opening the heart. That’s where it’s at. Being here on that frequency of love, that’s when you stand in your power, that’s when you stand in your strength, that’s when you truly know who you are. Powerful, immeasurable, un-fuck-with-able. We’ve become so detached from what is true. Look at animals in nature. You don’t see them hanging around on mountain tops staring at the sun. I mean the sunset’s amazing, right? But you don’t see animals sitting there like, “Whoa, look at the sun tonight guys.” Why is that? It’s because the animals know they are nature. They know there’s no separation between them and the sun. They know there’s no separation between them and the ground, the grass, the trees, the flowers. Everything is interconnected. But we see it as separate, so we’re in awe of it. But really, the sun is in our hearts. The sun is a part of us. We emit 10,000 times lighter per cubic square centimetre than the actual sun does. The only reason that we don’t blind everybody is we’ve got so many protons in ourselves and they’re drawing the energy back out into the universe. That light, that frequency. We are amazing. You are amazing. You’ve got to change your mathematics. But a great starting point is to dissolve these energy centres. Get my new book, ‘Activate Your superhuman potential’.
Come and join us in the Star Magic tribe. We’re recoding and rewiring and upgrading 24-7, 3-6-5, through infinity, which you can download on the Apple and Android stores. There are hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, light codes to recode you on every level. There’s cosmic yoga, breath work, high frequency nutrition, hundreds of mystery school teachings. There’s a private telegram group so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you who are on the same soul mission, elevating and expanding and discovering and remembering that want to make this world a better place. That want to trust and love, be honest and share these beautiful truths. Go and check out infinity right now at If you want to train in the most powerful energy healing modality on earth, go and check out our website We’ve got so many tools to assist you on your ascension journey, but you’ve got to make the choice to get involved. Your amazing, beautiful soul. Don’t be misled but also don’t believe me. Feel into this information. Connect with your soul. Connect with your oversoul. Connect with your avatar body, all of those multi-dimensional elements of you that reside in different frequency bands. They’re here to guide you and assist you but you’ve got to be present enough to hear, to communicate, to listen.
Wherever you are on planet earth go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. The golden rule of hugging. Stand in your truth, speak your truth, live your truth, and stop giving a flying you know what. Become sovereign. Unify, expand, and accelerate. Be you. I love you so much. Take care of yourself and I’ll see you real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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