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Things happen in our life, and we try and fix it. We try and figure it out. But when we think about it and we give it energy, we create more of it. We use up so much energy thinking about things that don’t even matter. If you meet those so-called potential problems with presence, they never become problems. Everything just works.
When we’re in the present moment there’s no future, there’s no past. We have to normalize presence. When you meet, you are experiencing complete and utter presence. There’s no need to do anything else. Things happen in our life, and we try and fix it. Things happen in our life, and we try and work it out. We try and figure it out. We use logic.
Whenever anything takes place in your life, if you meet it in presence with presence you often find that those things that you were worried about, the things that were unfolding that put you into fear or whatever it was that’s going on, if you just stay in that present moment it just melts away on the horizon on the sea. If you meet those so-called potential problems with presence, they never become problems. It’s just the thought about it in the future that creates the fear and the potential scenario that could unfold in a way that’s not going to serve you very well. But when you just stay present and you allow the situation to unfold and flow, it just transmutes and disappears.
If someone has a particular injury, illness, disease, if they allow themselves to be in the presence of that injury, illness, or disease, it just works itself out. But when we think about it and we give it energy, we create more of it. So, we have to stay in that state of presence. When we’re in the present moment there’s no future, there’s no past. That little voice in your head it has no control. When you’re in the present moment that little voice in your head it wants to take you into the future or back to the past because it can control you there. It has power there. When you remain steadfast, and you enter the presence, and you stay in the presence you enter what people call the flow state. That’s when the energy starts to move, and the energy starts to flow.
When we’re training people to heal with Star Magic, we have beginners, intermediate, and advanced ways of healing, and when we’re showing people how to use Star Magic at the start, when we’re going through the beginners’ ways, techniques, people are doing things. People are moving things around. People are visualizing things. People are mobilizing their energy through intention. People are getting involved in the healing process. As we get into the intermediate and advanced ways of healing, people are doing nothing. In the intermediate ways, they do a little bit less, and when they get to the advanced ways they literally kick back, and they do nothing. That is when the magic happens.
When we try and get involved in life, we get in the way. When we remove ourselves from the equation mentally and emotionally, everything just works. If you look at a whirlpool in a stream, it always looks like a whirlpool. If you look at a waterfall like the Niagara Falls it always looks like a waterfall like the Niagara Falls. But there’s fresh water running through the whirlpool and there’s fresh water running through the Niagara Falls. Our physical bodies have fresh energy cascading through them 24/7, 365. It’s actually impossible for someone to be ill. It’s actually impossible for someone to carry a disease. But what happens is we think, and the mind and the body are intrinsically linked. When you take the mind out of the equation, the energy naturally flows every 11 months for a completely new makeup of atoms, molecules, chemicals, fibres, carbons.
So, how can a particular tumour, how can a particular blood disorder hang around just like the whirlpool in the stream? Fresh water is running through it always. Our bodies are exactly the same, but we get in the way with this, and so we stifle the flow of energy. We block it and things become stagnant. A lot of people identify with their pain and when you identify with your pain you suffer. Suffering is a choice. We don’t have to suffer. When we decide to let life flow there is no suffering. When we identify with this particular situation, with this particular problem, with this particular pain point, with this particular traumatic event, then we give it energy and it increases. we hold on to it and we stay stuck in the past.
We stay stuck in the past in the present moment because we carry the past with us from moment to moment to moment because we’re thinking about the pain and keeping ourselves in the past even though we’re moving present moment to present moment to present moment. We carry the pain of the past with us through those present moments as they unfold. Ultimately when you truly engage in the present moment and there’s no thoughts you actually harness the present moment and then one moment flows into the next moment into the next moment. But there is no past that moving with those present moment experiences because you’re just right here right now. Everything is frequency. Everything is code. Our bodies are biological computers. We’re uploading and downloading frequency, code, mathematics 24/7, 365.
We are souls inside these physical avatars and we’re having multi-dimensional experiences. Some of them are pleasant and some of them are not so pleasant and those not so pleasant experiences are uploading and downloading into our biological computers all the time. So, if we want to heal, we can go into the so-called past. We can go into the so-called future. Once you get out of your physical body and into the quantum field there is no past and future. So, you’re in the present moment and you’re bringing all of those soul fragments back home. That’s like changing the code in the back end of your biological computer. When you enter the present moment, and you enter that flow State you engage in that parasympathetic system. The parasympathetic nervous system kicks in and so everything starts to work. The body starts to self-regulate.
When we’re having a huge group of people in our group healing sessions, we get everybody to go through a very intense breath work routine and as they go through that breath work routine, they activate billions of chemicals in their body and then we ask them to be the frequency. So, they breathe and then enter the frequency of love which is what we call being frequency. Their heart explodes. Their consciousness flows. There’re no thoughts. They’re just whole. They’re in that present moment. They enter a state of creation. They enter a state of manifestation and then what we do as facilitators is we come around and we run frequency and code through their system and what happens is the old programming disappears. It dissolves. It transmutes, and we download new light, new frequency, and the human being has a biological upgrade.
You see people shaking, bending, moving, twisting, and their body starts to self-regulate. It starts to upgrade. It starts to heal, and profound shifts take place on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. People that had brain can*** no longer have brain can***. People that were in wheelchairs get up from the wheelchair and start walking after 5 years, 10 years, 15 years. People call these things miracles. They’re not really miracles. It’s a very scientific process. We take people into a very deep state of consciousness through breath work. Then we apply certain frequencies, and the body naturally does what it does best. Self-heal, self-regulate, move into a state of homeostasis, move into a state of balance and alignment and physical healing takes place and the human being shifts astronomical leaps and bounds, and their life does a 180-degree turn. businesses flourish, relationships mend, body heals. This is a scientific process.
When science and spirituality merge and alchemize you’ve got the secret recipe in this world. We’re conditioned to go out and do things. We’re conditioned to be taking action all the time and yes, we should take action, but you can take action and be present at the same time. Most people are taking action and thinking about where they’re going to. Most people are taking action and not enjoying the journey of the action that they’re taking because they’re not in the present moment. We have to learn to be present. We have to normalize presence and at the same time take action and blend the presence and the action taking into one fluid motion. That is the trick. That is the secret recipe. This is when we create magic on planet Earth.
We use up so much energy thinking about things that don’t even matter. Cyclical thoughts playing out around and around inside of our crazy old brain. When we become present all of those thoughts subside and everything works. The body is designed to self-heal. The body is designed to self-regulate. We’re not supposed to be ill. The thing is healthy people don’t make money and so it’s in the interests of certain companies and corporations on this planet to keep you all ill. The first thing that we should teach our children in school is how to read your body. If we taught our children how to read the body, they would know what was wrong with the body and then we could show them what they need to do. Once they’ve read the body to heal that particular ailment or injury or illness or disease and that simply is enter the present moment, dive into your own heart, have a little conversation with yourself and boom, the healing will take place.
It’s very easy to recode timelines. It’s very easy to change timelines. It’s very easy to change the code in the back end of your biological computer, your body and brain, and if we taught every single human being this no one would ever be ill, and the planet would be a whole different place. A beautiful, beautiful space where everyone was thriving. Wouldn’t you like to see that? I certainly would and it’s a possibility. But we have to remember we have to go into our heart, take that deep dive into our consciousness, the stargate of our heart and remember that we are stargate guardians, planetary custodians. We are the Christ Consciousness being rebirthed on this beautiful green and blue ball. Jesus was not here telling us he was better than us. He was not the only son of God. We are all sons and daughters of God, source intelligence, God Source Consciousness. God is not some benevolent old gentleman sat in the sky going to send you to hell for being bad or heaven for being good. God is an intelligence, a frequency, a mathematical code.
We have to remember that that flower of life code which a lot of people say is God is false, and there is the Krystal flower of life which is very different and that is the original mathematical code. We have many people whose body parts grow overnight. Skulls triple in size. Hands go massive. People go from a size six to a size 9 shoe size in minutes and hours because they download the crystalline code. It goes to show that our body is running off a very false mathematical equation just like most things on planet Earth. The banking system runs off that Fibonacci mathematics. When you switch things to the krystalline code, businesses thrive, relationships are amazing. Bodies heal. But this Fibonacci false mechanical mathematical equation is locked and programmed into pretty much everything on planet Earth. But we can flip the switch very quickly, very easily. But you’ve got to be prepared to accept that pretty much everything you’ve ever been taught is a whole load of s*** and most people can’t. Most people will defend the things that they’ve been taught.
Most people will defend what they believe in until the end of time. Better the devil you know than better the devil you don’t. It’s dangerous. But this is the way the world operates. We got to flip the switch, beautiful soul. You’ve got all of the answers to all of your questions inside your own heart. The question is are you brave enough to take that deep dive? Are you brave enough to take the journey of the heart, the journey of the brave? Or are you going to stay plugged into your external environment lost in the chaos, lost in the mayhem thinking that you know what’s best instead of feeling your way through life and knowing what’s best because there’s a big difference between thinking and knowing, believing and feeling. Know thyself and all the answers to all of your questions are within.
Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, go out into the world and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously with emotional intelligence. Hugging is a beautiful medicine. Make the most of it. 8-minute hugs. Have one of those at least one every single day and watch, feel, experience how your life changes just from hugging. It’s free. It cost you nothing, okay. It cost you absolutely nothing. Remember to be the jester, the joker, the fool. Have fun, dance, be a little bit crazy and don’t take this cosmic human game too seriously. It’s a cosmic Joke man. It really is, and you know this. Go into your heart. Feel this. Question everything.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga, nutrition, breath work, mystery school teachings on hundreds of different topics to raise your vibration, expand your consciousness and navigate this ascension process. We meet every Monday, Wednesday, and second Sunday online for high frequency DNA activations, meditations, cosmic journeys, everything you need to be a high vibrational being to activate that stargate code consciousness. The power of 13. You know the score. I’ll see you again real soon One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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