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How Reality Is Switched And Minds Are Manipulated


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“What happened? I can’t tell you I can’t tell you. I said, Listen, Josh, I love you, you got to tell me what happened.”

I love you with my heart, with my Soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?  So, I want to share with you a story today and I want to dive into the discussion and topic about reality and how reality can be overlaid and how we live in this hologram, and it can be constructed and reconstructed to make a certain human being see something or think something behave in a certain way. Sometimes it can be a positive thing, sometimes it can be a more negative thing. But ultimately, in every single situation, we get the opportunity to grow as humans.

Now, this little event happened about two years ago and it’s quite interesting and fascinating and for some people they will think it sounds completely and utterly bonkers. But I’m going to share it with you and anyway, I don’t expect you to believe a certain word that comes out of my mouth. The single word that comes out of my mouth, goes into your heart and you feel this. Some of you listening to this may have had experiences like this yourself. So, you know, it’ll be completely normal in your kind of worldly experience. When the Covid started  a couple of years back, and this has got nothing to do with that, but this is when it was a couple of years back.

We were doing some powerful online meditations and grid work to help with some of the children in some of these underground bases and we’re bringing a lot of people together online taking souls to quantum hospitals in the field, spaceships, different things, and really helping a lot of souls that have been through some deep, deep trauma. A lot of strange things started happening in our house and with my family, children, etc, which we’ve been through before. We’ve done a lot of good work and quite often when you’re out there doing certain things, you know, there are higher and lower vibrational forces within these kinds of, you know, reality fields, even though we help co-create some of them, they are there and sometimes they can play havoc and chaos in our fields and do certain things.

What happened one day is I was in the kitchen, and my son came home, and he was quite anxious and a little bit petrified and he was like Dad, Dad, Dad, there’s a goblin at the end of the drive. He said, there’s a goblin at the end of the drive. I’m like, okay, so I’m out there having a look around. I can’t see the goblin. So, I’ve come back in, and I’ve said, listen, Josh, what happened, buddy? And he’s like, well, I was riding my bike home and I saw what looked like two foxes running down, coming down in the pavement and they kind of morphed into goblins, and then Josh stopped his bike and he thought that he was having communication with the goblins from where he was. So anyway, he kind of rolled on and got a little bit down the road. He stopped and looked at them and they were kind of just there looking at him and he could hear them talking like, like this kind of weird language, you know, even from 40 or 50 metres down the road. Anyway, he carried on with his bike, went home, came in, and the goblin had followed him to the end of the drive by that point, you know, and that’s when he came running in blah, blah, blah.

So anyway, he’s told me this story. Now he told me that these foxes that shapeshifted into goblins were kind of looking at him but didn’t come anywhere near him. Okay, and this is what he truly thought but it wasn’t the case and we’ll come on to that afterwards. But this happened, okay. Now, we’re continuing with our meditations, blah, blah, blah. Three or four nights later, Josh says we’re going out for a bike ride, and it was like nine o’clock at night. It was like February time. It was still dark, you know, getting dark early. I said, you sure you are going out this late. I said anyway, listen, give us a call if you need anything. So, he’s gone out. I don’t know how long it’s gone, past 30 or 40 minutes or whatever it was.

The phone rings. hello, its Josh, Dad, Dad, Dad, there’s a goblin chasing me down the road. It’s got no legs. It’s in a black jacket and it’s kind of hovering, you know, like over the concrete and Josh is like tearing on his bike.  I said stay on the phone, just get home, where are you? He told me where it was, I went out of the house, and I sprinted up the road because he was only probably 800 metres from the house. So, I’m sprinting up the road, he’s on the phone and he’s like that, that the goblin has just shapeshifted into this big fat fox and now the fox is chasing him. So anyway, by the time he gets around the corner, the fox just vanishes into the ether. By that time, me and Josh meet each other in the street. He explained to me the whole story again, I’m asking him questions, blah, blah, blah.

Three or four days later I’m in my office and my daughter comes downstairs and she says dad, you need to come and help Josh. He’s upstairs in the bedroom and he’s crying. She said something dark just happened, blah, blah, blah. So, I go upstairs, gone into the bedroom. Josh is on the bed. He’s in a lot of pain in his back like up and down his spine and I tune in and I see this being inside of him like spread through his back. Like I’m not even sure how to describe it. It was like a dragon, moth, with a kind of scaly kind of structure. I said what happened. He said, I can’t tell you. I can’t tell you. I said listen, Josh, I love you, you got to tell me what happened. So, after a couple of minutes, he’s like, right I went out earlier in the daytime and he was sitting there with his bike chip sitting there on his own on a park bench in the park and he said a little bird landed next to him on the bench. Josh picked up the bird and Josh heard a voice in his head saying, you know, break the bird’s neck. So, Josh, he broke the bird’s neck in his head. Now he didn’t really break the bird’s neck but in Josh’s mind, he truly believed he broke the bird’s neck. Now he broke the bird’s neck and then Josh is feeling terrible because he’s broken the bird’s neck. Okay, and part of him doesn’t even know why he did it.

Then he heard a voice in his head saying I can help you, you know, just let me in. So, Josh is kind of relaxed and these beings combined through Josh’s body into his body. The bird just dissolved in Josh’s hand because there really wasn’t a bird it was a holographic imprint. So, what has happened is something has overlaid reality into the field, you know, played with Josh’s consciousness, and made him feel guilty and that was the opportunity for the being to slide in. So, I come into the bedroom, and I can see this being inside of him. So anyway, to cut a long story short, I exorcise Josh and I take this beating, I send it back to wherever it needs to go to, clean him up and he goes back to normal. Okay. Now when he came back to normal, he started to remember what happened when he first met the goblins which shapeshifted into foxes in the street.

What happened when they first connected with him, they altered his consciousness and Josh thought they were standing on the pavement, he was in the middle of the road. What really happened is they came up and they touched his finger and when they touched his finger, they changed the reality fields. And he thought that they didn’t touch him but then they, you know, got his consciousness implanted and started this kind of chain reaction over the next few days where they’ve kind of manipulated him and railroaded him to get to the point where his vibration dropped. He wasn’t in tune. He wasn’t aware and he allowed this holographic insert to come into his reality and he broke the bird’s neck and saw this was like a ploy to manipulate his mind as reality, etc., so, they could get into the point where they could infiltrate him and his being and could come inside of him. Now luckily, we know what we’re doing. So, we took the being out and blah, blah, blah, and yes, beautiful soul, and during this whole experience with Josh neither of us were on plant medicine. Neither of us would have taken psilocybin at the time, so we were completely straight.

Okay, this goes to show that reality can be manipulated at the same time. Something else to mention is that reality fields can bleed. So, these goblins may have come through from another reality. I feel they did. But the little bird on the bench was a holographic insert. This is the potential that all humans, all beings have on earth with reality. You can shift it, change it there and do all sorts of different things. What we do with Star magic is do positive things. There are some people out there who are not so positive. You are amazing though, and you know, what’s best for you, your brothers and sisters and our cosmic mother herself. It’s important for every single human being to know what we’re faced with, and everything is also a choice because you don’t have to engage with what you’re presented with in this world.

Whether it’s real or it’s not real, it doesn’t matter, and, in every situation, we don’t have to make a choice immediately. We can kind of take a step back and think okay breathe, centre brother, zero point ourselves and when we come into our heart space, we create more space between us and what’s happening and then we get to see the ripples in the fabric, the truth, the distortion, the disinformation or the reality and the truth and the wisdom in every situation but when you’re inside your head, and you’re in a kind of a low vibrational state, there’s a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response and quite often we either react negatively or destructively, or we make rash decisions from an unbalanced standpoint. That’s what Josh did, because Josh is versed in this stuff, even though he’s still in his sort of mid-teens, he’s been into this stuff for a long time because of what we do with Star magic. But still, we all get caught out and duped again and it’s important that every single one of us maintain our frequency. And that involves meditation, chi, Gong, breath, work, cold showers, exercise, all that stuff, getting out into nature, with your shoes and socks off diving into the ocean, just doing all the things that keep you in a good space, high vibration, nutrition, you’re in therapy, whatever it is, all these things should be a part of your superhuman lifestyle. Okay.

For those of you that don’t know, my new book, Be Superhuman: Activate Your Superhuman Potential is coming out, the ultimate 5D toolkit in November this year. So, stay tuned for that pre orders are on Amazon right now. Anyway, leave that to the side, we must stay in our hearts, and realise that reality is not always what we perceive it to be, and some people can read and can view and perceive the same reality field from a completely different perspective and that doesn’t mean they’re wrong and it doesn’t mean that you’re right. It doesn’t mean you’re wrong and they’re right. All it means is that we’ve just got different perspectives of the same situation and it’s okay to have multiple perspectives and as a highly advanced human being. as a highly conscious being.

You should always frame reality from different perspectives anyway. If someone views reality from one standpoint, put yourself in their shoes, view that reality field from their shoes before you that conversation. So, you know what it’s like to be in their shoes and what it’s like to be in your shoes. Maybe you want to put yourself over here into a third-party perspective observing both realities from both parties and being an observer. How does it look from that standpoint, go above and below to the left, look at it from all perspectives. That’s what a true Jedi does. That’s how a true master pursues reality and can be manipulated. and everything is holographic we’re living in a hologram beautiful soul. As a quantum architect living in this hologram, you can recreate, dissolve, create reality in many ways, shapes, or forms. We are architects, wizards, and witches, we have so much power and potential inside of us.

You are amazing, truly phenomenal. So, remember, reality isn’t always what it seems and you as a powerful being gotten to choose how you perceive that reality. Okay, go out into this world, love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously because that fierce and ferocious love is what we need right now to burn through the BS. Because there’s loads of it around and love crushes and transmutes everything. It is our greatest weapon. Pull out your diamond soul and stand firm, beautiful soul and I will see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website  We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet and, if you click the link underneath this video, you can get access to our free seven-day meditation challenge right now. I’ll see you soon, beautiful soul. One Love, one heart, one human family peace.

How would you like to wake up every single day with joy as your natural default state bouncing around this planet loving every second. It’s easy when you follow a certain set of protocols. It’s time for you to step into your power. You’re a lion, you’re a lioness, a god, a goddess. Right now, you can access our free seven-day meditation challenge. You will activate courage, confidence, connect to source, and feel love in your heart always. You will generate a wave of enthusiasm that will flow from your heart always as you merge the divine masculine and the divine feminine frequencies into wholeness into the zero point. Click the link, access these short, powerful, and potent meditations and kickstart a new way of operating in this human reality.

You are amazing, beautiful soul, amazing, extraordinary, phenomenal. You have so much magic, knowledge and wisdom locked inside of you and these meditations; this short meditation challenge will bring all of that to the surface so you can activate your superhuman potential. Click the link and I will see you on the inside. I want you to thrive, to shine your light and express your divinity, to speak your truth always, to live your truth, to stand in your power and make up your own rules of this human game. Go out into this world. Love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. I will see you on the inside. Click the link now. Let’s do this.