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“Illness, injury, disease can disappear in a heartbeat. I know people have stood up from a wheelchair and walked. I’ve witnessed it. I know people that have seen and heard when they couldn’t see or hear. People with tumours, stage four, stage five gone.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are we feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, the topic of today’s discussion is what is it like when you have a dialogue and everybody asks this question when they’ve never had one, and to explain to someone that has never experienced one of these electrical high frequency high energy downloads that can be instigated through certain types of breathwork, meditation or what star magic is kind of famous for. That is when we use God’s mouth the portal at the back of the neck to send in certain frequencies and codes that run through this portal in the back of the neck which is known as God’s mouth up into the pineal gland and then the master cell in the pineal gland. Download these codes into every cell in the human body and boom the download starts which happens a lot faster than doing it through any type of breath work, any type of meditation.
However, you can achieve the same results through both and when you have one of these dialogues just amazing, I mean its love, its Joy, its bliss, its ecstasy. Sometimes it’s vivid and memorable, sometimes you don’t remember a thing. I mean I’ve been in meditation myself, doing certain pieces of breath work. I’ve even administered God’s mouth where you put one hand over the neck, one hand over the forehead on my own hologram in front of me because to put my hand over here and here it doesn’t work. Doing it on your own physical body you must bring up the hologram, an entangled hologram with your physical body unless you’ve got like elbows that are triple joint here then you can bend and twist them.
Now, when this frequency comes into the body, the body can shake the body, can contort the body, and can bend. Sometimes the body can be completely locked in an upright frozen position, and you can’t move. I’ve seen people standing there for 45 minutes an hour and 20 minutes just completely. Frozen eyes are open. They’re looking around and they can’t move, and the light is just streaming into their body when people can talk, bend, twist, shake, it’s the energy filtering through the body and making its way through those blocks. Like the frequency is shaking the body in a certain way that allows the energy to flow and for the blocks to dissolve and for the blocks to be transmuted. Sometimes things people will have a download and they feel nothing and they’re like nothing happened Jerry and then over the course of the next days and weeks their life completely changes.
So, you can never really judge a book by its cover, but whatever happens regardless of the physical or non-physical experience, what is guaranteed if something’s going to change in your life and the reason something’s going to change in your life, is because you’re going to change internally. You’re having a biological upgrade. I remember in China a few years ago there was this short young girl, and I did God’s mouth, dropping her down to the floor. She was laid out on the stage for maybe 40 minutes, and she was almost still. She was slithering like a snake, like slightly, and then when she came around. She said it was like she was floating through the universe, and she went back to the start of everything. Now this woman had a tumour around her kidney. She went back to the hospital the next week. There’s no tumour because the body has had a biological upgrade and there’s no room for that, this disease.
The body is being reset mentally emotionally, physically and spiritually. There’s a huge reset and restructure and re-synthesizing going on and it happens in seconds and someone’s life can change drastically radically uniquely when you have a biological upgrade when, you have a download of light because that’s what we’re talking about – light, information you’re bringing in codes and frequencies from the cosmic fabric. Sometimes from this dimensional space, sometimes from different frequency bands, higher dimensional spaces. You’re running new frequencies into the body. It changes everything. It’s like the human being is running a program and the program says when you experience someone that says this, you’re going to have this kind of reaction guilt rejection fear blame resentment judgment, whatever it might be, and when that new frequency comes in it wipes out that old program and a new program is downloaded, and the human being never has those reactions anymore. it’s life-changing, it’s beautiful, it’s magical.
I’ve sat there in my chair before and I’ve been doing breathwork, meditation, and working on myself and the next thing an hour and a half’s gone past and I’m on the floor waking up like what has just happened, can’t remember anything. Okay I’ve just had a biological outbreak, a download of the energy, and the lightness just rushed up into my brain. The downloads started moving in through from the cosmic grids above down from my crown and through the back of my neck, and my body is just changing and sometimes you’re out for that. There are other times you remember completely everything that’s going on, every time I do God’s mouth to someone they drop to the floor, they stand, they bend, they twist. Whatever happens to them they have a full recall, but they can’t do anything about it. Whatever position they’re in, they’re in they’re stuck, until the downloads completed
Whether the download takes five minutes or 55 minutes, they’re in that state in that space receiving consciously. They know what’s happening like if we’re in a training and there’s a hundred people there okay, they can hear everyone else in the room, they hear people walking, they hear people talking but they can’t open their eyes. They can’t do anything about it. They’re just stuck. Sometimes they’re in that dialogue with their eyes open and obviously they’re witnessing it; they’re viewing everything that’s happening, but they can’t move. It’s a magical experience and through certain types of breath work which we teach on our star magic trainings in some of our two-day workshops which you can get access to if you’re an Infinity member at
There are many free master classes that we’ve led and there are different types of breath work that I’ve shared that will instigate these kinds of changes, downloads, upgrades for you or whoever, as the human being that wants to receive one of these upgrades, downloads, shifts. You must be disciplined if you’re going in to do it without using God’s mouth and you’re using breathwork and meditation. It might take you an hour, it might take you two hours, it might take you three days, or four weeks to have your first full-blown biological upgrade because you’re just not being disciplined enough now. I know that every single human being on this planet if they are disciplined and dedicated and they use willpower and intelligence they can have huge life-changing biological upgrades in 10, 15, 20 minutes. But what happens is people don’t stick to the protocols, the mind gets in the way. They start to get distracted; it takes discipline but once you’ve had one and you’ve experienced it you know what it takes to get there.
Like anything in life until you’ve experienced it and achieved it, sometimes it might seem a little bit impossible even if you’ve seen other people doing it or having that experience. It’s like can I really do it? It’s the mind tricking you but when you’re dedicated and disciplined, and you decide to follow the protocols you’re guaranteed to have a biological upgrade. Illness, injury, and disease can disappear in a heartbeat. I know people have stood up from a wheelchair and walked. I’ve witnessed it. I know people that have seen and heard when they couldn’t see or hear. People with tumours, stage four, stage five, gone. People with life-threatening brain tumours, the doctor said you’ll be dead in six weeks. He’ll be dead in eight weeks, still alive three or four years later. They’ve been back for brain scans. There’s no tumour anymore. They had a biological upgrade, and everything changed at a subatomic level and there was no room for this disease on this new frequency that they’re running.
Are you interested in changing your life by having one of these biological upgrades? Right, you’ve got options and come to facilitator training. We run five seven and then 10-day programs in person and online. You can come and join Infinity. It’s free for seven days and you can get access to all and not just for having one of these biological upgrades, but for switching on your light body, activating your DNA as well as healing and many different things. There are many tools on our website at waiting for you right now to go and get stuck in.
The question is, are you one of these human beings that sit around wondering can I have one of these experiences, am I good enough for one of these experiences, am I able, maybe these people are different from me, maybe they’re more spiritual, maybe they’ve been doing this longer, maybe they’re special. If you’re one of these human beings that lets your minds chatter away and you believe what your head is telling you then you’re in deep water, but you can change that very quickly. Go to and check out our ascension tools. Get in contact with our support team. We are here to assist you every step of the way. The reason being we now have much magic. Love, frequency, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge is locked inside of every cell of your physical body.
We know when you step into your power, you’re going to serve humanity massively and help your fellow sisters and brothers on this beautiful playground that we call Earth. So, we want you to ignite that inner lion, that inner lioness, and step fully into your power into freedom and sovereignty. The rest is history. Go out into this world, beautiful soul, and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging, you know that. I’ll see you again real soon.
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