Activate your 5th density Merkaba and tap your superhuman potential by following these basics.
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“So, how do you tap in to this 5D avatar version of yourself. How do you activate that merkaba to its highest potential? How do you tap into those incredible cosmic waves that are flowing through the ether trying to transform you right now into your superhuman version.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, we are on this planet, and we are moving into our 5D versions, the light streams coming down from the cosmos, from the great central sun in the constellation of Sagittarius. Those incredible high frequency gamma waves, those plasma lights, those photonic waves of beauty and magic containing those crystal keys, those codes that are unlocking the magic and the beauty inside of our DNA, are streaming into our local environment. This is a natural evolutionary process. We haven’t got to do anything. It’s just naturally going to happen.
This world that we’re around, inside, and this planet that we’re on right now is trying to evolve too. But the people on it, some of them are not, some of them are so still engrossed into their 3d matrix that they’re trying to pull us back down and they don’t do it intentionally. Now a lot of strangers on this planet won’t be affecting you that much but the ones in your family, the ones that are closest to you, boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, moms, dads, sons, daughters, aunties, uncles, close business partners, close friends. Those ones that are close to you they’re the ones that are going to freak out when your vibration rises because you are going to be a different human being. Every single day you’re evolving, every single day your consciousness is elevating. You’re seeing the world differently. You’re feeling and experiencing the world through a brand-new lens, through the eye, your third eye, okay. You’re feeling it and seeing it through your heart.
You’re a multi-dimensional being having a human experience. You’re a galactic titan from the stars down here on this green and blue ball remembering that you are this galactic titan having this human experience and as you remember more and more of who you are, and your vibration rises. People around you are going to get a little bit scared because those that are still in this kind of 3D, higher three, lower 4D reality, still buying into the fear matrix, the control matrix, those that are going to start wearing their masks when it becomes compulsory this Friday in the UK to stick your masks on to go in the shops. These kinds of people are the ones that are going to drag you down and they’re just going to say things, do things out of fear because there’s a part of their frequency that’s not going to recognize your frequency anymore, and that’s going to put them out of balance. It’s going to make them feel a little bit uncomfortable and they’re going to try and cling to the old version of you.
They’re going to try and cling to the 3D version of you, the 4D version of you but you know that isn’t an option. You’re like an air balloon with bags of sand and rope strapped to the basket and there’s gas burning trying to take you up. That gas is your wide-open cosmic cart spewing out magic beauty light codes. It’s the engine fuel lifting your air balloon and all your family members and friends they’re the bags of sand holding on with the ropes. You got to take your sword and you got to cut away the dead wood because I’m telling you your vibration didn’t just ramp up overnight. It was a gradual process so all these people in your life they’ve had an opportunity to ramp up their vibrations too, but they didn’t take it. They decided to buy into the matrix, they decided to have their minds controlled, they decided to be an energy, a fuel source, for beings with negative agendas. They decided to buy into the mind control, the government, to be good little girls and good little boys, good little citizens playing by the rules and the regulations made up by corrupt officials in this world.
Those beautiful souls that got a little bit lost that are a blessing in disguise because they’re showing us so much polarity right now which gives us an opportunity to see with clarity where we really don’t want to be and that is magical. You know we should be so grateful for that at the end of the day those sandbags around your basket you got to cut them all so you can fly high baby. Raise your vibration cut away the dead wood move up through the frequency bands and as you do your heart’s going to open more and more. Your higher heart is going to switch on to degrees and depths that you’ve never knew possible. It’s going to flower like a diamond lotus with an electric blue centre and you’re going to have a direct link up to source in the most phenomenal way and your multi-dimensional merkaba system is just going to switch on naturally.
You have a 5D/6D/7D merkaba and other aspects and layers of your multi-dimensional energy fields, your geometrical energy field. It’s just going to switch on and you’re going to become the mathematical equation that you are, the geometrical being that you are in this human avatar and your superhuman abilities. Boy they’re going to switch on and go through the roof. I hope you’re ready because magic is flowing into your life right now, beautiful soul. You’ve got to do this for you. You came to this planet for you and simply by you being here for you showing up for yourself and doing those things that elevate your personal vibration, that wave of Christ consciousness. Magic, love, beauty, is going to ripple out through the planetary environment and be like a colossal thunderbolt in the hearts of your sisters and brothers just by you being you and showing up for yourself. You’re going to ignite their divine sparks and they’re going to be catapulted forwards.
So, the best thing you can do right now is to work on yourself. Meditation, qigong, deep breath work, eat those photons through those live foods that mother nature creates not that GMO that you get in the supermarkets. Lots of high vibrational, high PH, water, exercise. Do your weights, your runs, your sprints, your punch bag, your yoga, whatever it is that you do. Go out for a swim, climb some mountains, and hug some trees. Get your shoes and socks off and connect with the soil. The soil contains your original blueprint so connect with it. The gold, the silver, the potassium, the selenium, the magic that’s in the soil. Draw it up into your body, connect with those electromagnetic frequencies from the stars and the magnetic ones from the earth, the masculine, and the feminine energies. Do the work, beautiful soul.
Anyway, I love you so much. You are just amazing. Do you know how amazing you are. Go and look in the mirror as soon as you’ve finished watching this video and look into your own eyes and see the wild lion or lioness, the diamond lion or lioness, that’s inside of your heart space. Connect him or her with it and allow it to rise to the surface and breathe out through your lungs and into the world. Go out and hug tightly. Never be the first to let go beautiful soul. That’s the golden rule of hugging. It’s the golden rule of hugging. Love fiercely and ferociously.
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