There is one sure-fire way to raise your vibration and maintain it and it doesn’t come from an external source. If you want to be truly happy, live freely and enjoy life, then follow this basic principle and discover the new gold. You will reach a higher state of consciousness and thrive, quickly. Happiness is an inside job. Joy is an inside job but how do you create the happiness and joy and maintain it? Watch, listen and apply beautiful soul!
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right there, beautiful soul.
So, what is the new gold? What is the new formula for maintaining a high vibration in this crazy old world. Well, this new formula isn’t really a new formula. It’s an ancient formula but most people have forgotten that it exists because most people are taking life far too seriously. We are these kinds of characters playing this game on planet Earth interacting with each other. We’re on a great big stage and it’s just one big pantomime unfolding, and people forget to laugh. Laughter is the best drug on the planet. When you are in high humour, when you are laughing, when you are smiling, things just deflect off you.
When you’re stuck in your heads and you are engrossed in the situation that’s unfolding in front of you or around you take it too seriously because you start to think about what that person said, and this person did, and in this situation over there and these people arguing, and you start to internalize it. You start to go around in circles, and you start to judge this element of the equation, and it becomes a very secret matter. But really, it’s just madness. There is no reason for any human being on this planet to argue. We’re all sisters and brothers. We should be running around this planet laughing, joking, having fun, smiling, helping each other but instead we’re trying to get somewhere but there’s nowhere to go. This is the crazy thing because on a stage, we’re on a stage. You can’t go anywhere on a stage. You can walk up to the front of the stage, or you can go to the back of the stage, or you can go to the right of the stage, to the left of the stage. but there’s nowhere else to go.
When we’ve bought into this crazy illusion, we think that there’s somewhere to go to but there’s only one place to go, into our hearts and inside our hearts we’re going to discover a whole new world and inside our hearts there’s a whole expanse of different stages that we can play on 24/7 365. But instead, we argue in with all the other characters on the stage trying to put on a performance for all the people in the audience which are all part of our great big play we’re just sharing with each other. You’ve got policemen fighting with civilians. Again, they’re just two characters on the same stage but they’re fighting with each other and then the people that wrote the play, they’re just laughing thinking look at these crazy people. They don’t even know that they’re in a play. We’re controlling the puppet strings. But we’re so engrossed trying to go somewhere to get off the stage and out of the game that we don’t realize that the only way out is to go in. So, it becomes a confusing mess. Then we start on a trail that is going to take us nowhere. We go down this road, we go down that road, but we just bump into more characters. They bring our vibration back down again. We end up back on the stage trying to figure it all out but there’s nothing to figure out.
We are unconditional love. We are frequency, we are vibration. All we need to do is to tap into the new gold. Laughter baby, for ancient gold, the ancient wisdom, laughs like crazy. Look into someone’s eyes and smile. Just do that for a few minutes, just smile and smile and smile, and don’t say anything. Both of you will just be so happy. A smile is priceless, laughter is priceless. its beyond gold. Gold has a price, it has an intrinsic value which is important, but it has a price, it has a value. Your laughter, your humour, your smile, is something that you can turn and switch on at any time. No one can take it away from you. It doesn’t cost you anything and you can put a million smiles and bouts of laughter and it’s going to reduce the aging process. It’s going to make you feel younger, it’s going to make you happier. There are so many benefits to smiling and laughing so stop taking life so seriously.
We’re like musical instruments but the problem is the music that’s being played through most of us has been written by the script writers who have written this great big play. What we fail to realize is that we are the script writers of our very own play, but we’ve just handed that responsibility over to someone else or something else because we’ve become dependent on other forces, on the government, on rules and regulations that we deem that will keep us safe and nourished. But really, they want to control us, control our music. Being human, the only thing that is going to nourish you or I is our own internal energy force and if we hand that responsibility over to someone else, they’re going to make sure that that internal energy force is flowing full of fear, flowing full of guilt, flowing full of rejection, flowing full of negative frequencies.
You are a musical instrument, and you can reach in at any time and play a different vibration or harmonic which is love, joy, divinity, unity, compassion, freedom, ecstasy, bliss. You can play all of this through your musical instrument. so why would you not want to do that man. It doesn’t make any sense, but the thing is if you don’t know you’re in a play and you don’t know you’re a character wearing a costume then you’re screwed to start with. Now you know to take the action and I’m pretty sure before watching this video that you knew anyway and maybe you’ve already taken the action to withdraw from the play, to close the curtains, walk backstage, take off your costume and walk out into a brand-new reality. Maybe you’ve already done that but if you haven’t there’s the door.
Off you go, walk off the stage through that golden door into paradise because paradise is available to you 24/7 but you’ve got to know that it’s an option. If you don’t know that it’s an option, you’re just going to stay on the stage inside your costume getting sweaty, getting dirty, wondering when it’s all going to end hoping that the audience will go home early so you can get an early night. But that’s not going to happen because this play runs 24/7 365 and it even runs after you leave your body and pass back to spirit. The game continues but when you raise your levels of consciousness, you raise your levels of awareness. You become an enlightened human, you can make different choices, beautiful soul. So, my message to you today is laugh more, smile more, joke more, have fun with life and stop taking it so seriously. Walk off the stage and create your own reality because this one’s a bit nutty. I love you, beautiful soul. Wherever you are on this planet, go out and hug tightly and remember, and don’t ever forget this. Never be the first to let go of a hug. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
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