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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, today I wanted to share a little message with you about taking your time and living moment by moment so that you can experience and truly appreciate the magic in every single moment because so many people are rushing through life. So many people do not give themselves the opportunity to experience and appreciate the beauty that is in every single moment. Most people are thinking about the future or thinking about the past and neither the future nor the past are going to do you any favours. The only place that you can invoke change, that you can have a real impact on, is right now.
So, if you gather and harness all your energy by being present, you are going to be able to set yourself up for a much better future, but you are not going to be able to change that future unless you can harness your energy now. So that is one by-product of allowing yourself to be in the mystical realms of the present moment 24/7 365, and to appreciate the beauty and the wonder in the smallest of things.
I mean right now I am sharing with you as I am driving to the gym in the morning, I am passing fields and trees, and the colour of the trees and the fields, there’s yellows and whites and browns and greens, and reds and it is wonderful, beautiful. It blows you away when you allow yourself to submerge into the depths of these colours and most people just drive down the road and not really appreciate this stuff. People take things for granted. Right now, I am on the way to the gym and a lot of people when they are on their way somewhere, they are thinking about where they are going to or what they’re going to do. After they have been to the place that they are on the way to right now, they are always ahead but when you are always thinking in that way, you will never truly maximize your potential and your energy.
We live in a world and play the game of energy all the time so why would you allow yourself to be siphoned like this? Why would you siphon yourself of the energy like this? When you are eating food, you should be focused on the food, when you are listening to someone tell you should be listening to them talk and not focused on what you are going to do later or thinking about you know what you are going to say when they finish their sentence, or whatever it is that they are sharing with you. Most of us are very rarely fully present. It is a skill set. It does take practice to keep bringing yourself back to that moment but when you keep bringing yourself into this present moment and you consciously observe everything around you without labelling it, without judging it, without giving it a name or anything like that, you start to feel the vibration and everything around you.
When you start to feel the vibration and everything around you because there is no label, there is no judgment, you are just observing and feeling and submerging into the moment. You start to experience life differently. You start to realize the interconnectedness of everything, and that interconnectedness is the truth. It is magic and the only human being that can control this is you. I cannot make you do this. No one can make me do this. This is a personal choice, and it is a personal choice that must be backed up with dedication and discipline because if you’re not dedicated and disciplined to consciously be aware then you will get pulled from pillar to post and dragged into all these external situations. You will be distracted. This world is full of distractions, so you have got to allow yourself to observe everything around you and all the potential distractions too and you will start to see and feel and know how powerful you truly are.
By bringing all your awareness and conscious attention into this present moment space you can have a powerful impact on everything in the external environment. It is like you are a puppet master and you have got all these strings. They are connected to people to trees to animals to situations to events to everything because you are connected to all things, and you can start to play around with your own energy, and you can dictate the play. You are like the director in a movie, and everyone works for you. This is the power that you possess, beautiful soul. But unless you can harness this present moment and start to really appreciate the magic and the beauty and all and really harness the energy in this now space, you are never ever going to be able to change and influence your external environment.
It is that simple. Feel this, do not think about it. Feel it, and the only way you are going to truly understand if what I am sharing with you is truth or not is if you practice I do not expect you to believe a single word that comes out of my mouth, go and experience this for yourself, go into a park and walk very slowly around sit on a bench observe everything with no labels and judgment submerged into that moment. See people walking their dogs, see flowers, trees, birds in the trees. Observe it and feel it. Go beyond the physical form wherever you are on this magical planet, beautiful soul. Go out and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. You know the golden rule of hugging, go, and shine your light, express your divinity, be authentic.
Just love life man, look in the mirror and love you. Look around and just love it all. It is magical, it truly is. It truly is a phenomenal world to play and create in. It is a great playground, it is a great learning ground, a memory. Go and have fun, beautiful souls, go, and have fun. Be loved. Just smile, let go, enjoy. Be joy, enjoy, be joy, be blessed. You are pure magic. You are a wizard, you are a witch, you’re all things. A lion, a lioness, a god, a goddess.
Remember to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet for raising your vibration, expanding your consciousness, and stepping into your superhuman power. Join our new telegram group spiritual gangster one and gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one, and we have just started a new TikTok channel putting three-minute activations up every day. They will keep your vibration high. Go and follow us on TikTok. It is Star Magic Healing, and I will see you again real soon.
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