In this video Kelly shares her experience of star magic meditations and healing frequencies and how they healed her teeth, saving thousands of dollars and lots of pain and the requirement for anaesthetic. Her story is one of many who have transformed their lives by using the star magic frequency through Jerry Sargeant’s guided meditations.
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“Hi Jerry, hi star magic tribe. I just wanted to take a few moments out and tell you how deeply grateful I am for you bringing star magic to life for you and for your incredibly beautiful expansive imagination and connection to the unseen world in this magical universe. You have brought so many gifts to my life. It’s hard to describe in words all the changes that I’ve had but when I look back seven months ago, and it’s only been seven months and the changes that I’ve made within myself are unbelievable and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your guidance and all the incredible meditations and doing the classes with you.
You have brought the world of colour into my life where it was a very dull place before within my own being. One specific instance that happened that was so profound indeed. During Infinite Wisdom six I had joined you for that and that was my first Infinite Wisdom. My entire life I’ve never felt like I fit in but for the first time in my life I felt like I had this family, that I was connected to that. I didn’t even see; I didn’t know but it felt so good to be in communion with people who understood me at a deep level. I want to thank you for that, and I also want to thank you for reading everyone’s comments in that class, in those classes, because it really helps connect us and get to know people at a much deeper level than just being on a call and you doing your thing but not giving us a voice. I’m so grateful for the voice that you gave us and the camaraderie and the amount of laughter. It was so deeply healing beyond the meditations.
It’s sometimes, it’s so hard to describe in words what happens and now during infinite wisdom six I had a huge healing come up with my teeth and I knew it was coming to the surface, to come up and out, and it brings you to your knees pain. If you’ve ever had a root canal or experienced anything like that it is the amount of pain is unbelievable. So, I sat with it through infinite wisdom six and it kept coming and it would come and go and come and go and one day I was like alright I’m just going to go into the meditation library. I need guidance because I know I can heal this pain without going to see a dentist, without doing the old way because I’ve done the old way before. In the old way I wound up with root canals and expenses and things that I know my body knows how to naturally heal.
So, I came across the Lyran meditation on aches and pains and as I stepped into the meditation and started listening to it the pain and my mouth grew even worse. It was horrific but it broke me open and during that meditation I was broken open so much so from the pain, sorry. With the amount of unconditional love that came through I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life, that amount of love. As I went through the meditation I was broken open from this pain. Towards the end of the meditation the pain started getting less and less and by the end of the meditation the pain was gone. It kind of came and went throughout the rest of the day. When I was in the meditation, I was told to do this meditation for six days in a row. So, each day when I would start into the meditation the pain would increase and I knew it was increasing because it was leaving, and I was listening to it, and I was being with the pain. But each day the pain decreased and by the sixth day the pain was gone.
That was I want to say two months ago now and my pain is completely gone, and I know it was those meditations. It was the Lyran being and you bringing it through and just for that alone to not have to go to a dentist to trust in my knowing and to have help from this miraculous invisible realm that I never understood. Before it was more of an idea versus it being a reality in my life so for that I am so deeply grateful and even in infinite wisdom seven. I mean the number of synchronicities when you do your meditations, and it doesn’t matter if my eyes are closed or open. It’s as if you’ve crawled into me and I don’t even have words for it because it’s like everything you’re saying is happening in my real world and deeper. I am so grateful and so honoured to share this earth plane with you and I’m so grateful for the work that you put out for humanity and to have a tribe and to have found my place, my voice, my true passion.
I mean you brought out in me my life’s work as a mother so I can’t thank you enough. Brother you are incredible and the beings that you work with and work through you are magical, and I’ve done more workshops and more healing in the last 10 years but I’ve never consistently stuck with something like I have star magic and I see the change and I see the difference and I know it because I feel it and I live it every day. Now I’m a better mother, I’m a better partner I’m a better friend, I’m a better facilitator. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart, from every fibre of every cell of my entire being. Thank you.”
Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. We have life-changing meditations to heal illness and disease, enhance business performance and heal relationships. You can access them all at home or on the move. Your vibration will rise as you connect deeply. You have access to short yoga routines to activate you in different ways, cosmic yoga to activate your third eye, open your hearts and your crown chakra, help you sleep better and much more. The instruction is easy to follow and carefully explains that your mind, body, and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. There are a large variety of high vibrational recipes that are quick to prepare, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, dessert, shakes, and smoothies you can make for yourself or the whole family. The food is healthy, tasty, and fun to create. You can choose from a selection of light codes and light language transmissions. Light language is the language of the soul, and our super-powerful transmissions will expand your consciousness and turbocharge your vibration. At the same time the visual light codes will activate your pineal gland and switch on your body’s natural potential.
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