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“Oh my gosh baby, this is crazy man. I have a message to share with you today from a beautiful soul called jack. Unfortunately, jack has passed back to the spirit world but fortunately for you and for me Jack has shared this message with us. So, listen carefully because everyone on the planet needs to hear this.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? Life is magical baby but at the same time it is crazy. I’ve got a message to share with you today from a beautiful soul called jack who’s passed back to the spirit world. This is a very important message so open your heart, open your ears, and listen. I wrote this from heaven. Listen carefully beautiful soul.
I gasped and sweated, looked down the line. They stood and fretted, panicked, and stressed, their brains a mess because Boris said wear them or you might die. You’ll get worse if you don’t wear a mask. You could end up in a hearse. I was hot from the sun; the heat was strong. Me, I am free. I’ve won. I don’t consent. It’s wrong. give me. Give me another hit of my cosmic bong, know you fully no drugs up in here. You believe everything you hear is why you’re wearing a mask.
Oh, dear this is crazy brother. You must listen. Snakes infiltrated your consciousness. Can’t you hear them hissing. This is after I died. Now I’ve come back to warn you so the lies you can realize. They took me by surprise. They filled me with lies. Now I’m talking to you from heaven I want you to open your eyes and the phone just rang – excuse me sir, the doctor saying your results are in. Your kidneys are infected. Come to the hospital, it is standard routine. You won’t be injected. Oh, doc you must be right. Surely you care, I trust you right. The doc arrived at the docks. Come with me let me take your temperature for Covid 19. But doc you said it’s my kidneys. Why do I need this? It’s okay son. It’s normal procedure. The doc grinned. My concern was dismissed.
Oh my gosh it’s 41. Call the team, Covid’s got this one. Swab him and test him. It looks serious to me, still grinning was the doc. Now this seems strange to me. Eight of them came, pinned me to the bed. They pushed it at my nose. The pain I could feel. My nose it bled. The docs stared deep into my eyes. They pulled out the swab like predators around prey. My heartbeat is faster there was tension in my thighs. I tried to move. I want to scream then the needle went in. It pierced my skin. I started to wriggle but it didn’t last long. I started to feel light. Something was wrong. It got hazy and fuzzy and then I saw lights. I was hovering above looking down at this site, another notch on my boat, the boss will be pleased, another commission, the wife will get down on her knees. 25k a pop, this young lad’s worth it. I watched from above. Holy this is happening on earth, the docs below my body in the middle.
I looked to my left. Satan was playing his dark fiddle. Satan passed me the death certificate. Let’s write out this riddle. John the sheep, 29th of July 2020, Covid 19 and he was only 20. I was dead. What an idiot. Satan was smiling. Send his soul back down, keep them coming keep filing. Demons surrounded me. They told me they owned me even after I die, they still want to control me. No way you evil demons. You won’t do it again. I see clearly now I’m here. The world is insane. You are killing the children; you are drinking their bloods. I didn’t believe it when I was there. Now I’ve been killed, it hit me with a thud. I see it all clearly. You control the media, the police, the army, and politicians, and our doctors. I’m on the other side, I’m woke now you fool. I’m going back to warn them. This world is ever so cruel, demons you can leave. I am free and my future is a choice and for me to weave, you see, beautiful soul, listening to me my name is jack. They stabbed me in the back. I’m referring to the government who I thought had my back.
Now I am here, a multi-dimensional being. I see the world differently. I wish you could see what I was seeing. There are tunnels in the grounds, ET’s walk amongst us. They are cheering you on and sending light codes to expand your consciousness. The media is full of lies. The movies are full of truth. If you don’t rise now, they will tighten this noose. I know it takes courage but from here I see your true essence that is infinite is what is talking to you now through me. You are a galactic titan, an extraordinary being. Rise like a lion, open your eyes and start feeling. I speak to you all including agents of the states as I wander through heaven observing your actions of late. You committed murder and kidnap. You’ve caused distress on the masses as the media drives fear. The public it harasses. If it wasn’t for the police, the army, politicians, doctors and nurses, coffins would be empty, roads with no hearses but there are good apples working in the system.
Those docs in white coats sharing truth seeing up yours, billy no mate’s gates. We won’t assist him. His vaccine is dangerous. It kills, it’s obscene. All you need is zinc and hydro chloroquine. Your death rates are wrong, = your statistics are inaccurate. These brave souls in white coats are fighting for freedom to balance it. Immaculate from above I can see it all and some of it’s quite shocking. Hollywood is Satan’s playground. The sheep come flocking from beyond the veil looking back into the back of that car. John legend smoking crack and sucking Obama off hard just to rise and climb for fame, but now johnny boy your name’s a shame. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Obama’s, Clintons, the Bidens, and Thatcher’s and Gates to name, but a few. They are sick, twisted, and heartless. The world will soon know the truth. Just puppets are they, of the Jesuits those child murdering peanut heads you could break them like biscuits.
If you all just came together, bonded, unified, a human tribe forever. It’s the only way you can win this war Hoping and praying is useless. It’s time for you all to rise and roar. I see thousands of kids, all colours, and races from Haiti to Europe to the USA. The cabal left too many traces, selling kids through wi-fi and our beloved amazon. So, these white rabbit drinking actors could get their hands on them, they burn them, and cut them rape them, and eat them. They sell them and trade them and treat them like commodities. They love the pain and fear and would never give apologies. They believe they control the world. It’s their destiny., their monopoly. To find yourself, think for yourself. He knew the truth. His name was Socrates.
Legends of this world have shared the truth through music from Lennon to Jackson to Marley, they told you love is the answer. It will shift you and move you, grow you. Did you listen, did you use it like Bob said. How long should they kill our prophets. I know what you were thinking. It was a song. It was music. So, you listened without listening and then you refused it. You could have stopped this a long time ago but anyway it doesn’t really matter. Human trafficking continues with the show. Now is the time for you to rally the troops sharing these truths and putting everyone in the loop. Humanity is fierce. You just need to remember like Guy Fawkes and his crew on the 5th of November, like Joan of Arc and great many men and women throughout history.
It is time for redemption. Let’s unravel this mystery, come together, unite as one. Love is the message along with laughter and fun. These three ingredients are like magical potions. They will unlock the holy grail and open the ocean so the ocean of love spills from the hearts and souls of humanity and together you expose the insanity and rejoice as a global family. I will cheer you on from the spirit world. It’s beautiful up here but remember if you don’t act now you may end up on the other side like me, an onlooker, a sightseer. You have a choice and that is love or fear, slavery or sovereignty, small or almighty, the hunted becomes the hunter. The frequency of Aphrodite, that divine feminine essence that flows through you all. You must harness it and nurture it. It’s mother nature’s call to all of you here on planet earth listening to me right now. I love you. You are fierce. I respect you, I am out with a bow, your brother jack.
Breathe beautiful soul. This is the truth some of us, we hear when people share with us. Some of us we feel when people share with us. Sometimes it’s through music, sometimes it’s through poetry, sometimes just normal conversation. To share this message with your sisters and brothers we need to wake up. All of us it’s time.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, I want you to know that I love you. You are incredible. I love you as my sister or my brother. We truly are a human family and when we come together, we can create magic miracles. We have the energy. the potential. Inside of our hearts to create worlds, universes, multiverses. Taking back control of our planet should be a blip easy-peasy but you’ve got to focus, and you’ve got to decide, and you’ve got to make that conscious choice. I love you so much. Share this message. Share it with everyone you know and let’s give everybody the opportunity to wake up.
Go out into this world, hug tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website Hit the like button, the notifications button. If you’ve not already done so and I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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