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High Frequency Guided Meditation & Lyran Psychic Surgery


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now Beautiful Soul? So today right now I’m going to invite you into a space with me so I can guide you through a 30-minute meditation combination with psychic surgery performed by some incredible Microscopic Lyran Surgeons. This meditation is powerful. It’s a high frequency transmission with light language. So just kick back, enjoy the process, have no expectations, and just allow surrender and be and observe your body, your energetic field, your space as the surgery and the transmission takes place. You are amazing, beautiful soul. Enjoy the process. Wherever you are on this magical planet. Close your eyes and breathe into your body. Just be here in this space with your sisters and your brothers. Ready to elevate, to expand, to heal.

Breathe into your body. Your powerful, magical body. Breathe into your nose. All the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. Long, slow, deep breaths. Be here now. Feel your environment. Feel your body, the home of your soul. In this reality and know that you deserve to be here right now, in this moment. This space is all about you. You are the one and only powerful supersonic and as you are breathing into your body, you’ll become aware of a crystal yellow flowing in through the walls, down through the ceiling, up through the floor. This powerful crystal yellow and high frequency diamond flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of you in a clockwise direction over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling, getting brighter and stronger, swirling around the outside of your physicalness, like a powerful, crystal yellow and high frequency diamond tornado.

You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe it in through your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain. Into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull. Down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column. Middle back, lower back into your buttocks, in through your heart, your lungs, your ribcage down through every vital organ, through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and your hamstring. Down through your knees. Your calves. Past your shins into your ankles. Through your feet. All the way to the tips of your toes. It moves through your shoulders, down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs.

Continue to breathe in this powerful light and so the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full, in your mind, say thank you and keep breathing as this light flows through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of your entire being. Your cells, they dance and smile, communicating with each other like one big happy family. Your heart expands and expands and expands. Filling up your chest, expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body, and into the empty space as the light from your own soul illuminates your environment.

You become aware of this diamond and peppermint frequency flowing down from above this tiny cylinder, moving down through the empty space towards your crown. It gets within two meters, a metre, and a half, one meter, half a meter, and it flows gently down through your crown and this peppermint and diamond cylinder plugs into your brain. And as it does seamlessly, you become aware of thousands of tiny, little, microscopic Lyran surgeons moving down through this electrical stream and into your brain. They land, tiny. They start to scamper across your brain. They dive into your left and right hemisphere. They move around the outside of your brain and down through your head and your face. Some of them go to work on your eyes, some of them on your teeth, some of them on your pineal gland. Your pituitary gland. Some work inside both hemispheres.

These tiny, microscopic surgeons clamber down into your throat, working on your voice, your throat, the muscles in your neck. More of them move down into your shoulders and your chest. Many of them start to climb down your vertebrae all the way down to your sacrum at the bottom. 13 of them start to gather around each vertebra with their tiny little diamonds and peppermint crystal light rings. They start to work on your vertebrae. They start to work on the electrical system flowing up and down the centre. More of these Lyran surgeons clamber on to your vital organs into your lungs. They work on your heart. Your rib cage. Some move down your arms, working on your elbow joints, your shoulder joints, your wrists. Some work on your hands. Fingers, thumbs. The joints in your fingers and thumbs. They clamber down into your buttocks, hips, groin. They move down from your legs into your knees, down into your ankles, feet, and soles as these microscopic Lyran surgeons go to work. They know exactly what you need.

Just be in this space and allow them to move through your body as they do, you become aware of this incredible amethyst light, it blankets the space underneath you and this amethyst light starts to flow up through your space, up through your physical body, up and around the outside of it, through the crystal yellow and diamond tornado shape, changing its frequency. The amethyst light moves up over your head, up over your chest, shoulders, head, face, crab. It flows up through this space. And then this amethyst frequency starts to swirl clockwise. It swirls faster and faster and it starts to merge with the crystal yellow and diamond tornado. And then you look to your left. You look to your right.

You become aware of two feline beings, two Lyran Syrians, two Annuhazis, these beautiful, high frequency, galactic beings sit in the space staring into your soul, observing their star sisters and star brothers. Those microscopic Lyran surgeons working on your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies healing from the inside out, as you vibrate the Annuhazi’s open their heart and these beautiful magenta, turquoise crystal white and platinum frequencies swirl out from their hearts towards your body. They get within a meter, 75 centimetres, 50, 25. They swirl into your hands and boom, there’s an explosion of light. Light codes start to flow from these two feline beings through these electrical streams. And into your hearts space. Light flows up and down your central column and as the codes start to flow up and down your central column and then move through your physical body into every cell.

Codes are shared with the microscopic surgeons to amplify their frequencies to make the work more effective. Just be in this space as your heart expands and expands as your energy is amplified and elevated, Merkabah field spinning in your transmission centres, your kidneys being cleansing, lifetime of trauma dissolving right now. You feel lighter and lighter. You feel the frequency of kindness and the energy of love, and you realize in this moment, as you’re healing, elevating, and transforming, that the vibrational frequency in your body is having a positive impact on the whole of humanity. You are a catalyst for major change. Just be in this space and feel. Be in this space and surrender. You are an instrument of truth, magical. Just be here and feel this.

As you vibrate Mother Earth opens her heart and this platinum frequency with green sapphire codes flows up through the rocks and the minerals racing up towards the surface of the planet. It flows faster and faster up through the planet’s surface, up through your perineum, through your body heart, higher hearts and into your throat.  Boom, there’s a huge explosion of energy as your throat bursts open. The energy flows up into your pineal gland. Boom, there’s another explosion. The light flows up into your crown. Boom, three explosions of energy

as these green sapphire codes move around the inside of you. That magnetic celestial light grounding you into the planet as the Annuhazi start to communicate with you telepathically. Your Merkabah field spinning like crazy. Just be in this space and receive as your heart to expands and expands and expands the Annuhazi open their hearts wide.

Light language transmission

Each one of the Lyran microscopic surgeon stops exactly where they are, and they penetrate one cell with a crystal light. Multiple cells inside your body start to vibrate, and each one of those cells housing a crystal microscopic light, will start to send charges of electrical energy to every other cell in your physical body and every bio photon of light in your light body. The Annuhazi open their pineal gland, two crystal white streams with electric, pink, code flow through the empty space. 3 to 1. Boom.

There’s another explosion in your third eye. It starts to vibrate, stimulated it expands. Letting off this divine frequency you feel love emanating from the centre of your brain, waves and waves of love pouring out from your mind. It feels incredible. You realize in this moment that love doesn’t just come from your heart. Love in every, every, cell in your body produces the frequency of love. You are amazing. The Annuhazi open their hearts wider, Mother Earth opens her heart wide. Every single microscopic surgeon inside your body opens their heart and this rush of love floods through your physical vessel inside and out. You feel loved beyond measure as your energy amplifies. Just be here now and know that you are the one that you’ve been waiting for. Nothing, and no one else exists other than you. Everyone else, everything else is a divine reflection of your own source code. Be here and feel this.

Light language transmission

That peppermint and diamond frequency flowing down through your crown and into your brain starts to vibrate and glow. All those Lyran surgeons start to move up through your boy from your tongue, from your ankles, from your knees. They scamper up through the inside of your physicalness leaving trails of Lyran energy as they jump back up into that cylinder and race back up through the empty space, they move up through your body ever so fast and the last few Lyran microscopic surgeons disappear into the cylinder and the cylinder starts to rise out from your crown up through the space until it disappears back into the cosmic fabric.

Mother Earth continues to stream those magnetic codes into your throat, your pineal gland and your crown as the Annuhazi start to roar. They communicate with you telepathically and let you know they’ll see you again very soon. They remind you to live your truth, to shine your light and express your magic with every movement, with every word, with every emotion, reminding you, that every word, every emotion, every thought has a ripple throughout the energetics of the cosmic fabric. So, take responsibility for the frequency that you emanate as you vibrate in this space. You start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle.

We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be. Take your time there is no hurry. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes Come back into this space and just be. Take your time. There’s no hurry. You are amazing. Other worldly is what you are. Feel this beautiful soul, pure magic. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Bringing your light to this experience, your magic, your energy to everything. You are amazing, beautiful soul. Thank you so much for being here on planet Earth and gracing the rest of your sisters and your brothers with your magical, magical presence. I recommend you come back and do this meditation again. Set yourself a great big intention before we go into it. Now you’ve had the experience. You know what to expect. Go and do it again and take it to a brand-new level. You are amazing, supersonic. Go to and to this world’s love, your sisters, and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly. And you know the golden rule of hugging never be the first to let go.

If you enjoyed this meditation and you want to experience more, then go over to our website here and check out all our Ascension Tools. And if you click the link underneath this video, you can get Free access to our Seven Day Infinity Challenges right now. Go on, be awesome. Shine your powerful light. Express your divinity in every which way possible. Speak your truth, live your truth, and be the beacon of divinity that you came to planet Earth to be. I’ll see you again. real soon beautiful soul.