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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How will you feel right now, beautiful soul? So, I invite you into this space with me to step back from life. 30 Life-Changing Minutes. This high frequency meditation is potent, extremely powerful. You’re going to heal mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, on every single level. So, kick back, relax, and let’s do this.
Okay, beautiful Soul, wherever you are on this magical planet, close your eyes and just be in this space. Breathe into your body. Breathe Into your soul. Breathe deeper and longer and slower, and just be here, now. Let your body melt and surrender into this moment. Since all the other moments that have ever been and ever will be. No time, no distance. No motion. Just vibration. Breathe in through your nose. All the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. Take long, slow, deep breaths as your breathing ends. Your body, your powerful, magical body.
You’ll become aware of a high frequency, jade green, and high frequency diamond light flowing in through the walls, down through the ceiling, up through the floor. This power for high frequency jades and electric diamond light flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of you in a clockwise direction over your head and zenith. You’ll see around your chest, around your back, swirling, getting brighter and stronger, swirling around the outside of your physical body like a tower of high frequency jade, an electric diamond tornado. You start to bring this frequency in.
You breathe in through your nose up and see your mind. It flows into your left brain. Into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull. Down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column. Middle, back, lower back inside your body. Through your heart. Your lungs. Your rib cage. Down through every vital organ. Through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and your hamstring down through your knees. Your calves past your machines into your ankles, through your feet, all the way to the tips of your toes. It moves through your shoulders, down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thighs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your cells, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown.
Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind, say thank you and keep breathing. This light flows through every cell, every axon, every molecule, every fibre of your entire body, your cells, they dance and smile, communicating with each other like one big happy family. Your heart expands and expands and expands filling up your chest, expanding past the boundaries of your physical body and into the empty space. As the light from your own soul illuminates your environment and the love from your own heart reminds you that you are connected, super connected to all things.
As you expand and vibrates in this space, breathing in that high frequency electrical, your light body starts to rise slowly but surely your light starts to rise through your physical-ness, up through your shoulders, up through your crown, rising slowly up into the space above, up through the energy, up through the frequency, leaving your physical body behind. You rise one meter, a meter, and a half, and then you stop vibrating in this space. Your body starts to transition from a vertical to a horizontal position. Your face, the back of your head, your shoulders. They move backwards and down your legs, your ankles move forwards and up. You slowly transition and see your life vibrating, levitating in the empty space in the horizontal position up above your crown. As you vibrate in this space, you become aware of a small electric, blue inverted pyramid spinning clockwise up above your forehead. This small electric blue period spins faster and faster, drawing in high frequency light and healing colours.
These codes stream into the pyramid and the apex opens. A beautiful light flows down through your forehead, through your brain, and into your pineal gland. Oh. There’s a small explosion of electrical energy. As these codes are downloaded into your third eye, a stream of light flows from your pineal gland straight down for your central column and into your perineum. You then become aware that to your left and your right are two beautiful butterflies, electric blue with golden bodies and multi-coloured geometry weaved through their wings. These butterflies move up into your space. They start to move their wings and sprinkle stardust into your chest, your stomach over your hips, your shoulders, and arms. Within these streams and sprinkles of stardust. There are powerful healing colours. Your light body absorbs them, and the butterflies open their multidimensional hearts. These beautiful spirals of lines flow from the butterflies’ hearts through the space and connect with your heart. These gems, the powerful energies spiral and stream into your body as the apex of the pyramid above opens slightly wider, energizing your body.
You become aware of two inverted amethyst pyramids, one spinning above each of your knees in a clockwise direction. These amethyst pyramids draw inhaling frequencies from the Andromeda Galaxy. Downloading these high frequency data streams, light codes. The pyramids spin faster and faster, getting brighter, and then the apex is open and crystal white diamonds and amethyst streams slow down into your knees. These electrical energies splinter and flow through your knees. Your calves up through your thighs and your hamstring. Uploading these healing codes into your light body as you start to vibrate faster.
Your heart is expanding and expanding and expanding. The butterflies open. Their hearts widen and then these rainbow-coloured lines the shape of a human body, but with no physical structure. It appears in the space time by your feet. This rainbow-coloured light body has diamond eyes. It stares into your soul and places the hands of its energetic field over your ankles. Your ankles go cold and this being starts to run in healing frequencies. DNA Activation Colour Codes for Remembrance. Galactic Energy Streams from this being’s light body. These rainbow-coloured codes flow into your ankles and stream up through your body. Waves of love. Waves of joy. Waves of bliss. Waves of peace. Flow from this being’s chest streaming through your body. You feel such a deep sense of calm and peace flow through your system.
Another one of these beings appears behind you and places its hands over the sides of your head, its fingers over your forehead, its thumbs over your crown. You feel your head’s tingling. This frequency streams from this being’s hands into your mind. The amethyst and electric green pyramid spin faster than the apex is open wide. As these lasers stream into your consciousness, as you float in this space healing and expanding. Surrender to this experience. The being with its hands over your head looks down into your eyes. It lowers its forehead until its full head touches yours. You feel electrical energy streaming between you to your pineal gland. The electricity between your forehead is amazing. You are. And how to be ecstasy. It’s how to bless their being communicates with you telepathically spirals of rainbow coloured cold stream from this being’s mind in sea yours and they expand through your left and right hemisphere as these pulses of rainbow coloured energy, the waves of bliss. The waves of joy. The waves of ecstasy. Waves of courage. Calmness. Unity. Gently flow through your system. Energizing, elevating, uplifting.
The two amethyst pyramids, they start to descend, and as they descend, they shrink and they move inside your knees where they continue to spin, releasing charges of lines. The electric blue pyramid shrinks and descends. Also, down towards your forehead. It passes through the mind of this rainbow-colored being down through your forehead and into your consciousness. It rotates. And so, the apex is pointing down for your neck and your throat. The two amethyst pyramids rotate and so the apex is the points down towards your ankles. The three pyramids start to communicate with each other inside your light body, amplifying the frequency, turbocharging the healing, the being with its hands on your head starts to massage your temples, gently caressing your mind. It takes its forehead off, kisses your forehead and raises its head, smiling through its time and eyes as it continues to massage your consciousness gently.
You feel love, care for it and respect. Just be in this space. As the two butterflies get closer, they wrap their wings around your chest, your stomach, your middle, and lower back transmitting, healing the being with its hands on your ankles starts to rub the soles of your feet. Massaging in recalibration calms as you float and vibrate. They’re like bodies start to dissolve into liquid plastic and they submerge and merge and weave into the fabric of your own like body where the energetic signatures dissolve into yours and the three of you become one. Your body starts to transition from a horizontal back to a vertical position. Your head and your face move up and forward. Your legs and your ankles move down and back, and through.
You come face to face with that rainbow-coloured beam with diamond eyes that was working on your feet and looking at you and smiles. It reaches forwards and gives you a great big hug. You feel your heart expanding and expand as you hug this being back the being whispers into your consciousness. You are amazing. Never doubt yourself. Trust the process, the being let go of the embrace. It starts to move back out from your space, smiling with its eyes and as it moves back from this space, it blends back into the geometrical code of the fabric. You look down towards your body, your crown is open like a thousand petalled rainbow coloured lotus flowers within amethyst, an electric blue scent. Your light starts to the sand down towards your cry you get within a meter, half a meter and your light descends from your crown through your head to your face, your neck, your throat down into your cosmic heart and your crown closes. Your light starts to expand as those two rainbow-coloured beings completely disappear, you expand for your shoulders, chest, arms, hands, fingers. Stop, legs, ankles, seats, and your neck your head, face left and right, right.
You start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, you open your eyes, come back into this space, and just take your time. There’s no higher 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 zero. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes. Come back into this space and just be saying it’s time There’s no higher. You are incredible. Feel this and know this Be amazing. Always.
I love you, beautiful soul. Thank you for being here. Hey, beautiful soul, thank you for being on this journey with me. It was amazing to connect with you and share this space with you and I have a challenge for you to come back and do this meditation every day for 33 days. The results are going to be astronomical. Phenomenal beyond measure. When you compound the frequency in this meditation day after day for 33 days, it’s going to go deeper and deeper into your cells, working through you on a multi-dimensional level. You’re going to shift and change in ways that you didn’t know possible. I guarantee you remember Beautiful Soul. You are the most important human being on planet Earth. You are the most important soul in the whole multiverse. So, give yourself this time. Give yourself this beautiful gift and engage daily.
I want to hear your comments. I want to see your comments in the box underneath this video. Share your results. You are amazing. Go into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Remember to click the link underneath this video. You’ll get access to Seven Life-Changing Meditations, and don’t forget to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. I’ll see you again tomorrow. beautiful soul back in this space. Let’s elevate and expand and heal as one. I’ll see you soon.
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