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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, let us talk about hieroglyphs. Let’s talk about light language, the language of lights. If you look at the word hieroglyphs, ‘hiero’ can be translated as priestly or Godly, glyphs, a language, or codes. So, hieroglyphs are the language of the Gods. Now when we speak like language, we are awakening the God elements or the goddess elements in each other and ourselves.
We as human beings, as souls in these physical bodies, are instruments, powerful tuning forks and all of us together playing on this, this marvellous green and blue ball that we call Earth, like a giant orchestra, a giant symphony and as we speak, the language of lights or as we experience others speaking the language of lights, light language, it activates this divine quantum spark, the vibrational harmonics, the tones that we feel and hear, that ripple through our DNA awaken the truth and the wisdom within inside each and every one of us.
If you really want to connect to another human being, then speak light language. Sing to them. Vibration is the key. Look at bumblebees, wasps, insects. They just vibrate. They vibrate, and they understand each other. There is no logic. Vibration supersedes logic. Why? Because vibration is the truth. Logic is archaic. Logic gets in the way. Yes. In these human bodies, in this physical 3D space, logic can come in handy sometimes. Don’t put your hand in the blender. Don’t put your hand in the fire. Make sure you look before you cross the road.
In this physical 3D space, a little bit of logic can come in handy but when you want to truly experience and feel another human being’s energy field and who and what they are and what they’re feeling and what their intentions are beyond the physical within the mystical and the quantum, it has to come through the heart, through vibration, through feeling.
If someone ever speaks light language to you, don’t try and consciously take it on board and understand. Just be in the space and feel it and as you feel those vibrational harmonics. You’re downloading into your cells, and then this knowledge, this wisdom, this inner knowing will rise to the surface and the language of light will be translated naturally through this tuning fork, through this physical vessel. Feel that beautiful soul. Just feel it reverberating through your soul, the language of light, the language of love, the language of truth.
Light language transmission
Feel this. We are divine sovereign beings, finely tuned instruments. You are God. I am God. You are everything – vibration, sound, light.
You are connected to all things through the vibrational tones. Sound came before light. In the beginning that was the word. The word was vibration. If you want to truly manifest anything, then you can vibrate it into existence. You can speak it into existence. The word is powerful, but it is the vibrational harmonics and tones within the word that create, not the words themselves and certainly not the meanings that we’ve been taught certain words mean through our educational system.
The language of light supersedes all things. In the beginning there was the language of light. That was the word.
You are amazing, beautiful soul, and I encourage you when you are on your own to go deep into your own cosmic heart, connect with your soul, and ask for the language of light to move through. Just open your mouth and whatever comes, just let it come and be in that vibrational space. Feel it, merge with it, weave with it. It is what you are, encourage yourself to speak it more and more and it will change your life. It will heal you; it will expand you; it will guide you; it will show you. It will increase and amplify your vibration. Powerful, powerful healing tool.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out into this world and love your sisters. and your brothers, hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Live and love fiercely and ferociously and remember to check out our website We have hundreds of light language transmissions, hundreds of light codes, meditations, and if you are into energy healing, we run the best training programs on the planet.
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