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Here’s Why Energy Meditation Boosts Creativity and Innovation

Energy meditation is the core of successful people’s existence. It’s part of their daily routine and it keeps on providing substantial benefits.

Creativity and innovation are two of the most sought-after skills in today’s professional environment, regardless of the domain. In fact, meditation boosts the brain’s power to come up with great ideas.

In the following lines, I’ll guide through the reasons why energy meditation should be part of your routine as well.

It Helps You Solve ‘The Puzzle’ Easier

Everything is a puzzle, just as everything is energy. Regardless if you’re facing a new marketing project, a new design for your business’ logo or sells issues, a solution needs to be found.

energy meditation

You know it deep down and you always feel that quiet thrill of the challenge. But constantly trying to come up with a solution, often turns into a repetitive and annoying task.

By practicing Star Magic guided meditation, you are able to focus better. You will see things clearer and your brain will have the power to generate the right solutions to the puzzle. Stress and worries should never be part of the equation.

Energy Meditation Soothes Your Neocortex

Different parts of our brain take care of different aspects of our life. The neocortex is the part in charge of creative thinking, problem-solving, visioning, hypothesizing, strategizing.

However, since our brain as a hole is actually a highly complex organ, the neocortex has to interact with other parts as well. For example, the limbic system is situated right under the neocortex and it is in charge of emotions, motivations and memories.

When activated – by stress and worries – the limbic system will cut the cosmic energy flow required by the neocortex. Thus, you won’t be able to be creative at all.

Energy meditation helps your entire being replenish and improve the natural flow of cosmic energy. This flow has to constantly pass through your body, mind and spirit if you want to have balance and abundance in your life.

Cosmic Energy Has to Reach Even the Oldest Part of Your Brain

The oldest part of our brain has kept its initial purpose: survival. It is our brain’s primordial aspect, the one which triggers and controls our instincts. This part will only process things and reactions it sees as critical.

energy meditation

However, when activated, this part tends to overreact, as it is ‘powered’ by adrenaline. It makes you see things worse than what they really are. It alters your reality and pushes you to take unneeded actions by blocking the cosmic energy flow in your brain.

Join Me on an 18 Days Journey on the Path of Ascension

Guided energy meditation reduces the reactivity in the oldest part of the brain. It increases resilience and replenishes the flow of energy towards your neocortex. Thus, it helps you come up with innovative and creative ideas for each situation.

You will no longer feel scared of the world out there. You will see there is so much more to life and you will be able to improve each aspect of your life.

The Infinite Wisdom 18 Days Healing Journey is a powerful guided energy meditation technique through which abundance, love, well-being and permanent relief will make their way back into your life.

Join me on the Path of Ascension.