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When you know how to switch on your physical body, all of that geometrical coding in your own field, when you know how to activate your third eye, your whole-body shifts. You are your own walking, talking pharmaceutical company and you’re the CEO. There would be no injury. There’d be no illness. There would be no disease.
We’re all Galactic gods and goddesses from other planets. Imagine they taught children how to read their body at school. There would be no big pharma, there would be no pharmaceutical industry, because we’ve got all the chemicals inside our own body. When you do certain types of breath work, when you do certain types of meditation, when you know how to switch on your physical body, your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, when you know how to really activate that multi-dimensional architecture, all of that geometrical coding, in your own field, when you know how to activate your third eye, when you know how to activate these chemicals and oxygenate your blood properly, your whole body shifts. You activate billions of chemicals. You are your own walking, talking pharmaceutical company, and you’re the CEO, and you get to go onto the factory floor and activate those chemicals and drink down those chemicals whenever you want. You haven’t got to go and ask someone for a prescription. All you’ve got to do is do the work every day. It’s really simple.
Every single body part means something, and if we taught our children at school how to read those body parts, they would never get ill. There would be no injury. There’d be no illness. There would be no disease. But the thing is healthy people don’t make money. Healthy people don’t make money and that’s no good for the Matrix because the Matrix wants to crush you and drain you. The Matrix wants to feed off of you. All of these interdimensional beings want to suck your energy. They want to keep you in a low frequency state of consciousness so that you buy into what’s on the news so that you allow the people in your external environment to control you and judge you and stop you really living your dreams because you’re worried about what they’re going to say. You get crushed by their comments, crushed by their views and their perceptions instead of realizing it’s all part of the game.
You’re a spiritual gangsta and you came to planet Earth to be a Jedi Knight, to be a spiritual gangsta, to be an alchemist and take control of your own reality. Not to be a servant, not to be a slave, not to play small. You came here to grow and be formidable, to be powerful. So, start looking after your body. Start breathing deeply, putting good clean Foods into your body that activate you, good clean foods that activate your third eye, meditate, exercise your body. We all need to be physically strong, fit, and able to handle these new frequencies and be ready for whatever the universe throws into our path. Who knows what’s around the corner. It’s better to be ready to have the skills, the tools, to be fit and healthy, and to never need it than to wish that you were fit and healthy in a time of need, to wish that you were able to fight in a time of trouble.
So, prepare yourself. Live in a state of preparation ready for whatever’s coming, and I guarantee you when you do that, life will flow with ease and with grace and whatever comes into your path, you’ll just knock it over, boil it down, move through it, crush it, dismantle it, transmute it, because everything in your reality it just won’t be able to affect you because you’ve prepared for it. You’re ready for it mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You have prepared yourself for the coliseum of life because this life, beautiful soul, it’s not easy. It’s designed to crush you. It’s designed to keep us small. But when we know the tricks of the trade, when we know that there’s a game playing out, when we know that there’s multi-dimensional beings, interdimensional entities out there to place thoughts in our heads, feelings in our body to control us and influence us, we can observe those thoughts and those emotions, and we can say no to them.
We can change our direction and focus on that point in space-time the goals and the dreams where we’re moving towards, and we don’t let anything derail our train because if we do when we know the game’s going on then we’re crazy. We deserve to fail. We deserve to get thrown into the gutter. When you know that the game is playing out and you still make stupid choices, when you want to go and get fit and healthy, and you decide not to go to the gym because you’d rather watch Netflix, when you want to lose a little bit of body fat but you decide to go and put a pizza into your belly. That’s madness. That’s crazy. People say, ‘well I’m addicted. I’ve got these programs running.’ Yes, I understand we do have these addictions, and we do have these programs but when you consciously know that it’s for you and you still go and make that choice, what kind of human being are you?
When you start to live in your heart and you start to breathe deeply you create space between you and your external environment, and when you create that space, it takes away that 0.25 second window between stimulus and response which takes place when you’re bouncing around in your head. This is a dangerous place. When you’re living in your heart, deep in your body and you’re breathing, and things are taking place in your external environment or someone comes in into your space, says ‘fancy going for a pizza tonight’ when you plan on going to the gym, you can breathe and say, ‘no’. It’s okay to say no. So many people struggle with saying ‘no’ and that’s why so many people get pulled from pillar to post living other people’s dreams instead of focusing on their own reality and going out into the world and doing what serves them best.
If you’ve got children teach them how to read their body. The liver, it stores anger and guilt, the pancreas stores betrayal energy, the neck is all about rigidity, stubbornness, the lower back is about support and money. The eyes, they resemble the great grandfather and the great grandmother light, the great grandfather on the right eye, the great grandfather on the left eye, and all of those masculine and feminine ancestral lineages all the way down the trail. The brain is the control centre. If people have got Parkinson’s, if people are out of balance. if people are getting vertigo, you know there’s a problem with control. The body is an amazing communication device. Teach your children how to read it and you learn to read it yourself or rather remember how to read it because once upon a time we all knew how to read our bodies. We’re all galactic gods and goddesses from other planets. Remember this formidable powerful energy that resides inside of you. God, infinite intelligence.
Do you think God wants you to be healthy? Do you think the universe wants you to be healthy? No, the universe wants you to thrive beyond measure. The universe doesn’t want lazy people. The universe wants souls that take action and allow themselves to flower and blossom like these beautiful galactic beings that we are, and to share our radical uniqueness with the world but we’re playing, a game of dark and light and the darkness, it wants you to stay small. The darkness wants to feed off of you. The darkness wants you to keep those abilities and keep those tools and keep all of those radically unique beautiful gifts you’ve got in every cell in your body right inside of you. They don’t want you to share your magic and your alchemy with the world. they want you to stay small they want you to play more. They want you to be ill and unhealthy because then you go to pharma. You buy some more drugs, and you put billions of dollars into all of these big fat cats’ pockets. You are better putting that money in your own pocket or keeping it in your own pocket and spending on something for you and your family.
Remember how to read your body, activate your superhuman potential. Remember your god universal intelligence, the universe walking in this avatar body. You got suns and moons, stars and planets in every single cell. You’re powerful beyond measure, powerful beautiful soul. But there’s no good me telling you this. You got to take a deep dive into your heart. You got to be physically strong, mentally strong, balanced, aligned, spiritually focused, living from your heart. That’s where the magic happens. This thing is your life compass. Allow it to guide you in the direction of your dreams. Allow you to be guided by your life compass and not what’s going on up here (in your head).
Wherever you are on planet Earth, go out and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. You know that it’s a beautiful medicine. So, healing and it’s free. Another one of those medicines the big pharma doesn’t want you to know about just like urine therapy, just like breath work. There are so many supplements out there that are incredible for really repairing your DNA. You got to do your research, beautiful soul, and this is where you do your research, in here (your heart) because all the answers to all of your questions lie in the labyrinth of your cosmic heart. So, go and explore it. Be brave. It’s a journey for spiritual gangstas. The journey of the weak is everywhere else.
I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website and discover all of those beautiful ascension tools, guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, breath work, nutrition, mystery school teachings. We meet every Monday, Wednesday, and second Sunday online for meditations, high frequency activations, transmissions to keep your frequency high and focused to keep you on the path of success, abundance and longevity.
You can also introduce people to Infinity where they get 7 Days access free to all of that and when you introduce them you get paid back for being an ambassador. You get good money and massive bonuses. So go and check it out and I’ll see you on the inside. Go and be awesome and live from that un-fuck-with-able mindset.
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