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Healing Betrayal & Trust Issues. Star Magic Healing with Jerry Sargeant


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Xx: “I’m on a mission to help raise the frequency of the planet.”

Jerry: “You’ve got to know that you’re worthy.”

Xx: “I always try to do things by myself you know.”

Jerry: “Two wrongs don’t make it right. They never will.”

Xx: “I feel warm in my chest and cold in my hands. I feel the frequency running. I’m so glad I raised my hand. I’m on a mission to help raise the frequency of the planet and I say that because when I go and do my own healing with my hologram, I always get bleed-back realities where I’m either killed by people I trusted, and even when you did a healing on me in in LA, I was ostracized like you weren’t able to go back to those times for me. It’s a theme that is, and with my eyes I can’t see too far away.”

Xx: “So, that means it’s like fear of the future, right, and then it has a lot to do with trust is what I found, and when it comes to trust. So, another example with trust is I’m buying land in the Philippines. So, I was buying an acre of land, and I went ahead, and you know paid money. I trusted that person right, and then I learned that it was just a scam, so it’s like a repetition. Does that make sense?”

Jerry: “Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. So, close your eyes. When I look into your fields, you’ve got black magic playing out. You actually did the dirty on someone else, okay. You betrayed somebody else. This person they didn’t do it themselves, but they had black magic. They went to see some kind of like wizard, some kind of alchemist. We’re going back like over a thousand years. Now you had some kind of precious stones, and I don’t know what exactly happened, but you took them, and they weren’t all yours and this is what happened. I just keep seeing these jewels flashed at me like in a little kind of cotton bag.

It’s not healthy. There’s a lot of anger built up. I’ve got it. I’ve got the guy that did the black magic. It’s not even a guy. It’s a woman. It’s like a witch, okay. So, I’m just connecting to her and I’m just I’m bringing up your hologram in the space in this other reality field where they’re running the frequency and the codes through. I can see them all. I can see you being really poor. Now when I when I speak to you in this other reality, I just keep hearing ‘he deserved it, he deserved it’, and then as I look back into it I see that the guy that you stole the jewels from actually betrayed you and took something for you and in return you ended up stealing these jewels, these precious stones.

When I look into your physical body now, I can see an arrow in the back of you, okay, and this arrow is attached to this hologram. The arrow is actually going into the hologram but I’m seeing it coming out of your physical body. So, I’m going to pull it out of the hologram now. It’s out. I’m going to dismantle the hologram so there’s no connection between the spells and you, and now I’m just going to take two of the beings that I work with to go and deal with this witch, and just to let you know and explain the situation that not what all of what she was told was accurate okay, and I’m just going to dismantle these contracts. Okay, the contracts are gone.

Now this man, I’m just going to talk to him and just remind him that two wrongs don’t make a right, and I’m asking him if he understands. He’s saying, ‘if I could turn back the hands of time I never would do it’, just turning him into light and he’s flowing through the space, he’s coming home. As he’s coming into your body, I’m just seeing these jewels fly everywhere. Yeah, they’re just literally blitzing all over the place. He’s coming in through your heart and they’re just flying all over the place. Actually, I’m being told to take them back to their rightful owner. Okay, I’m just going to go and collect these gems. I’m going to pull them up quickly and I’m going to go and give them back to the person he stole them from. He’s thanking me. I’m just leaving him to do what he needs to do.

I’m seeing an apple and I’m being told to place the apple into your heart. The apple is green okay and as I place it into your heart, I was seeing it ahead of time, the apple went red, okay, and the apple kind of like just dissolved in your heart and flowing through your body. Just some healing frequencies being shown to me in the form of an apple. Now the energy is flowing up your central column into your brain which is cool, and it’s going up which is brilliant.

Now we’ve got feminine codes coming back down which is brilliant. That divine mother, beautiful. It’s flowing into your body. Now let that motherly energy just move through you. If you look at your body in terms of frequency, the right-hand side of your body is slightly heavier than the left-hand side and there’s a masculine-feminine imbalance, and I’m not doing anything to make it right, but it’s naturally that heavy side, some of it is flowing into the light side. It’s rebalancing. It’s just kind of re-coming back right into the centre.”

Jerry: “Hey, whenever you feel ready, just take your time and come back into the space whenever you feel like.”

Xx: “It I feel great. So grateful. I’m so glad I raised my hand. I feel at peace. I feel warm. my spine is really warm. It’s like I feel the frequency just you know spiraling that was so much lighter. I feel like I just feel good like the pieces of the puzzle like I get it now. I get why things happened the way they did so, yeah, the masculine and the feminine and all that. Yeah, a big, big deal for me.”

Jerry: “I love you so much, sister.”

Xx: Love you too brother. Thank you.”

Jerry: “Just stay hydrated yeah thank you so much.”