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“When I’m working with clients the key to bringing them into balance is to bring any soul fragments that they’ve got throughout the multiverse into this now space. When you do that, profound healing takes place. The human being here in this now space is truly evolving. The question is are we going to seize the opportunity? Are you going to seize that opportunity, seize the day. Fortune favours the brave man every single time. He or she who dares wins.”
So, I want to dive into a subject which is kind of out there for a lot of people. But we have got to tell the truth, right. We got to share the truth. I work with clients all over the world and have done so for many years and when I’m working with clients the key to bringing them into balance is to bring any soul fragments that they’ve got throughout the multiverse into this now space. When you do that, profound healing takes place. It’s like just stripping away the layers of the onion so they can connect back to that zero point, back to source, back to love. But all of these multi-dimensional fractalized fragments of the soul that are playing out in different vibrational fields, different dimensions on other planets, they stop the human being here in this now space truly evolving.
Now when I’m going in to do this work a lot of stuff that comes up in people, guilt, rejection, all sorts of different things, but this this guilt thing is a massive, massive thorn in the side of humanity, and what a lot of people don’t realize is that a lot of this guilt comes from sexual abuse. Now this is where it goes a little bit kind of out there for people because this sexual abuse doesn’t just come from this planet. Now if you look at prostitution, the sex trade, is absolutely massive on planet Earth. But let me tell you this. There are many other planets where it’s 100 times grander, vaster, greater. When you go to other planets, they have brothels, they have bars where there’s naked extraterrestrials dancing. You can pay money for lap dances. You can pay money to have sex with these different beings whether you’re male, female, androgenous. It doesn’t matter. The trade is massive. Human beings are traded with other extraterrestrial species and put into some of these places, spaces, bars, clubs, as working girls and working men, working boys, working women.
It sounds farfetched I know like something out of a movie but the number of clients that I work with that go through this stuff is unreal. Men and women whose souls have incarnated in multiple other realities, dimensional fields, that have been put into these situations. Now there are some extra-terrestrials that choose this game just like there are some men and women that choose this game. But there are a lot that do it out of desperation and there are a lot that are forced into it, and it creates so much resentment, so much frustration, so much anger. It creates so much guilt, so much self-blame, so much self-judgment, and if you’re working with someone here in a physical body or a soul in a physical body that we call human, the childhood experiences that they’ve had whilst growing up in this reality are only ever the tip of the iceberg. A massive amount of trauma is held in what I would call the inverted field, and the inverted field is a direct mirror image of the physical world that we’re living in.
Everything that’s happened to someone in this reality I guarantee has happened in a past life, future life, parallel life experience. Once you get out of the body there is no past and future. There’s just now. When you’re looking, when you’re searching, when you’re diving into your heart and you’re in meditation and you’re being present just ask if you’ve ever felt any guilt? Is there any trauma from any galactic incarnations where I may have been in, one of these situations? If there is, I’m ready and willing to face it and bring it into healing and alchemize that shadow piece. Don’t run from it. Bring it into healing. We have to become whole. It’s crazy to think that this is going on, but you know what they are. There are humans that travel to some of these other planets because we’ve got the technology. There are some humans that have access to very advanced technology, and they can move from this Earth plane very quickly to other planets where these bars and clubs are happening and they’re paying to have sex with extraterrestrials. This is going on right now. It’s been going on for ages, a long time. This isn’t something new.
I’m just sharing this because there’s so much trauma coming into healing on a planetary level, on a global scale right now that we have to share these things because it’s not to put people in fear. It’s not to make people go crazy. It is to simply make people aware of what’s happening because there will be some people that this is happening to or has happened too and this video is going to be a key component to their own personal healing because we want all of our sisters and brothers on planet Earth to be free, to be whole, to be sovereign. We don’t want them walking around in fear. We don’t want them walking around in pain. We want them walking around sovereign, free, happy, full of joy, with all of their architecture activated, having kundalini activations, pineal gland pumped, scanning, picking up the information. High levels of self-awareness. We all have the opportunity to be our most incredible versions. The question is are we going to seize the opportunity? Are you going to seize that opportunity, seize the day. Fortune favours the brave man every single time. He or she who dares wins. You got to take that leap of faith. You go to go for it. We’re powerful humans, sovereign Jedi, spiritual gangstas.
Wherever you are on planet Earth, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. Remember to laugh, remember to smile, remember to have some fun, and don’t take life too seriously. Be the jester, be the fool, be the Joker, because it’s the jester, the fool, the joker, that are dangerous. They’re the ones that break the rules. They’re the ones that change things. They’re the ones that say I don’t give a ‘but’ and they go out into the world and crush it. They’re the ones that blaze new trails. They’re the ones that carry that Christ/Kryst consciousness. They’re the ones that activate their sisters and brothers to go on these deep dives, these deep journeys into the depths and the labyrinths of their own souls, their own consciousness, and discover who they really are.
You are a beautiful Soul. You are one of those trailblazers. So go out, have fun, be the jester, be the Joker, be the fool. Let’s rock and roll. Remember to check out our website if you want to train in the most powerful energy healing modality on Earth. Go and check out if you want access to all the best ascension tools on Earth, meditations, light language transmissions, light codes, cosmic yoga, high frequency nutrition, breath work, mystery school teachings, and activations every Monday, Wednesday, and second Sunday on Zoom. Go and check out Infinity. It is free for seven days and I’ll see you on the inside with a great big smile. I love you, beautiful soul. Go and be a spiritual gangsta.