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Halls of Amenti, Interdimensional Travel, Aliens!


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

So, let’s talk about the halls of Amenti, the sacred corridors of vibration, and what they really were, and what they really are because were and are, they’re kind of the same thing, because there is no past, there is no future. In this physical world, in this third dimensional reality / fourth dimensional reality / holographic matrix, there is linear time and so things get old and decay. If you go to Egypt, you see the pyramids and they look old, they look dusty, there’s no water around them or under them anymore, there’s no jungle. When you tap into the multi-dimensional playing fields, that place is very alive and buzzing, right now.

But you’ve got to be able to navigate those dimensional fields and move your consciousness out from your body, into a different frequency band, and you can get access to the whole universe, man. Nothing’s out of limits, nothing’s beyond reach. This moving your consciousness through different frequency bands, through different dimensional fields is one of the elements to the halls of Amenti, underneath the Great Pyramid, underneath that Giza Plateau. That whole space is a huge, gigantic city. It’s the best way I can describe it. Back in 2015, when I was going to the mystery schools in Egypt, when I was remembering star magic, which I’ve shared in many of my books.

When I was going to the mystery schools in 2015, underneath the pyramids in Egypt, which I’ve wrote about in a couple of my books – Into the Light & Activate Your Superhuman Potential. I also wrote about it in Healing with Light Frequencies: The Transformative Power of Star Magic And going into these classrooms, these mystery schools, being shown ancient scrolls with codes by Thoth, who was the supposed creator, writer of these emerald tablets. I was shown how you can heal people with these codes and when I was under there, there were loads of other people in this mystery school, loads of other human beings and people that were non-human, or beings that were non-human, and after every class, I’d go exploring with my son and we’d find spaceships, we found healing pools.

All of the facilitators that we train in star magic, we’d take them to these healing pools, and then they start taking their clients there. The most incredible psychic surgery happens in those pools. If you go to and check out the proofs section, you’ll see people that have had tumours removed in those healing pools, physical scars left on their body. That’s what I’m telling you, sharing with you. When you go into the quantum field, into these multidimensional playgrounds, it’s real. It might not physically be there right now, like this chair that I’m sat on, like that wall over there, like the phone that I’m recording into right there. Can’t reach out and grab it. But this stuff that I’m recording through right now is just pretty much space. It’s just vibrating at a certain rate, so it seems solid.

Now, just like we can go in and out of dimensional spaces, we can move in and out of bodies too. You’ve heard of walk-ins? I remember back when I was around 16, 17 years old, and I was back to go traveling with my girlfriend at the time. We bought an old camper van, and we were going to go traveling around Europe. But the universe had a different plan. The universe sent someone into the pub that we were having a drink at the night before we left, and this man knew that we were going traveling. He told us not to go. He said, “Take this yellow piece of paper,” and he gave us a telephone number and a name. There was the first name of a man and a Spanish mobile telephone number. This guy goes, “Go to Tenerife in the Canary Islands. You’ll earn at least 300 pounds a week. You’ll get free accommodation.” We’d never heard of the Canary Islands. This guy just walked out again. We ended up going and getting a map. There was no internet. Or if there was, we weren’t using it back in 1996, 97, whatever it was.

So, we got a map and we saw where Tenerife was. We ended up selling the camper van and getting two one-way tickets to Tenerife. Now, I stayed there for four years. I ended up meeting a man that introduced me to my first spiritual teacher. Loads of connections came out of that. I learned so many lessons on that part of my journey. So many tests, so many golden nuggets, and that is someone walking into our life in a different body. We never saw that man ever again. We don’t even know how he knew us. Never even seen him before. That’s happened to me a few times during my life. But spirit, frequency, consciousness, vibration can move in and out of dimensional fields and move in and out of different bodies.

If you go back to the halls of Amenti, what Thoth was sharing in the Emerald Tablets that he was able to move in and out of people’s bodies, and he could take over the consciousness of a body. Maybe there was a body with a soul inside of it, but he could come in and he could take that over or he could exit the soul and take over that body for a period of time and that soul could go off somewhere else. People went to the halls of Amenti according to these tablets to rejuvenate. The last days of their so-called life before they transitioned, they had tests that they had to go over or make it through. Now what I actually feel that this isn’t quite right, what I feel at the halls of Amenti are vibrational corridors, vibrational spaces, different frequency bands that you’ve got to traverse and travel through from the moment that you incarnate as a human being to the moment that you leave this physical realm. Or maybe you end up taking your body from this physical realm into a different vibrational space because you work out how to dematerialize and rematerialize again, and all of these gifts and all of these abilities, they’re going to be coming back to us and they are coming back to some powerful humans on this planet.

For me, what I’ve remembered is how to heal people at distance. You know, we remove physical injuries, illnesses, ailments from people’s disease and from people’s bodies and they could be all the way around the other side of the world. Because once you get into the fields, quantumly there is no distance, there is no measurement. There’s just now, there’s space and everything’s in the same space on that precise name on it. Not at the same time, but in the name of it. Because time doesn’t exist. Time is a construct. We’re in a spiritual war, as you probably well know. And it’s a battle for the right passage of our soul. It’s a frequency war and this frequency war is happening on so many different levels.

But one thing that is rife are shadow parasites. Entities, some people call them. Some people call them Djinns. I mean, there are slightly different variations of these parasites. They work in different ways. Some of them take over human consciousness whilst the soul is still in the body. Some of them take over a physical vessel in its entirety. Some of these beings, entities, they can work through someone’s mind consciousness from a very long way away. On another planet, on a spaceship, on another star. Some could be down in the ground. Because our bodies are literally biological computers. When you know how to operate the computer, you can slide in, and you can take over that computer because we’re wired and programmed just like a computer. But most people think that all of their thoughts are their own.

Now, if you go back to Egypt, and some of these high priests, they were playing around with this technology in a very serious way, and they’re still playing around with that technology now in Egypt, and it’s having an effect in all of our lives in this reality space right now because they can access us through these different dimensional fields. And this isn’t the only place on earth, or in the quantum anywhere. There are multiple other technologies on other planets, on other spaceships, that many extraterrestrials and other beings have got that enable them, there are pieces of technology that the military has here on this planet that enables them to come into our minds and help us make certain decisions. It’s why you get a lot of sleeping super soldiers. People that suddenly wake up one day, walk into a school and shoot people and can’t remember at the next. That’s because they were switched on. Okay, there were sleeper programs inside of them.

But these beings in Egypt are still going in. And they’re playing around with consciousness in a major way, not just on earth, but on other planets too through these vibrational corridors that are known as the halls of Amenti. The Egyptians had incredible rejuvenation chambers, not just under the great pyramid, not just under the Giza Plateau, but all throughout Egypt. If you go to our website, and you listen to some of the meditations in the meditation library, I’ve taken people into some of these rejuvenation chambers and the healing is next level, even though it’s quantum. There is no difference between the quantum and the physical.

Once you change and shift your level of awareness, set your different intentions, and make a certain choice and decision to access a certain vibrational field. Everything is possible. Now, people say that thought is a good guy. We’re all good guys and bad guys and good women and bad women. We’ve all got that potential inside of us, dark and light. Okay, now, when I was in the mystery schools, remembering how to use star magic, there were many incredible pieces of wisdom that I got from these codes, but there were also codes embedded within some of these frequencies, which weren’t the best and it took me a few years to work it out. It took me a few years because the way that they showed me to set Star Magic up was through the inverted matrix which siphons people’s energy.

So, we had to figure all of this out, reverse that and plug the star magic grid system back into source code, back into the primary light and sound fields, back into the God worlds, back into prime creator, back into that God spark. Now everything has good and not so good elements and what you’ve got to do as a human being is decide. You’ve got to use discernment: which is good, which is not so good, and you’ve got to take the goodness and cast the other stuff away or reconfigure, re-engineer and recode the stuff that isn’t so good because you can do that also, and that’s like the human bodies that we’re living inside of. They’re so powerful, but the mathematical codes that we’ve been running as a humanity is off. The mathematical code that nature has been running is off.

If you look at this holographic reality, okay, and you drill down into it, you look at those frequencies and tesseract cubed codes that box us in and lock us down and lock us off. That’s the holographic matrix that we’re playing in. But when you connect to the real frequency, it’s a spiral. It’s spirals of code that interchange and a fluid in motion. Nothing is stuck and solid, and before I went to the mystery schools in Egypt, back in 2009, I met a Lyran being in my friend’s garden in Egypt. I was meditating in the copper pyramid and this being took me to Alpha Centauri through a portal, and I met hundreds of Lyran beings. I’d never heard of Alpha Centauri. I’d never heard of Lyrans, and when I got there, they downloaded this frequency and code into me. It was the same frequency in cutlet, okay, that Thoth showed me on the scrolls in the mystery schools.

So, first of all, you know that this technology is extraterrestrial technology. This isn’t Egyptian technology. This is technology going back to the stars, and then you have to ask yourself, was Thoth Lyran or had Thoth had Lyran experiences because he shared with me Lyran, Sirian coding, predominantly Lyran, but elements of Syrian fractals in there. So, you know this frequency that we’re sharing through Star Magic is an alien extraterrestrial frequency. But when we train people in Star Magic, we download the coding into people. People, they’ve known this stuff for eons. This isn’t a new frequency.

All of the Reiki healers and bioenergy healers and quantum healers that have been studying energy healing for 30, 40, 50, 60 years that come to Star Magic for the next level, they disregard all of that other stuff because it isn’t the truth. There is only one truth. That truth is love. That truth is source. That truth is the one spiral code that comes out from the original template that rotates actually from source at a certain angular rotation. If you look at a lot of the geometry and a lot of the coding like Metatron’s cube, when you look at the old flower of life or the false flower of life, not the original flower of life, you see the lower frequency engineering in it that’s keeping people stuck in this tesseract technology, this cube technology. It’s dangerous.

If we’re going to truly ascend and go through this essential process, number one, we got to be connected to source because we’ve got to open our hearts and we’ve got to be love. That’s a major part of this equation. But then we’ve created this whole systematic structure which is becoming more fluid as we move through the vibrational levels, as we move up through the halls of Amenti, as we move up through those sacred vibrational corridors, as we move through the halls of Amenti, towards the god worlds, which we have to navigate through the arc of the covenant, which is a bend in space time, a stargate structure.

A lot of you know that just not last year, no, not this year, but last year, no, it’s 2024 now. So not 2023, but 2022, for my birthday, I hired the whole Giza pyramid to myself and went in in the dark. I’m going to make a whole video on this because it was an incredible experience. I’ve shed bits and pieces, but going into that pyramid, lying down in the king’s chamber in pitch black, no one else there, and being taken up through the arc of the covenant to the god worlds, I got to see this bend in space time myself. And when I came down back into my body, my body was facing 180 degrees the other way, minus 23 degrees. I was 23 degrees off 180, facing the other way. I don’t remember my body moving. Did my body move or did the pyramid move? This is a question for another video.

Now back to these halls of Amenti and these vibrational fields and high priests walking in and out of bodies, avatars. Just like the movie Avatar, Jake goes into the avatar to go and communicate with the blue beings, right? The avatars. He goes into an avatar; this technology is available. This technology’s been available for God knows how long, millions of years, maybe more. But they’re utilizing this technology and they’re creating havoc in our life. Now, we came down onto this earth plane knowing that we’d be getting involved in this kind of spiritual war and we’re so powerful. We knew we could handle it. But the thing is we get blank slated when we come down to the planet. So, we forget we’ve entered this game. Then we’ve got to go through this whole remembering waking up process. But when we do wake up and we start to remember our power, we get to realize that this game we’re playing is actually quite fun.

It’s not fun when you don’t know you’re playing the game and you keep waking up every morning and it is Groundhog Day, going round in circles like a hamster and a hamster wheel, in this constant battle to keep your head above water, to pay your bills and all the ‘crap’. We realize that this game is actually quite fun and what you can achieve in the multi-dimensional playing fields that has physical verifiable effects is massive. So, you can actually go to war, not in fear of anything bad happening because you just want to play the game. Because the game is exciting.

The Emerald tablets carry a lot of wisdom, a lot of knowledge, and again, if you go to Star Magic and go into some of the meditations in the library, go to some of the Mystery School teachings, you’re going to go through some meditations where we go in and we retrieve that knowledge, that wisdom, and we all have access to this stuff. People say you’ve got to go to the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are everywhere. Anyone that tells you they are somewhere, and you can’t access them is full of ‘crap’. There are different levels of vibration within these records, and at certain levels of consciousness, you get access to different pieces of information, absolutely. But no one is denied access. You’ve just got to do the inner work, raise your vibration, and unlock those crystalline keys that allow you access, that allow you into this field of absolute magic and wonderance.

When you get into this war and you start playing around and you enjoy the game, you realize that these shadow parasites that are playing havoc in so many people’s lives, you can take them out, encode them, re-encode them and send them back to source or whichever dimension or field they need to go to, to continue with their own learning, because we’re all learning and growing. It doesn’t matter what kind of being we are, we’re all at some stage of our journey and we’re all remembering.

So, you have to honour and respect all of the pieces of the puzzle, all of the players in the game, because if they weren’t playing the game, you wouldn’t be able to get to play it. You’d have no one to play with. It would be boring. And that’s one of the incredible things about the universe. The universe, it gets sleepy, and it forgets, and it wakes back up again and then goes out and starts to manifest into physicalness, beings, planets, stars, whatever it is. Gets curious and it grows and expands into a whole new galaxy and another whole world and multiple galaxies and then multiple universes, et cetera, et cetera. Then the universe gets crazy and blows itself up again. This is a Hindu philosophy. They reckon the universe is asleep for 4.2 billion years, then it wakes up for 4.2 billion years, gets crazy, explodes, and goes to sleep again for 4.2 billion years, and that’s kind of what it’s like for humans too.

You think about it, you start a new nutritional program. It’s going really well. And then someone offers you to come out. For a night out, you have a few beers, you have a pizza, have some ice cream, and it ruins all that hard work that you’ve done, and so you go backwards and forwards. You forget what it’s like to go out and have a beer and have some ‘shitty’ food and some ice cream. So, you indulge in it, and then you realize how ‘crap’ you feel the next day. So, then you go to, you go out and you get healthy again, and then eventually you go to sleep again. That’s a mini version of the universe. It happens in relationships, it happens in business, it happens in all walks of life, but it happens on a universal level too, as above so below, as within, so without. We’re an extension of the universe, and the universe is an extension of us, and when we recode our inner geometry, we recode the macro too.

When we recode our inner geometry, we recode mother nature, and mother nature recodes the whole planet and so on, the whole galaxy and other beings that have lost their way, that are living off a false code because this isn’t just a planetary issue, this is a galactic and beyond issue, but we’re Jedi Knights, and that’s why we came to this planet, to be the Jedi Knights that we are, to remember our truth, and to play this game, and to recode the planet, our humanity, to come together as sisters and brothers, to feel alive again, to remember that we’re superhumans, and that when we unify as sisters and brothers, as a human family, and our hearts open as one unified force, it’s like an atomic bomb of super love, that will just create the most incredible tsunami that will wipe its way through this planet, and send us into the Diamond Age, where we will be one, where we won’t be on a planet that’s been carved up and separated into countries, and towns and cities, a world where there’s multiple languages, a world where there’s multiple religions.

There is only one religion, and that religion is love, beautiful soul. You know that. I know that. We know that. Love, vibration, crystalline code, this is the way of the force. We are light and dark, bring them into the zero point, alchemize and be the alchemical warrior goddess, warrior god that you are. There is so much magic to access, but you’re never going to find it externally. You’re going to find it in the world, you’re going to find it in the world, you’re going to find it externally, you’re only going to find it in the depths of, an elaborate, this cosmic heart, this stargate in your chest. It gives you access to so much data, that you got to be brave enough to dive in. It’s a journey of the brave, the weak, go out into the world and make excuses.

Don’t take responsibility looking for someone to rescue them and save them. No one’s coming to rescue you, I’m certainly not. No one else on this planet’s coming to rescue you. And if they do and try, they’re doing you with this service. Because for you to truly raise your frequency and become powerful, you got to pull yourself out of the depths of despair and raise your frequency so high that you bust through those frequency fences and those shallow parasites, those beings, can’t pull you back down again and feed off of your guilt, your fear, your rejection. You emanate so much love that you become untouchable, unshakable, un-fuck-with-able. That’s where it’s at, beautiful soul.

So, take the challenge, rise through the halls of Amenti, navigate the guardians on the way. Those shallow parasites that try and trick you because they will try and trick you all the way up to the last minute when you leave your physical body. If you’ve not cracked the code, they’re going to send you straight back down again into another avatar so they can feed off of the energy in that body and you’re going to get stuck in this loop for eons. You’re only going to crack the code by diving in here, all the answers, all the questions, everything.

Wherever you are on this world, beautiful soul, love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. It’s the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul. You are amazing. Remember to check out our website If you truly want to go through this ascension process and be a high frequency being, you need the right tools. It’s that simple. We got all of them in our app.

You can download the Infinity app at You can download on Apple, on Android. You can get access to hundreds of meditations, light language transmissions, light codes, cosmic yoga videos, mystery school teachings, high frequency nutrition. There are private telegram groups, so you can join forces and collaborate with beautiful souls just like you on the same sacred mission. Teamwork is the key. Harmonization, courage, freedom, sovereignty, passion, abundance, it’s inside every cell in your body.

Join us at Connect with your soul family. Let’s ride this sacred surfboard together. I love you so much as my sister, as my brother. I will see you on the other side, beautiful soul.