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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, I’m going to take you through a morning daily routine and when you start to apply this to your life every single morning things will change on a grand scale.
Discipline, commitment, and practice are mission critical. If you look at the Formula One racing car. They put the same fuel into the engine every time they race. They change the tires, the oil, the brake fluid, they keep putting the same stuff back in because it works. The Formula One racing car pulls into the pits and the team get those wheels off and on again in seconds because they practice the same thing over and over and over until they nail it like Jedis. When you start practicing certain protocols daily consistently with discipline you will change you will become a Jedi on Earth roaming these Earthly planes.
So, close your eyes, take some nice long deep breaths and be in this space with me. Breathe through your nose all the way down to the pits of your stomach and back out through your nose. Keep your eyes closed and keep breathing and keep being. As you’re breathing bring your awareness into the centre of your chest where your heart centre is and now you start breathing in through your nose down to the pits of your stomach and out through your mouth. As you breathe in, I want you to imagine that you’re breathing in this beautiful translucent golden frequency into your body and as you’re breathing out with your awareness in your heart you feel it opening and expanding and space being created. Breathe in that translucent golden light down to the pit of your stomach and as you breathe it into your stomach it will start to filter through the cells in your body. As you breathe out you feel your chest opening, your heart opening and blossoming and blooming like a magical flower. Just keep breathing.
Now what I want you to do is to squeeze your buttocks, your perineum, and your genitals. Pull your abdominals back towards your spinal cord, squeeze and pull. Put the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth. Bring all your awareness up into the centre of your brain and back slightly where your Pineal Gland is. I want you to breathe 36 fire breaths in and out of your mouth hard and fast whilst you’re squeezing. Then let go of the squeeze, let go of the pull. Keep the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth and just regulate your breathing.
We’re going to go again in three, two, one. Squeeze everything, pull your abdominals back, let go of the squeeze and the pull and regulate your breathing in through your nose down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. Take long, slow, deep, breaths breathing in the golden light, feeling your heart expand as you breathe out.
We’ll go again in four, three, two, one. Squeeze and pull back, let go of the squeeze, regulate your breathing. Breathe the golden light through the nose down to the pit of the stomach. Let your heart expand, feel your heart expanding, know your heart is expanding in your chest. Space is being created, and as your heart opens and blossoms, and blooms, you feel the space within your body and around your body as your heart grows 360 degrees in all directions. Now I want you to focus on your perennial and become aware of a platinum light in your pineal. Feel the frequency, know the frequency.
I want you to squeeze your buttocks, your perineum, your genitals. Pull your abdominals back towards your spine, pull them squeeze now and then take a nice long slow deep breath in and guide and pull that platinum light from your perineum all the way up to your crown. Now that the Platinum light has reached your perineum, hold your breath with all your awareness. Bring it to the centre of your brain and back slightly. Squeeze and pull and keep squeezing your perineum. Keep squeezing and pumping it whilst holding your breath. Place all your awareness on the centre of your brain and back. Six seconds, five, four, three, two, one. Let go of the squeeze and breathe out. Hold your breath at the bottom whilst it’s out. Just be. Now squeeze everything again, buttocks, perineum, genitals. Pull your abdominals back towards your spinal column and breathe in. Pull that platinum light up to the crown. Place all your awareness in the centre of your brain and back slightly. Keep pumping your perineum, keep squeezing, keep pulling. Hold your breath. Six, five, four, three, two, one. Then let go of the squeeze. Breathe out long and slow and hold your breath at the bottom and just be.
We will go again in three, two, one. Squeeze your buttocks, perineum, and genitals. Pull your abdominals back towards your spine. Breathe in long and slow and pull that platinum light up to the crown. Hold your breath on the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth. Pump that perineum with all your awareness and your pineal gland. Wherever you focus goes, your attention goes, the energy always follows. As you pump and pull and squeeze, you’re pushing and pulling that cerebral spinal fluid up through your spinal column and into your brain, moving the energy up through your body. Five, four, three, two, one. Let go of the squeeze and breathe out slowly and just be.
Now start to regulate your breathing through your nose down to the pair of your stomach. Breathe through your nose or your mouth, whichever is most comfortable. Bring your awareness into your chest and feel your heart expanding, expanding, and expanding so the frequency of your heart has extended throughout the space, more than 30 meters. Then the frequency of your heart, the field starts to blend into the fabric all around you and you feel yourself becoming one. Your arms blend with your environment, your legs, your feet, your toes, your fingers, your thumbs, your chest, your back. It feels like it’s melting, dissolving, just vibrating.
As you continue to breathe long and slow, you become aware of more space, more vibration, more frequency as your mind empties and you realize that you are an extension of the space around you and the space around you is an extension of you. There is no separation. You’re not muscles, bones, and organs wrapped in a bag of skin and separate from your environment. You are energy, pure Energy vibrating and oscillating at a certain rate which gives the illusion of a physical body, and it seems so real. But as you breathe deeper and longer and slower, you realize the energetic signature beyond the physical form. As you vibrate with your heart continually expanding, feeling the space, being the space, knowing the space, you realize that you can influence the space with your thoughts and your emotions.
When you vibrate and oscillate at a certain rate and create this physical phenomenon that we call a body, it’s a biological computer, the most powerful biological computer ever being created. What do you choose for today, how do you choose to show up in every situation? Balance, focus, calm, expanded compassion, loving intelligence. Knowing that by breathing consciously you can carry this frequency into your day and through your day and by breathing long and deep and slow, consciously. This space will always be there. If that space is there then everything that unfolds in your external environment, has space between it, and you and that space gives you the opportunity to observe, to be, and to choose your response instead of reacting because you’re bouncing around in your head where there’s a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response.
When you breathe consciously and you live from your heart the space gives you the opportunity to stand in your power and make a different choice, take a different course of action which may be no action at all and ultimately choose a different emotional response in your body, a different feeling. One after another these simple choices will reprogram your biological computer to be responsive by choice through intelligence and never radical reaction as you feel this and continue to breathe into your body with that space expanding through you and around you. That beautiful heart frequency rippling through the field. The universe is responding to you right now. It feels your love, it feels your wholeness, it feels you want for nothing because it knows you are expanded and connected. By being expanded and connected you are one with all things and so all things will flow through your reality easily and effortlessly. Just be here in this space, feel this, and know this. Walk through your day in your mind, in your heart, feeling it and observing it, responding calmly, and choosing empowering courses of action that will build you and grow you to be in this space.
Continue to breathe as that physical body feels lighter and lighter, as you expand and expand, creating even more space, knowing that today will be different, unique, empowered because you are a master, a quantum architect, an instigator of change, a catalyst, an innovator powerful beyond measure. Today is an amazing day because you decide it. So, it is and as you walk and as you move and as you breathe consciously living from the heart, in coherence. Every step will be a building block laying the foundation for magic and miracles to show up always as you’re breathing into your body, your powerful magical body. You’ll start to become aware of it, the vibration in your balance, the tingling in your cells, the frequency in every muscle.
We’re going to count from five back to zero and when we get to zero open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Take your time. Five, four, three, two, one, zero. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Feel your body, feel your energy, feel the space. Just be here at this moment. You are amazing and when you breathe consciously, and you go through this morning ritual daily, your days will get better and better. You’ll get calmer and calmer and your ability to influence the quantum field will amplify. You’ll start to create the life of your dreams without even wanting to. It will just happen because the universe knows what you want before you do. Wake up every morning, go through this process and watch the magic happen. Be the experience of your very own experience.
Wherever you are on this magical planet, go out and hug your sisters and your brothers tightly. Release that oxytocin. Never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again very soon. Go and check out our website where you can get access to our seven-day free meditation challenge right now. I’ll See You again, beautiful soul.
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