Experience this free energy healing and release your cellular trauma. The frequencies brought through on this Star Magic Healing session will shift deep layers of trauma, very quickly. It will work on any mental, emotional, physical and spiritual traumas, held on a cellular/DNA level and bring them to the surface to be healed. This cellular healing session is powerful.
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“Oh my gosh, beautiful soul, this is going to be a powerful cellular healing. If you have pain, trauma, we’re going to release it.”
Right now, I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, I’m here in nature with the trees, the birds, and the beasts, and I want to share a beautiful transmission with you. We are surrounded by some powerful beings, these trees, wow. I mean it’s just incredible, I am going to bring the energy of these trees through, and we are going to go deep into your DNA, and we are going to heal on a subatomic cellular level.
So, what I want you to do when we go into the healing and I’m going to guide you, okay. It’s going to be a healing and medicine experience where I’m going to stream this transmission of light codes to you. You’re going to focus on a particular pain, a symptom. It could be a tumour, it could be something that you’re working through now, it could be something emotional that is rising to the surface. you might be feeling guilt or anger you’re not sure where it comes from or maybe you are sure where it comes from. It doesn’t matter, okay. I’m just going to ask you to bring your attention and your awareness into the points, into the space, where there’s pain, or there’s trauma, or there’s something that you want to release. It could be something that you know is lurking deep inside of you, but you don’t know how to access it. That’s okay too.
We’ll set the intention shortly and then we’re going to go in and go to work okay. All I want you to do is just breathe, be in this space relax and enjoy this process, okay. I love you as my sister or brother and this is my gift to you so wherever you are on the planet, I want you to close your eyes and take some nice long deep breaths. You can be sitting, standing, lying, it doesn’t make a blind bit of difference. Just be in this space with me. Breathe deeper and longer and slower and feel your body, beautiful soul. So, breathe into your stomach, breathe into your hips, breathe into your buttocks, breathe into your groin, and feel your body, feel your heart, that powerful cosmic heart in the centre of your chest, that higher heart vibrating just above your connection to the cosmos, your connection to the magnetic frequencies of the earth.
Breathe deeper and longer and slower and as you’re breathing into your body, I want you to be aware that Mother Nature carries the cosmic code, she carries the genetic blueprints to restore your body mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually into divine order, into perfect health. Breathe into your body, deeper and longer and slower, and as you breathe into your body, I want you to bring your awareness and your focus to wherever there’s pain to, wherever there’s trauma. Maybe there’s a childhood event, or maybe a past life, or a parallel life trauma that you’re aware of that you can’t shift. I want you to bring your focus and your awareness onto it into it, all around. It just takes a moment to do that as you breathe into your beautiful body. You are amazing, beautiful soul. I feel your presence, I feel your energy, I feel you as my sister or brother. There’s no time, distance, or measurement in the quantum field. We’re connected. It can’t be any other way.
As you’re bringing your awareness, you’re focusing your attention into the pain into the trauma whether it’s physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, or maybe a combination of two, three, or four. I want you to become aware of an electric orange light that starts to flow into your space in from the left and from the right down from above up, from below. This powerful electric orange frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger swirling around the outside of your body like an electric orange tornado.
You start to breathe this powerful frequency into your body. You breathe it in through your nose, up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your heads your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest and back. It flows down through your spinal column, each one of those 33 vertebrae starts to light up, Jacob’s Ladder, magical, that starts to glow and vibrate as this electric orange light flows through it, through your middle back, your lower back into your buttocks. It flows through your heart, your lungs, your ribcage, down through every vital organ. There’s this orange frequency. It starts to flow through your kidneys, your adrenal glands, your liver, your pancreas, your gallbladder, your spleen, your large and small intestine, your stomach, your mesentery.
It flows through your heart that beats for you thousands of times every single day and you don’t even have to ask. It flows through your bloodstream starting to go to work tapping into that trauma, going deeper and deeper into your cellular structure. It flows through your hips, your buttocks, your groin down through your thighs, your hamstrings. It swirls powerfully through your knees down through your calves, past your shins, into your ankles. It flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. It floats down your shoulders, down your arms through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing deeper and longer and slower as you vibrate in this space.
We’re going to call upon the power of Mother Nature. I’m going to call upon the energy of all these trees. There are thousands of them. This energy flows into my space and as it flows into my space it flows into your space. It flows inside my body; it flows inside your body. High vibrational motherly the powerful energy healing energy flows into your body. As you breathe deeper and longer and slower, the frequencies from the trees, the frequencies from the soil, start to flow up through the soles of your feet. The roots from the trees they flow through the ground, through the earth, and they start to come up around the soles of your feet entangling themselves and intertwining themselves with your toes, with the soles of your feet, with your ankles. They swirl up around your shins feeding into your calves, your knees, your thighs, your hamstrings your buttocks, your groin, your tummy. These roots they penetrate your physical body left, right, and centre. As the energy from the trees flows up through your body, in through your body, the soil starts to massage the soles of your feet transmitting nature’s cosmic codes into your physical body. These frequencies flow up through the soles of your feet, into your toes, into your ankles. They start to restore you from the ground up.
I’m going to open my heart, as I open my heart you open yours. A powerful diamond light flows out from my heart through the empty space, and it penetrates yours. We connect in this space, light to light, consciousness to consciousness, soul to soul. I’m starting to transmit healing codes from my heart to yours. They flow through your heart up into your higher heart down into your solar plexus. They flow up into your throat, up into your pineal gland, up to your crown, down to your sacral, down into your perineum, into your root chakra, connecting with those eight genesis cells. The inside of your body starts to dance and smile as every single cell vibrates faster and faster. As these healing frequencies flow through your body, they start to home in on the pain. They start to home in on the trauma, they go deep into your subatomic makeup, and they start to bring this trauma to the surface. It feels like the inside of your body is opening like a portal is being opened and deep, deep, trauma is rising through that portal, up through your body, up into your heart. It’s flowing up into your heart where this diamond light, and the light codes that I’m sharing with you, start to transmute it.
All this pain, all this stuck energy, all this parallel and past life and early life trauma starts to transmute into unconditional love, into positive energy it starts to disperse and flows out into the ether through the cosmic of the fabric and blends back into geometrical codes. I’m opening my heart wider and wider transmuting this energy whilst the trees continue to penetrate you with this formidable force of nature. You heal at the deepest possible level. Just be in this space and experience. Be in this space and feel, be in this space, accept and surrender and know that you are a powerful cosmic being, a titan from the stars, who came to Planet Earth to be extraordinary, and holding on to this deep trauma is serving no one. It’s time to release it and in this space. You’re allowing it to rise to the surface to transmute into purity, into divinity, into unconditional love.
As you’re vibrating in this space you become aware of three black stallions moving into your space. These three black stallions, these powerful creatures move into your space, one to the left, one to the right, one stands behind you. These powerful four-legged beings with silky fur, they open their hearts and three crystalline frequencies flow through the empty space towards your body. Two meters, one meter and boom they penetrate the left the rights the back of your heart. They start to transmit healing codes into your body merging with the diamond frequency from my heart, the healing frequencies from Mother Nature, the cosmic code from the soil starts to merge and swirl around the inside of your body. Geometrical shapes flow through your consciousness. You feel your heart expanding and expanding and expanding as unconditional love pours into you out from you all around you as you continue to heal. Just be in this space, beautiful soul, just be in this space and enjoy, feel the love, feel the magic, be the magic.
The frequency from the earth it amplifies, the frequency from the trees goes up to the next level, as I open my heart even wider, as these three black stallions open their hearts even wider. You are bathed in this powerful healing frequency. You feel lighter and lighter and lighter. Your mind is empty, your heart is expanding, energy is flowing from your mind into your heart and from your heart into your mind. When your mind and hearts come into balance, into perfect equilibrium. Feel, know, this, experience this, be the experience of your own experience with no attachments. You are incredible.
As you’re vibrating in this space you become aware of diamond and gold merkabas starting to flow from the hearts of the stallions through the empty space into your heart. These merkabas, they race into your heart ever so fast, trillions of them. Tiny little merkabas racing around the inside of your body. Like little crystal keys they flow into your cells and start to unlock healing wisdom that is contained inside your own body, inside your own DNA, inside your own cells. You are a walking talking beacon of light designed and created to self-heal. We’re just facilitating this process for you so your body is a natural latent system can switch on. Your central nervous system goes into overdrive. Billions of chemical reactions and transactions are happening inside your physical body every single second and we’re amplifying them in this space. Right now, energy shuttles from your pineal gland to your sacrum, from your sacrum to your cranium up and down and the magic wand, up and down your spinal column, as you breathe deeper and longer and slower.
As you vibrate in this space breathing into this powerful body you start to become aware of your breath, the in breath and the out breath and the space in between. You realize it’s the space in between the in-breath and the out-breath that keeps you alive like the space between the notes creates the music. It’s all about the space, the energy, the freedom to transform. As you breathe in this space into your powerful cosmic body, into the home of your soul, this avatar you, become aware of that breath flowing into your tummy, in deep and slow. The light from the stallion starts to retract, flows back into their hearts and the three beings explode into geometrical code and disappear into Mother Nature. The energy from the trees is going to stay with you for another few hours just bathing and bathing you, sharing with you healing. You allow this frequency to be there. It will disperse in around three hours’ time. You and I will always be connected, beautiful soul, consciousness. There are no boundaries, no limitations, no division. One soul, one light, one frequency, one code.
The diamond light from my own heart starts to retract back into my heart chakra. Those codes they remain with you. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Take your time, there’s no hurry. Five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Feel your body, feel the energy. Just be still for a moment. There’s no hurry to go back and do anything. Life will always be waiting for you when you return. You’re extraordinary and you deserve this time in this space to heal. My recommendation now is to drink lots of water, at least three to four litres of water every day. It acts as a conductor to keep these crystalline frequencies flowing into your cells to keep the healing going.
I recommend you come back and do this transmission as often as you like if you have trauma that you’re working through. Maybe there’s other things that you need to resolve. You can come back every single day and work on a new thing: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual. I recommend you come back and do this transmission for a minimum of 13 days with this being day number one. Every time is going to be a different experience and you’re going to go deeper into this healing space and this transmission will work deeper and deeper into your consciousness. You are a walking talking miracle and I love you unconditionally, beautiful soul. You are amazing, you came to this planet to be free, not walking around with traumas and ailments and physical pain. You’re supposed to be free as an eagle soaring through the skies enjoying this life abundant, carefree, happy with joy as your natural default state.
So, use this meditation and this transmission to take you there. Work with it daily. I love you so much as my sister or brother. You have magic flowing through your veins, but you’ve got to go into your cosmic heart and see this for yourself. I can’t make you see this but by journeying into here you’re going to discover all the answers to all your questions because you are a fount of knowledge, a mesmerizing being, a powerful titan from the stars, a cosmic wizard, a white witch here on earth. Play in the game of life.
Remember to check out our website starmagichealing.org. We got hundreds of powerful transmissions for all different reasons to help you heal, transform, upgrade, open your third eye. You name it, we’ve got it waiting for you. So, go and check it out. Wherever you are on the planet go out and hug tightly, so tightly, beautiful soul, and never ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Hug tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. We have life-changing meditations to heal illness and disease, enhance business performance and heal relationships. You can access them all at home or on the move. Your vibration will rise as you connect deeply. You have access to short yoga routines to activate you in different ways, cosmic yoga to activate your third eye, open your hearts and your crown chakra, help you sleep better and much more. The instruction is easy to follow and carefully explains that your mind, body, and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. There are a large variety of high vibrational recipes that are quick to prepare, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, dessert, shakes, and smoothies you can make for yourself or the whole family. The food is healthy, tasty, and fun to create. You can choose from a selection of light codes and light language transmissions. Light language is the language of the soul, and our super-powerful transmissions will expand your consciousness and turbocharge your vibration. At the same time the visual light codes will activate your pineal gland and switch on your body’s natural potential.
There are complementary healing sessions uploaded regularly. As a valued member you can access them 24/7 to heal. There are private healings geared towards different mental, physical, and emotional issues. Any deep pain will be brought to the surface and healed so you can live a happy life. There are also monthly interactive master classes where you’ll discover the latest information on healing and transformation and top tips for the month. New codes and frequencies are shared that you can apply in your life to go deeper on your journey. This is a one-stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. If you want to be a highly vibrational human and happy, full of joy, totally healthy, full of vibrancy and vitality, then infinity is a must. You get seven days free with unlimited access. See you on the inside, beautiful soul.