Everything in our external environment offers us clues. Signposts are everywhere. Especially people. Those we are in the closest relationships with show exactly what we need to work on and where we need to travel and that direction is always one way – deeper into our own hearts.
In this video Jerry explains that we all have work to do and there are always deeper levels to experience and you must be brave enough to venture further in.
You will also receive a free energy healing as you watch and listen to this video. Star Magic is powerful. Experience this free distance healing for yourself right now and journey deeper within your own infinite heart where all the answers to all of life’s mysteries lie.
Whatever is happening in your external environment is there to serve you. Nothing is good or bad. There are simply experiences and all are perfect. start seeing the perfection in the imperfection.
Watch, listen and discover.
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Book a Star Magic Healing here
With Energy,
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