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I love you with my hearts with my soul with every fibre of my inside being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
Well, this world is just awesome and beautiful and crazy all at the same time. I wanted to share a little story and talk about what is unfolding and how on one hand the thumb screws are really tightening up and why we must really maintain that front line and hold the line and not back down and keep pressing forwards and say no to the tyranny and yes to the magic. Say yes to the new ways of being in this world and yes to new systems and environments and creative partnerships and love.
I was in the bank the day before yesterday, and I’d foamed up two weeks ago just before I went on our last plant medicine retreat and I said, listen I’ve got some old banknotes. They’re £50 pound notes, they’re running out like next year, so I said I want to change them for the new ones so I ordered them and the lady on the phone said you know come down on the Thursday, bring in your old ones, we’ll pay them into your bank, and you can take out the new ones. So, I said cool so i went down there with my notes and they were busy. So, I went back like 20 or 30 minutes later when the lady starts asking me, what do you need the money for? Where did you even get this money from in the first place? It wasn’t a small amount, it wasn’t massive, but it was substantial, and I said, well I just keep it. I had a little bit lying around you know i said with all this kind of covered nonsense going on. I said it’s nice to have a little bit of cash in case you guys close, or something happens, and I need to make some moves. She said OK what are you going to do with this cash that we’re giving you now.
I said, well I’m just going to keep it and she said what where are you going to keep it i saw I’m just going to keep it in my house said in a safe somewhere you know impossible to get to and she said we can’t do that for you. I said why not. She said, well we need to make sure that we’re protecting your money i said what she said we need to make sure we’re protecting your money she said i need to make sure that no one is outside making you do this we need to make sure that no one’s going to come into your house and steal the money. I said listen this is my responsibility i said if someone takes this money off me when i walk outside the bank, I said they deserve to keep it because they’re not going to get it very easily and i said i take full responsibility. She said listen I’m not sure whether I can give you your money. I’m going to have to go and check so I said listen i said if you don’t give me my money i said then I’m going to hold you personally liable and I’m going to come after you and drag you into a common law court and she lost it. She lost the plot. She said, that’s it we’re going to we’re going to close your account you’re not getting your money and the other lady before this had happened, she had uh i had said to her like you know i want this money because you know there’s all this crazy covered stuff going on and it’s a load of bs and blah blah blah and they’re all masked up to the eyeballs and stuff.
She said I’ve had covered she said it’s very real and it’s deadly and so I started laughing. So, she got her knickers in a twist about that, and you can see how the conditioning in this corporate environment has really filtered down in every single way and anyway i said to the other lady I said you know I’m going to call the police. I said I’m going to cause a storm and anyway so because i said the word and I’d said that covert was a lot of bs and you know they didn’t like the fact that you know i was taking out some money probably more money than they earn in a year and um yeah you could just tell they’re just they’re just drunks you know robots properly controlled and they believe that the system is there to protect them they believe in all the stuff that is out there right now manipulating and controlling humanity they believe it to be good you know they’re in that kind of mode of thinking and that’s cool because there are lots of people like that.
In the end the bank manager came out and he was cool. He had the same name as me funnily enough so we just kind of hit it off and you know i explained the situation and you know he was like i totally understand where you’re coming from you know, he said but I’ll tell you something when you hand the money into us you know it’s not your money anymore. He said we are guardians of your money, we look after your money, and we get to do what we deem is right and fair with that money. I kind of knew this anyway but to hear it come out the horse’s mouth and to be in that situation where you’ve you know you’ve got your hard-earned cash and you know they won’t let you take it. It’s like up you know what i mean and he understood like he said listen to you can have your money. It’s cool. So, in the end, like after about 45 minutes of backwards and forwards and kind of arguing and going down this road which got a little bit heated, you know he did give me my money and i said to lady, i said, listen if I’ve caused you any upset or anything today, I said I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart. I said you know I’m sorry that i said the word and she said you’ve just said it again. I don’t accept your apology. I said, well that shows the measure of you as a human being. I’ve held my hands up. I’m sorry and I mean it and I’m sorry if I’ve caused you any pain today. She said i can’t accept your apology, you don’t mean it blah blah blah so anyway I got my money in the end and left.
I just wanted to share this because it shows that you know we really have to develop our own system and I know there are lots of people out there at the moment that are developing new financial modes of operation in the world I’ve got a friend of mine that’s setting up a new system at the moment which is really cool incorporating cryptos and gold backed assets and while silver and all different metals and stuff mixed in with kind of you know cash and banking and all that sort of stuff and it is that there’s no kind of lending in this environment. It’s all just you know what is on the bank books is what’s on the bank books and it’s a cool structure and i know a few people are doing different things but it’s important that we really do set new ways of communication up, new ways of operating in this world in in terms of money and banking and food and all different commercial activities. We need to go back to bartering and swapping and energy exchanges as well as still using money. Now other methods of money like cryptos and gold and silver and platinum and all this stuff however you want to exchange it’s all relative depending on the value that you place on whatever it is that you’re exchanging, and you know we need to create these new ways of being in the world.
It’s so important because the net is tightening and the system is tightening and if we don’t get into our own kind of way, everything’s going to get closed. These chips are going to come in and you may not even be able to access your money without a microchip or whatever’s on your phone and all this sort of stuff. So, time is of the essence, and we need to get cracking and we need to get moving and we need to do it now. We can’t just rest on our laurels and sit around waiting. People are dependent on GM owed foods, people are dependent on the banking system, people are dependent on the telephone companies, people are dependent on all communication companies, which are ultimately owned by the big players BlackRock and Vanguard. People like that are at the top of the tree and pretty much every organization on planet earth, everything runs back up to the top of the pyramid, and what we’ve got to do as a human family is flip the pyramid on its head so the base goes up to the top and the masses are at the top, and the controlling few at the moment slide down to the bottom and they can stay there in the slumps and the swamps if they want to or they can change their views and move back up to the top and be in equilibrium with everyone else.
I highly doubt that’s going to happen but it’s a possibility you know and it’s always good to keep the faith but know that it may not happen and probably won’t because they’re so twisted and satanic and up in so many different ways so they’re going to fight to the bitter end but you know as human beings, like we’re like frogs in a pot at the moment slowly boiling and you don’t even feel that it’s getting hot. It’s just getting slightly warmer but eventually it gets to boiling and you’ve been in there with it gradually kind of turning up and turning up and before you know what you’re boiling and you can’t move and you’re dead and this is what’s happening to humanity but there are many of us that are waking up and changing things and making moves and we’ve got to unite and we’ve got a rise and we’ve got to stand together because the net is tightening at the same time whilst the net is tightening consciousness is exploding and many people are waking up and realizing the truth and it’s a beautiful thing and we just have to keep pressing forwards we have to keep expanding and we have to keep saying yes to those things that we want and no to those things that we don’t want you know you’ve got these magical potions booster one booster two booster three they’re destroying the white blood cells in the human being second booster destroys them a bit more the third one wipes them out totally and if it doesn’t then the fourth one is going to come in and finish the job.
Eventually the human’s going to have no white blood cells and they’re going to be dependent on the boosters to stay alive if they’re not dead already. You’ve also got these beings little alien beings that are inside some of these magical potions that are taken over human consciousness people have had it breathe in new life forms that aren’t fully human. It’s a crazy time on earth now we’re living at a real-life movie it’s exciting. I love it because we really are in an interesting time i know there are a lot of people suffering on the planet and i don’t like that but i do like the fact that we’re in this crazy game and we’re getting delivered out in real time and we’re blessed to be on this planet right now to see it happening to actually live it in real time not to watch on from the stars above but to be here on the playing field on the park it’s the final showdown baby and we are the ground crew that can fold or rise where do you stand.
If you look in some supermarkets now, they’ve got dividers down the aisles. In Germany it’s like the Berlin wall has been erected in supermarkets vaxxed and unvexed madness division that’s what they’re doing you know the fourth Reich we’re still living in Nazi Germany man and for anyone that doesn’t think that’s true you need to do some research you know some of these passport companies that have created these mechanisms and systems. They’re owned by some of the wealthiest Germans. Well, some of the wealth wealthiest billionaire billy billionaires and billionaires is on the planet that descend from Hitler and Goebbels and some of these Nazi personnel. Nothing’s changed. It’s just in disguise, the underlying fabric is still the same. it’s just the fronts the mirage the illusion that keeps shifting and changing making people think there’s something different at work, but it’s been the same for a long time it just keeps coming up and surfacing in different forms and different ways, trickery, illusion.
What’s it going to take for humanity to wake up how far do you have to be pressed and pushed and prodded and jabbed before you wake up how far how long has it got to go on for maybe when you’re six feet under in the graveyard or maybe you’re in the crematorium being burnt to cinders your soul looking above or looking down from above thinking. Yeah, i royally messed this one up. It’s too late man it’s too late the frog’s in the pot. Too late now is when we got our vax. There’s no point sitting on the touchline anymore. You got to act now right now you got to trust your heart you got to trust your gut your intuition this female right brain that processes billion bits of data per second that sees patterns and frequency geometry mathematics that feels and experiences the underlying truth beyond the illusion. We’ve got to operate from these spaces, and we’ve got to feel our way through life and stop trust in the mind control machine.
You are one powerful soul. So am I, and there are many of us millions of us and when we rise together like lions and lionesses, like black panthers, like silverback gorillas, and we join, and we unite in the jungle of life. We’re unstoppable, we’re un-fuck-with-able. No one can turn us off, shut us down. We are in control, and we will be in control by relinquishing control. We be in control by relinquishing control and allowing our heart to guide us. This crazy thing just takes a step backwards into the shadows. So, we can lead by our life compass.
Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, go out and hug your sisters and your brothers tightly, so tightly, and remember the golden rule of hugging. Never ever, ever, be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet and join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one. Connect with us daily stay motivated stay focused stay in alignment with your heart open with your consciousness expanded and your feet rooted firmly into the ground and your light body in full flow. You’re amazing so powerful. Go out and be all that. You can go out and be extraordinary and I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.