Joseph Drumheller has been working in the realms of meditation and healing since 1991. He spent six years working in a cancer radiation clinic in Washington State, honing his craft as a healer. He’s also the author of The Subconscious, the Divine and Me and The Unity Oracle. He lives in Spokane, WA.
Money, money, money. Everybody wants it but not everybody gets it.
Why not After all, we live in an abundant Universe.
Each of us carry different comfort levels with money. Some of us are here to be rich, some not. Coming to grips with our relationship with money can be helped by understanding who we are as people. Don’t put the pressure on yourself to be rich, if you don’t naturally carry the vibe. We’re not all Bill Gates, Oprah or Donald Trump.
In numerology, it’s the number 8 that carries the cash. Those born under the vibration of 8 are the entrepreneurs, the empire builders, the investors. Their lives are all about high finances, drive and work. The remaining 90% of us gravitate to a different relationship with money.
However, with that said, we all have the God-given right to be well-adjusted and comfortable with finances. The only problem is, very few of us are. Just about everybody has issues with money. Take a moment and think about it. You probably do too. It’s usually rooted in an underlying subconscious fear surrounding survival, lack and struggle. More often than not, it’s the result of suppressed emotion we carry inside that was created somewhere in the past.
No one better illustrates the concept than Steve.
For some reason, a little over a year ago, I started attracting very wealthy clients. None of them are from inherited or old money, either. They’re all first generation entrepreneurs highly intelligent, driven and very successful. Steve was one of them.
When I first heard of Steve, I imagined a squat-bodied, intimidating, bald white guy that wrung his hands and said, har har” at the end of every sentence.
Nothing could have been further from the truth. When he walked through my office door, I noticed Steve was tall and lean, young, handsome, enthusiastic, kind, genuine and very approachable. He also had a unyielding positive attitude. He wasn’t a good ol boy from the old school. Far from it. He was from the 21at century, cutting edge school of business, ala Tony Robbins. I liked him immediately. I think everybody did.
As soon as the ink dried on Steve’s high school diploma, he was making and selling widgets out of his garage. A few years later, he partnered with a buddy and business started to take on a life of it’s own. As the coffers began to fill, a few things became crystal clear. Steve had tremendous drive and ambition. He was also a magnet for success, a born entrepreneur.
Twenty years later, Steve was driving a $100,000 car and owned a lake-front mansion, surrounded by the wealthiest families in the region. He also had 70 employees and was living the phrase, It only takes one Steve to feed a village. Steve’s sky was the limit.
Then came 2008.
Remember the Derivative Fund debacle, when the manipulators of Wall Street brought the entire economy to its knees The practical fallout buckled companies like Steve’s.
When Steve finally arrived at my door as a client, about five years later, he was facing the humiliation of a lifetimebankruptcy. He had already short-sold his house, dumped his exclusive vacation property and sold his car. But bankruptcy That was more than his buoyant self-esteem could handle. His world was about to collapse.
We didn’t waste any time with peripheral circumstances. We dove straight into his internal world.
By that time, Steve was stressed to the max. He woke up scared. He was mad all the time. His marriage was under severe strain. He couldn’t relax. His business was controlling him and he wasn’t enjoying his life. That humble realization was the last straw that brought him in to see me. He had always enjoyed living.
Steve’s central issue centered around fear. It was vibrant and strong, living in his stomach (third chakra). It was the first thing he felt in the morning and the last thing he felt at night. It was with him all day and strongly influenced his decision-making and behavior.
Over the course of about two months, I was able to help Steve release his fear through deep states of mediation. He came to the awareness that his fear was not about his failing business. It was a fear from the dee recesses of his childhood. It had been recurring throughout the course of life, creating an escalating series of challenges. When he came to see me, his difficulties were enormous. It was clear the time had come to make peace with his past.
Here’s what Steve discovered.
Emotions are born to be experienced. When they are, they dissolve into the ether. When they aren’t, they get trapped in the subconscious mind and become living entities inside of us. Their sole purpose is to be experienced and they will do everything in their power to create scenarios for that to happen. The more we avoid them, the more we will see repeating patterns of the same difficulty over and over again. For Steve, it was fear in his stomach, directly related to his finances (i.e. his ability to survive).
If we continue to avoid unpleasant emotions and stuff them back into the subconscious, they will create bigger and bigger challenging circumstances. They ll keep at it, until they get their rightful attention. It took bankruptcy to finally get Steve to acknowledge his fear.
Once Steve finally recognized his suppressed emotional states had a pronounced negative impact on his life, he entererd the magical world of awareness. In terms of repeating patterns, he learned outside events don’t trigger his emotions. It was the other way around. Suppressed emotions trigger outside events. Steve’s fear from his past was creating his bankruptcy. The fear had been looking for a way out since his childhood.
Once we became aware of Steve’s suppressed emotion, the next step was to set it free. It was an exercise of focusing the imagination. Here’s how it works:
The best way to release suppressed emotion is in deep states of relaxation or meditation. It’s actually a normal state of mind that everyone enters at least twice a day right before falling asleep and just before waking up. It’s the half-awake / half-asleep state of awareness, commonly referred to as the suspended dream state. It’s where the magic of healing lives.
However, to gain the full benefits from this natural dream state, it’s needs to be developed as a skill. In other words, it takes practice. That’s where the world of relaxation evolves into mastery. The deeper you learn to sink into a relaxed state, the more dynamic and effective your experiences will be. Once the experiences start rolling in, the practice is something to eagerly anticipate and look forward to everyday. It’s settling into a pleasant encounter.
Although learning to relax takes effort, it’s important to mention there’s not much to it. However, it helps to create the mood first. Simply find a quiet, comfortable place to sit or lie without distraction. No kids, no phones, no noises or interruptions. Put on some soft music, listen to nature, or just be in silence. Aroma can help; so burn a candle, incense or essential oil. Then sit and close your eyes, breathing gently. If your mind wanders, just let it, and bring your attention back to your breath. Or you can watch your thoughts drift by like clouds. Next, just let go and drift into the experience.
The next step is to release the emotion. Although there are many different visualization techniques, they all boil down to the same basic principle. As simple and ludicrous as this may sound, when you’re deeply relaxed, you simply settle into the imagination and let it go.
The critical elements are 1) to be deeply relaxed, 2) to see or visualize the emotion and 3) to feel or physically sense what youre trying to release.
Although it’s a learned skill, it’s almost the opposite of other skills we learn in life. It’s the art of deeply doing nothing. By focusing on the emotion and surrendering to the experience of it, it will let go. That’s because when emotions are fully experienced, they dissipate and dissolve. Most people will feel them lift off and out of their body. I generally feel something like little tornadoes, spinning and releasing out toward my left shoulder.
Generally, when you finish, the emotions will be gone or significantly diminished. So will the repeating patterns of pain that accompany them. Furthermore, the results will be permanent, thereby enhancing the quality of your life.
To take it one step further, new emotions and sensations can be created in the body that have a positive impact on your future. After Steve released his fear, he was able to sense a new energy in his stomach. It was an electric-type sensation he recognized as his True Self. Later, he discovered it to be his connection with Divine presence.
That simple awareness was a complete game changer for Steve. Once he connected to his version of Divinity, he was able to project that image and sensation into his imagined future with confidence.
However, I must add at this conjuncture, that the process of emotional healing, connecting to Divine presence, and future manifesting is greatly enhanced by the help of a healing practitioner. I’m not exactly sure why but it has something to do with combining the energy of two or more people to produce an intended outcome. It’s a process referred to as synergy.
In my work with Steve, I was able to guide him into deeply relaxed states, isolate his fear, and connect to a higher power. Within weeks, the fear was gone completely. It wasn’t there in the morning. It wasn’t there at night. And it rarely came up at work, even under stressful situations.
If that wasn’t relief enough, coincidentally (or not), his finances started to turn around. Within the four months, not only did Steve’s business rebound to pre-2008 success levels but orders for his widgets increased by 150%. They couldn’t make them fast enough. Their biggest problem was deciding on how many new people to hire. It was the most successful he’d ever been.
I’d like to take all the credit and slap myself on the back with Steve’s financial turn around. However, there were other aspects involved. First off, the economy was bouncing back on a global scale. Second, he hired a crackerjack CPA (also a client of mine) who was an expert at turning failing companies around. And third, he was able to gently nudge out a long-term partner who was bringing the company down.
So you maybe wondering, Did meditating, releasing his fear, and connecting to Divine presence directly help his business Absolutely. The absence of his fear was an underlying influence to every decision he made. It stopped repeating patterns of pain. Furthermore, the connection he discovered to his own Divinity was the creative drive that opened new doors to success.
Did all the different parts needed to help Steve appear solely because of energy healing Hard to say. But there is something I have noticed after two decades of doing this kind of work. When energy healing enters the equation, it can pull all elements into play.
You may be also thinking, Well, I’m not like Steve. I’m not a mega-buck business hero. That may be true. But what’s also true is that everyone carries suppressed emotion and resistance inside. And it’s all from the past. Releasing those roadblocks can open pathways to the fullest expression of who we are meant to be. In that regard, we’re all like Steve. We also have the innate capacity to connect to our own Divinity.
So if you want to take a chance and improve your situation with money, try a little exercise. First, notice the emotion that’s associated with your financial struggle. Next, pay attention to where you feel it in your body. Then, sit and deeply relax. When youre deeply into the zone, focus on the emotion and simply let it go. If a positive new tingly sensation shows up in its place, focus on that too. As unbelievably simple as it sounds, it could turn your financial situation around for the better. It sure did for Steve.
Jerry Sargeant is the founder of the Maximum Life Group and one of the most sought after life enhancement coaches and modern day energy healers. Known as The Facilitator, Jerry is best known for his ability to radically transform your life through what he calls Star Magic