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“We’re living on a planet that is toxic in so many ways. The air that we breathe, the water that goes into our belly, the foods that we put into our mouths. Now you can choose to engage in that toxicity, or you can choose to take a different road. There are enough resources on this planet for every single man, woman, and child to be clothed and fed for an eternity.”
So, let’s face it. We’re living in an environment that isn’t healthy. We’re living on a planet that is toxic in so many ways. The air that we breathe, the water that goes into our belly, the foods that we put into our mouths, the frequency that comes through the music, the frequency of other people. The whole environment is toxic, left, right, and centre. Now you can choose to engage in that toxicity, or you can choose to take a different road and be in a space where there isn’t so much of that toxicity. However, the planet as a whole is geared up and designed and wired to poison us. So, we as individuals, we need a game plan.
We as individuals need to come together into communities and tribes and we need a game plan and these tribes need to come together in global communities, larger communities, and we need a game plan. we not only need a game plan. We got to execute on that game plan. We need strategies. We need a plan we’ve got to execute as individuals, as teams, as tribes. We got to unify, and we’ve got to create ways of being on this planet, ways of being in this world, so we can interact with each other, communicate with each other, share with each other, and create new systems, a new way of being on planet Earth where we can thrive in every which way possible. So, we come together in communities and all of these old reality fields where there’s chaos, where there’s destruction, where there’s toxicity, where the odds are stacked against the human race, all of that will dissolve when we take action, and we start to create new ways of being on planet Earth.
Whilst we’re sitting around expecting things to change, things are never going to change. It’s up to us. No one is coming to planet Earth to save us. No one is coming down in a spaceship. Jesus is not going to be reborn. No one is coming back to lift us out from this chaotic space and say, “listen it’s going to be okay. Listen you’re going to be all right. Don’t worry about it. We got you covered.” That’s not going to happen. There’s all of these beautiful golden carrots dangled in our face making us hope, making us pray, making us wish, keeping us in a space where we’re in this kind of comfort zone being told that this extraterrestrial is going to land in their spaceship and take us away, that Jesus is coming back, that some archetypal figure is going to be reborn on this Earth plane and lift us out from the depths of despair and give us a hot warm cup of cocoa and tell us it’s going to be okay, tuck us up in bed at night and tell us a beautiful story. It’s a pipe dream. We are the ones that have to rescue ourselves.
We’re the ones that have got to lift ourselves up from the depths of despair and create a brand-new world and we’re never going to do it on our own. Yes, we’ve got to find our own strength as individuals but then those individuals have got to come together as families, as sisters, as brothers, as tribes, and then the tribes have got to reunite. We got to come together and make this world a better place. We’re building a community and a healing centre in Transylvania in Romania. I know loads of other groups around the planet that are doing something very similar. We all have to have a game plan. Now some of us have got our own game plans and some of us are going to join forces with others. It doesn’t matter where you are, where you’re at in your head, where you’re at in your heart, you got skills. You either start creating something new, you start strategizing, you start taking action, or you go out into the world, and you join a tribe like ours or you find another tribe to partner with and together we work as sisters, as brothers, as a family.
We support each other. We love each other and we start creating heaven on earth. It’s not going to happen overnight. It’s a process because the process that it’s taken to bring this world into the chaos and destruction that it’s in right now with all of the issues and all of the problems and all of the toxicity, it’s taken hundreds and thousands of years to wire us, to brainwash us, to manipulate us to strip away our freedoms but we as a species have allowed it to happen. We’ve acquiesced left, right, and centre. Now it’s time to stand up and say, “no more. We’re not playing this game anymore. We are galactic titans; we are lions and lionesses. When you lock a lion up in a cage for long enough it starts begging its master for a meal and we as a species have been locked in an invisible cage for far too long and we beg the governments for handouts. No more. There are enough resources on this planet for every single man, woman, and child to be clothed and fed for an eternity, but we’ve got to go out there and start taking our little slice of heaven back.
We’ve got to go out there and take back what is rightfully ours because we are the custodians of planet Earth. We’re the Stargate Guardians. We’re the custodians of this sacred celestial beautiful feminine being called Mother Earth. She is our mother, and we are her children and she’s looked after us for a long time and just like when our mother gets old in human form we have to go around there sometimes and tuck them into bed and feed them and look up after them, give them some money, make them a meal, whatever it is. Now it’s time for us to take care of Mother Earth. All of these people that have drawn these invisible lines and split us into countries and divided and conquered us, no it’s over. It’s time for us to rise and take back control of this beautiful, beautiful sphere with all of the mountains and rivers and rainforests and jungles and oceans and streams. There is so much here, and the minority have controlled the majority for far too long. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to take action.
It’s time to come back to this space of the heart because when you’re in love you connect with your strength, you connect with that formidable power. When you’re in your head you get brainwashed, you get lost, you tip into fear through the manipulation and control. But we’re powerful sovereign beings and it’s time to remember that and to recognize that divinity in ourselves and in each other and then come together and make this world a better place once again, to create that golden age, that diamond age, to return Earth to her former glory. You got the power in you, and I’ve got the power in me and together we’re masters, we’re alchemists, we’re architects, we’re Jedi knights and it’s gone on for far too long.
So, wherever you are on planet Earth look into your own heart and realize that you’re a witch, you’re a white wizard, you’ve got everything inside of you that you need to go out and create massive ripples and those ripples will turn to waves and those waves will turn into tsunamis and those tsunamis will start to intersect and that love, it will cascade through planet earth once again and we will see, we will feel, we will know our own superhuman potential and those lions will open the cages and go out and start to hunt, start to reclaim, to take massive action and access that firepower in every cell of our human bodies. We have the ability to communicate telepathically, use telekinesis, heal at distance. We don’t need big pharma; we don’t need anything outside of ourselves to make us healthy. We are the medicine, beautiful soul.
So, wherever you are on planet Earth, look into your heart, take a deep dive into the labyrinth of your own inner workings and let’s create heaven on Earth once again. Remember check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth, hundreds of meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, mystery school teachings, high frequency nutrition, everything you need to go through this ascension process and switch on your multi-dimensional faculties, access your superhuman potential and go out like a lion, like a lioness, like a warrior God, like a warrior goddess and connect with your human tribe. We got a telegram group so you can go and meet and connect with beautiful souls just like you, souls that want to make this world a better place.
It’s all there for you at Right now, you can get free access for 7 days to all of these tools to all of these platforms so go and check it out and I will see you again very, very soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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