Do you suffer from brain fog and forgetfulness? Do you ever walk into a room with a purpose, only to forget immediately what it was you walked in for? You are not alone, and you will be surprised to know there is a link between expanding consciousness and amnesia. As you raise your vibration and ascend to a higher frequency, it is very common to become increasingly forgetful. Why does this happen? Are you losing your mind? Is your brain function decreasing? If so, how? And WHY?
Watch this video where I explain the link between expanding consciousness and amnesia. The answer is simple, and the explanation is beautiful. We are constantly being sent messages from the universe, and our unconscious selves, which are one and the same. We just need to remember how to translate those messages the right way. I will show you how.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I want to share my thoughts and feelings about memory loss. On this spiritual journey we get loads of questions at Star Magic about short-term memory loss. People are just becoming so forgetful, especially people that are really doing this work. Now it happens to me. I could be in one room. I have a thought; I go to walk to the next room, and it’s gone and I’m like what the **** was it and for the life of me I could sit there for 10 minutes. I cannot remember it and I know at the point when I thought of it and got up and walked it was so important and I knew that it was something that I wanted to do or whatever it was, but it’s gone. Boom it’s just vanished from my mind. Now this happens to a lot of people. What I feel is happening is we’re just being shown that our thoughts don’t really matter so much. I’m not saying that the ideas and the thoughts that we have in our heads are not worth pursuing but if we have a thought in our mind and we don’t write it down and we forget about it, two minutes later or thirty seconds later it doesn’t matter because thirty seconds later or two minutes later is now a different time in space. It’s now at different moments.
Here is one moment, now it’s another moment, now it’s another moment. The moments keep unfolding. The present moment is the only moment that really and truly matters. So, by you forgetting your mind goes blank. it’s like okay I’m here, I’m alive, I’m breathing this fresh air. I’ve got foods, I’ve got a roof over my head, the sunshine in the trees. Life is good baby. We should be grateful for what we have right here right now and if something disappears from our reality, whether it’s the thoughts, whether it’s a relationship, whether it’s a business. Who really cares? Does it really matter because you’re still a human being that can walk and talk. You’re still a human being that has a heart that beats. You are alive, you’re above the turf, you’re the right side of the soil, your soul is still in your physicalness so you can express yourself. You can eat, you can have fun with your friends, you can make love, you can hug, climb trees. There are all sorts of different things you can do and have just by being who you are in this physical body.
You are becoming forgetful, it’s kind of giving you an opportunity to realize that this moment is the only moment you have and it’s a beautiful, beautiful thing, and the universe is just prepping you and preparing you because as we ascend and raise our vibration and move into a different frequency band. Things are going to be changing faster and faster. Even right now moving into 2020, things have shifted so fast in the last few weeks and they’re going to keep shifting faster and faster. As you get older time speeds up, as you get older things become less important or that’s probably the wrong way to say that but things in your life that you want, or thought were important, become less important. You start to realize what is truly important and what is truly important is having some time and some space to be in your own energy and connect with the people that you really want to connect with and do the things that make you happy, that make you dance and feel you full of joy and bliss not being on the hamster wheel, nine-to-five rotating round and around because you think that, you’ve got to do this and that to get somewhere that you don’t really want to go. That’s the old reality.
We’re moving away from that. So, this memory lost thing is a good thing. Don’t think that you’re going senile, don’t think that there’s problems. There isn’t. You’re just being shown the truth and the truth is that the present moment is the only moment that truly exists and you should embrace it with all of you, with every cell, with every fibre, with an expanded open heart, loving, caring, being kind and compassionate and grateful that you have this blessing of an empty mind, and it’s not full of the madness that it is usually full of. It’s beautiful baby and you are a divine being here on this planet and you came here to shine you came here to be all of you. You came here to experience your wholeness, your divinity, and allow that divinity to burst through the seams of your physical body out into this world so you can truly shine express yourself and be and have and do whatever it is that you want to do on this world, in this world, on this planet, on this crazy green and blue ball that we call earth that we call home.
Wherever you are on this planet I want you to know this I love you unconditionally. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our sisters and our brothers. Together we can really make this world a much more harmonious place. Go out into this world, love ferociously, love fiercely, hug tightly, and never be the first to let go. Remember check out our website We’ve got some amazing ascension tools to help you on this journey. So go and check them out. Love, love, love. It’s the only way, beautiful soul. I’ll see you again real soon.
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