Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here
December 21st 2020 is an extremely important time space for humanity. We are moving through a gateway/portal on an eneregtic and a physical level. Never before have the timelines been so aligned for a quantum jump. It’s available for everyone but only those who are ready will experience the huge shifts that are available. These energies will meet you where you are at and move you into a higher state of consciousness. For those of you that have been diving deep its time for a huge energetic pay off.
Moving towards this gateway and into the new year, the energies are ensuring that our deepest traumas are brought up for healing and its not a pleasant experience for some. Please stay in your heart, breathe, know you are phenomenal and all things will pass. The more you can accept the emotions risng and honor them the faster they will pass.
This Solstice will also see Jupiter and Saturn aligning to create the Christmas Star for the first time in 800 years. This alignment will bring forth a new energy stream. This new energetic stream is the Twiy Ray Consciousness Stream. It’s the Divine Femine and Divine Masculine in perfect balance. This coupled with the solstice portal energies are going to serioulsy amplify your energy body and shift you in to the next octave/frequency band available on your Divine Earth Mission.
This is a time to dive deep, stay focused, maintain that heart vibration and let the Krystal Timelines birth themselvs through your own Divine Cosmic Crystal Blueprint.
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