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For many years the lei lines/dragon lines, have carried frequency/energy, around Mother Earth’s Grid System. Over the course of Earth’s history, our energetic grid and the node points that support it, have been tampered with and bent out of shape. It is as though the entire grid has been bent out of shape. This grid system can be re-engineered and their are beings that have visitied Earth 3 times in its history, to assist with this process. These beings are called the Domes. Only Universal Architects can call the Domes to assist. If you feel it, you are one and are ready and primed for this mission. The negative beings remaining strong hold of energy, their battery, is in Turkey. The current structure feeds this battery. They have been surviving on massive off planet batteries for some time, as well as this one, which is huge and supported by smaller batteries around the planet. Once this job has been done, the negative forces have two choices. Stay and die or leave the planet.
If you feel the call, join us as we re-align the grids, drain the battery and work with the Domes!
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