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You are the architect of your own reality and in the Quantum Field, you can change and shift the vibrational coding that communicates and change and creates your physical reality. Everything can be change and during this workshop you will be shown how to initiate the change and then you will be guided to make that change.
Light is information. Vast amounts of data, in the form of geometrical code flow within the light streams that are absolutely everywhere.
You as the Quantum Architect of your own reality, a master alchemist (who will understand through experience during this workshop, not just theory, that you are light/energy, beyond the physical form and this light/energy or geometrical data, is connected to and a part of a greater source of energy that is accessible now) and can mould and shape your reality through your thoughts, feelings and actions, by utilising the liberated energy and the geometrical information that flows within the light frequencies/energy, travelling through the quantum field and create the life of your dreams now.
We will show you how to be the alchemist, a manifestation machine, a True Quantum Architect of your own reality. From this point forwards, there is no turning back.
The reason people experience a lack of abundance, is due to the programming on a cellular and a subconscious level. Since the time you were born, and before (past lives/parallel realities) in some cases, you have been running a programme or a series of programmes. Making the same decisions, repeating the same emotions, taking the same action, over and over and replaying event after event that keeps you stuck in a cyclical trail of low vibrational events and circumstances.
Until you change your energy and learn/remember how to maintain it and elevate it, and then direct it, in a new way to create a new reality, you will be free for a period of time but then simply fall back into your old ways. The programming is too strong and so will return and keep you locked in your old way of thinking, feeling and behaving.
There is a scientific process to breaking this cycle and you will be shown exactly how to do it, so you can shift into a high vibrational world of abundance, quickly!
You Merkaba, an integral part of your Light Body, has multiple layers that are available in different frequency bands or densities. In your mothers womb, 49 days (the power of 13) DMT appears appears and also 8 cells create the formation of a Merkaba. You are, from before birth, two tetrahedrons and as you grow you become a bouncing cluster of multiple tetrahedrons.
You are a Merkaba, which is not only a part of your Light Body and Multidimensional Light Body, its also a manifestation machine. We are going to activate your Merkaba in this 3d/4d space but also activate your Multidimensional Merkaba in densities five, six and seven. You will be switched on like never before and your ability to manifest and create a world of abundance will be at the next level and some.
Life is about to get very exciting for you.
This workshop is going to be intense. You are going to be taken through a series of mega powerful activation’s to switch on latent parts of your multidimensional light body so you can be a REAL Quantum Architect. If you decide to join us please stay hydrated leading up to it. Two days of this activation’s, at this level, is only for those that truly want to bring the Qauntum World to life and realise their dreams, visions and goals.
Heightened awareness
Activated Merkaba Fields in densities 3/4/5/6 and 7
Activated abundance frequency
Clarity on how your life will move forwards
Expanded awareness and increased energy
A bio-circuitry system with the old programming dissolved
An expanded heart and a deep sense of peace
A unique set of tools to create whatever reality your heart desires
Increased courage and confidence to take massive action in your life
Two days of colossal expansion with your Cosmic Tribe
Start 10am. Finish 5.00pm on both days
Tickets £189
10% Discount for Infinity Members. Please make sure you are signed in to Infinity when you buy your ticket.
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