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Star Magic Online Group Healing Experience, 8th March 2025

March 8, 2025 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Please note: All event times stated are UK time (BST). Convert to your timezone here

Book This Event Now

Due to massive success of our first few online Group Healing, with over 400 Souls attending, the Tribe have requested we hold more online Group Healings. We will be adding this to the Star Magic Calendar as a Quarterly Reset, so you can plug in regularly and rebalance your whole system in a major way.

There is a massive discount for Infinity Members

It’s going to be non stop action; stripping out belief systems, building confidence, alchemizing the masculine/feminine balance, healing past lives, activating the 3rd eye, light body, kundalini and more.

There will be meditation, light language, breathwork, healing, all within this beautiful ascension container.

Join us on 8th March 2025.

£88 for Infinity members
(£333 for non-members)

iconDate and time

8th March 2025
12pm to 6pm (London Time)

iconOnline on Zoom

Registration Link will be emailed shortly before the event

Please see our Cancellation Policy here.


The Ultimate Quarterly Reset

Group Healing Workshop Series

Join us for a transformational journey with four power-packed Online Group Healing Experiences throughout the year, designed to reset and elevate your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As a special bonus, you’ll receive an additional Group Healing session on October 19th, 2024, to supercharge your journey!

Read more about The Quarterly Reset

5D Abundance Codes

During the weekend, Jerry will be taking you through a potent activation to switch on your 5D Abundance Codes. Once you start manifesting from this higher state of consciousness, everything will appear in your life extremely fast. You will
manifest with ease and grace and start creating in your highest timeline.

Can you radically shift your entire life in 6 hours?

Imagine a super-safe, high frequency container that you can step into for 6 hours, knowing that when you come out the other side, your life will have radically changed. No more disease, injury, illness, anxiety, bad habits, or worries, and you were so connected to Source, to love, that abundance flowed into and through your life effortlessly. Would you have the courage to step into it, knowing that you will shift and transform so much? Would you be willing to let the old self die? And a new version of you be reborn into this world?

Rapid transformation and healing

Quarterly Reset

Jerry will take you on a powerful journey of self-discovery filled with breathwork, meditation, light language, frequency upgrades, and healing. Spending 6 hours in this super-potent container is life-changing. It will be a whole new level of love, connection, joy, inspiration, change, expansion, growth, and freedom. The protocols and structure of the day are very different for an online group healing to an in-person group healing but equally potent and life-changing. Be on it!

Compressing time

Given the nature of the container that Jerry creates, time is compressed due to the velocity and charge of the energy inside the space. Emotional, psychological, mental and physical shifts that can take months or years with contemporary healing, take place in minutes and hours. Time and space collapse into each other and healing can be sometimes instantaneous.


Jerry creates an incredible container in which you will feel safe and can fully surrender to the process in store. Jerry will teach you an extremely powerful and effective breathing system that you will adopt throughout this 6-hour healing journey to amplify the whole experience. This breathing system is something you will be able to take into your life to continually change and evolve with.

Key to health and abundance

Every soul on Earth is designed to always feel vibrant, healthy, happy, joy-filled, and abundant. As you go through your own healing, your heart and brain will be brought into coherence and your energy field will expand and shift, creating a potent magnetic field around your body that will magnetize new experiences into your reality. People who come to our group healing experiences start manifesting quickly and efficiently because the old self dies during the session and a healthy, worthy, curious, love-filled, childlike self leaves the session and enters the world on a completely different frequency and, like an alchemist, recreates their new life very quickly.

Planetary gridwork

In each Group Healing, a very special activation will take place to assist Mother Earth and our ascension. As the Group Frequency builds through the day, Jerry will guide everyone to focus their attention, set a very specific intention, set up a unique geometrical grid structure, and use it to ground our powerful love frequency through the Planetary Grids. You will experience a powerful Light Language Transmission that will support this process and amplify the healing energies inside the solid group container.

This Is Why You Should Join a Group Healing

What do people experience?

  • Optimised Health
  • Addictions disappear.
  • The 3rd eye is activated.
  • Dormant DNA is awakened.
  • Self-worth is realized.
  • Peak health is reclaimed.
  • Manifestation becomes effortless.
  • Mental healing and clarity.
  • High levels of vitality and motivation.
  • Crystal clarity of vision, path and purpose.
  • Emotional balance is restored.
  • A frequency of real inspiration.
  • Magnetic confidence and charisma.
  • Higher levels of awareness are reached.
  • Deep & profound connection to Source.
  • Lifestyle freedom with work-life balance.
  • Amplified creativity and creation power.
  • Looking younger & reversal of premature aging.


Been Before?

Attending these online Group Healing Experiences will supercharge your life. Every time will be a totally different experience. Each time you submerge yourself in these potent energies you will receive massive upgrades and huge downloads. Your system will have already been primed for the frequencies, so it will just get better, deeper, and more beautiful. Your frequency will keep elevating and your consciousness will expand beyond measure.

How to prepare for this event

Please don’t eat for 12 hours before attending. Make sure you’re well hydrated.

To prepare for this event, join Infinity here. Once joined, Download the Star Magic Healing app in the Google or Apple store, come to our bi-weekly Fearless Focus Zoom call, and get stuck into our Diamond Spark Challenge. The Registration Link is emailed to all Infinity Members on the morning of the call.

These protocols will really help keep your frequency high and prepare you for the healing. Remember, when you play the meditations, you can sit or lie and be in a deeper meditation or listen like music. You can even listen whilst you sleep. If you play them at night time, create a playlist in your vault, which you can listen to offline. So, zero Wi-Fi is required at night.

Why Come To Our In-person Events?

The Online Group Healing experience is completely different from the in person Group Healing Experience.

Jerry has a very different set of tools and protocols that are used in both scenarios.

The online experience is perfect for a complete bodily reset.

The in person experience allows for rapid biological upgrade with the use of the famous Gods Mouth technique, something Jerry teaches on our Level 1 Training Experience.

All healing comes from within. There are no guaranteed results.

Join us on 8th march 2025.

£88 for Infinity members
(£333 for non-members)

iconDate and time

Sunday 8th march 2025
12pm to 6pm

iconOnline On Zoom

Registration Link will be emailed as soon as you book the event.

Please see our Cancellation Policy here.

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