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Star Magic Facilitator Training Level 1, 15th – 19th September 2025, Eaton Manor, UK

September 15 - September 19

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Your life will never be the same after this training!

This unique experiential program is designed for all to attend, play, learn and manifest amazing new possibilities which stretch way beyond the imagination. The training is open for everyone from any background.

Throughout the training days, you will remember how to influence and manipulate universal frequencies that govern healing and disease in the human species. You will interact with high vibratory fields of intelligence, and your awareness will strengthen as your read the information contained within the universal database.

Each day builds upon the previous, layering new knowledge and advanced healing tools to help you grow into a Star Magic Facilitator. You will be able to bring about rapid shifts in all whom you work with. Find out more about Faciloitator Training here

Investment: £4,999

All 5 days: Training will start at 10am (UK) and will end at 6pm (UK).

Your Daily Schedule

  1. Introduction
  2. Meet the Team
  3. What to Expect From The Course
  4. Group Meditation
  5. Useful Geometries
  6. Lifestyle – Not Just a Healing Modality
  7. Confirmation Builds Confidence
  8. Disciplined Non-Systematical Way of Knowing
  9. Soul Technology
  10. 5 Mission Critical Ingredients
  11. Light & Sound Codes
  12. Why Do Humans Do Illness?
  13. Inverted Field
  14. Love & The Human Brain
  15. YOU-Niverse Database
  16. Download Light Codes Meditation
  17. The Power of Alchemy
  18. Picture of a Human Hologram
  19. In The Eye of the Observer
  20. Never Combat a dis-ease – Create a different reality
  21. Light is Fuel – Activate the Bio-Transducer
  22. Facilitator
  23. Realities
  24. Intrinsic Value
  25. Q&A’s
  1. Morning Meditation
  2. Everybody Can Do This
  3. Temperature Control & Nerve Fibre Building Process
  4. Nervous System
  5. Nervous System Activation
  6. Soul Technology
  7. Temperature Control
  8. Channelled Network of Light
  9. Effortless & No Action
  10. Dropping Down & Dropping In
  11. Glass Exercise
  12. Energy Blockages
  13. Live Demonstration – Blockages & Neck Pain
  14. Organs
  15. Live Demonstration – Gall Bladder
  16. Nervous System
  17. Energy Cords
  18. Removing Energy Cords
  19. Creating Energy Cords
  20. Basic Healing Ways and Visualisations
  21. Meditation – Group Healing
  22. Collapsing Waves of Light Deleting Programmes
  23. Intermediate Healing Ways – Light Hands
  24. Intermediate Healing Ways – Stars, Love, Earth
  25. Intermediate Healing Ways – Infinity Sign
  26. Intermediate Healing Ways – Bringing It All Together
  27. Q&A’S
  1. Morning Meditation
  2. Chakra Release & Transmission Centres
  3. Egyptian System
  4. Transmission Centres
  5. Chakra Release
  6. Chakra Release – Demonstration
  7. Crystals & Geometry
  8. Quantum Entanglement & Geometry
  9. Quantum Entanglement & Geometry – Explanation
  10. Quantum Entanglement & Geometry – Demonstration
  11. Cellular Level – A Little Deeper
  12. Get Curious
  13. Co-Creating as you go
  14. Clearing Pyramids
  15. Q&A’S
  1. Personal Team
  2. Time To Meet The Star Magic Team
  3. Meet The Star Magic Team Meditation
  4. Healing Demonstration – Indy’s Eyesight
  5. Healing Visualisations for Self-Empowerment
  6. Hemispheric Synchronisation
  7. Corpus Callosum
  8. Egyptian Pools of Consciousness
  9. Egyptian Pools of Consciousness Meditation
  10. Quantum Knowledge
  11. Parallel Realities – Mr Cube
  12. Q&A’s
  1. Pineal Gland Activation
  2. Decalcify your Pineal Gland
  3. Pineal Gland Exercise
  4. Protecting your Space
  5. Shadow Parasites – Part One
  6. Shadow Parasites – Part Two
  7. Don’t give your Power to your Healing Space
  8. Star Magic – Codes of Consciousness
  9. Q&A’S
  1. Group Meditation
  2. Codes & Realities – Serious Fire Power
  3. The End Game Process
  4. As Above So Below
  5. 13 Transmission Centres
  6. Cleanse the Aura
  7. Merkaba Field
  8. Your Clients
  9. Q&A’s
  10. Morning Meditation
  11. Nervous System Code
  12. Mr & Mrs Cube Code
  13. Portal Codes
  14. Arcturian Hairdryer Code
  15. Chromium Firing Pins Code
  16. Activating Transmission Centres Codes
  17. Constellations for Body Parts Code
  18. Multidimensional Merkaba Code
  19. Cutting Cords Code
  20. DNA Activation
  21. Stay Grounded
  22. Nano Bot Repulsion Code
  23. Hip Releasing Code & Q&As

A Total of 6 Q&A Sessions

At the end of every day of training as well as the online bonus day, you will find a detailed Q&A session that will address any uncertainties and answer any inquiries you may have about the tools, the frequencies, the processes, or the application.

Get ready for a journey of sovereignty and freedom

Healing should be fast and easy. It shouldn’t take time and when you know how to play with the cosmic fabric/the energetic field, all things are possible.

Based on widely known scientific principles of quantum physics, combined with esoteric but very tangible knowledge, which Jerry was shown in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt, this powerful way of transformation and healing is easy to learn and even easier to experience. There is no scientific or healing background required. Remember that Star Magic is very different from any other healing modality on the planet. You will discover that you are the power, and once you open yourself to the information contained in the universal light codes of Star Magic, you will know and embrace this fully.

What people say about Faciltator Training..

Help at Our Healing Centers

We are training facilitators to work and create and facilitate healing in our healing centres. This is what we are building in Transylvania, Romania. It’s the first of 13.


Eaton Manor Country Estate, Eaton-under-Heywood, Church Stretton SY6 7DH

40 minutes from Birmingham International Airport


All food will be natural, straight from Mother Earth, giving each Facilitator the chance to eat clean and detox during the training experience. This will heighten the overall training experience and create the perfect foundation to be the very best facilitator you can. There will be a selection of menus to choose from.

Total Price: £4,999

  • Includes 5 Days Training (plus powerful activation and ceremony on day 3).
  • High Grade Accommodation (ample parking if driving).
  • Food (5* Plant Based Chef)
  • + Bonus Group Healing Experience during the Training itself
  • + Online Bonus Day Post Training with further DNA Upgrades, Activation and many more codes not delivered during the training.
  • + Access to all online Facilitator Training Recordings via your Infinity Membership
  • + Access to Monthly Facilitator Meetups to receive further support via your Infinity Membership
  • + Access to our Facebook and Telegram Support Groups

More Feedback from FT1

“Jerry is a phenomenal facilitator! At all times he is fully present, loving and most
importantly, he creates a (spiritual, physical, mental and emotional) safe space to explore deeper aspects of your soul. He approaches every person and question with integrity,
kindness and wisdom.

Overall, it is a gift to be in a room with Jerry and the Star Magic Tribe. For me he is an invitation to stretch myself in ways I didn’t know I could. If you are considering this
training, then be aware that your life is about to change 100%.”
~ Manjit Khalsa

Level 1 Training It was the best thing I could have done. It opened me up to the infinite possibilities within me, expanded my awareness and perceptions.

The experience brought me up to the place I had always wanted to be, with my heart and mind connected and in coherence, grounded, free and open to my full potential! I am now on my chosen healing path.
~ John Theobald

“I’ve been to many healing trainings and come away with a few techniques and they very rarely work. Jerry takes you on a journey of self-empowerment, he provides you with a whole arsenal of healing tools and shows you how to use them. He shows you how to access the quantum world and become comfortable with it in and easy, down to Earth style that everyone can understand. He has taken something that is way out there and made it accessible for everyone. Its transformed my life.”
~ Kim Humphries

“I was searching for someone who could talk to me and enhance my gifts and help shape me & show me how to use my potential and be the best I can be. Star Magic FT1 came up out of the blue and I knew I had to be there.

This is what I came to this Planet to do. I just needed the right training to bring out my gifts. I was loved, listened to, and guided by Jerry and his team during the training and still am up until this day. To sum it up I’ve never looked back & am still as excited as I was that first day to be part of Star Magic Healing.”
~ Michele Pyne

Investment: £4,999

All 5 days: Training will start at 10am (UK) and will end at 6pm (UK).


Book This Event Now


September 15
September 19
Event Categories:
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Eaton Manor
Eaton Manor Estate
Shropshire, SY8 3HH. United Kingdom


In-person Workshops
Show In-person Workshops Only
Facilitator Level 1

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