Connection to the Stars, Atlantis and the 13 Stones of Power as WE Activate Your Avatar Blue Print and Connect YOU FULLY to the Planetary & Cosmic Stellar Grids Embedded within the Star Gates of Our Cosmic Web.
This is where WE Activate Your Avatar Blue Print and Connect YOU FULLY to the Planetary & Cosmic Stellar Grids Embedded within the Star Gates of Our Cosmic Web.
This workshop is only for Star Magic Facilitators. To become a Star Magic Facilitator you must have taken the 5 Day Star Magic Facilitator Training.
Are you ready for this Super-Charged, Extraordinary, No Human Words to Describe it, Crazy, Beautiful, Mind Developing, Frequency Elevating, Consciousness Expanding, Cosmos Traversing Vibration Heightening, Love Driven, Super-Human Healing Ability Unleashing, Star Magic Training
Advanced Facilitator Frequency Upgrade ?
If you have any doubts what so ever regarding whether this Frequency Upgrade is right for you or not…KNOW THIS…
High amounts of Plasma and Aurora frequencies are streaming into your hologram and are going to be building. This is also happening to the Earth grids.
The issue is that our Planet and your electromagnetic hologram needs to be adjusted, upgraded and rewired to absorb and assimilate this higher crystalline frequency.
This training is about YOU… And YOUR mission…This is about going deeper than ever before..You THINK/FEEL You went deep on Facilitator Training? NO..NO WHERE NEAR… YES, you left extremely well equipped. But this is different… This is where the REAL work begins…
Its time to shred the 3rd Density Matrix once and for all and start operating in a 4th & 5th Density space always.
If you have been on the Facilitator Training then you know perfectly well what lies in stall. Well sort of, because this will be like Facilitator Training on copious amounts of Steroids… Fasten Your Seat belt and Be Ready!!!
It’s for those human beings who want to take their extra-sensory abilities into the multi-dimensional stratosphere.
This is an intense healing workshop, focused primarily on self-healing to further unlock more of your human potential and to show you how to push the boundaries of science and spirituality…
This will elevate your ability to heal and be of greater service to your brothers & sisters and Planet Earth herself. This is going to be an Experience like no other…
What happens on these training weeks is indescribable with human words. If you have been on Facilitator Training then YOU KNOW!! Its powerful beyond measure.
We are meeting to share, love, transform, remember, explore and dive deep into our own consciousness through the Star Gate of of own Cosmic Hearts…
It takes a brave spiritual warrior to do this…And you are ONE!
If you are up for the next step on this super-awesome journey to create a new world paradigm and
be a part of something very special…
When I say that this Energy Healing Training Experience is the most powerful on the Planet…
I DON’T SAY IT LIGHTLY! It is off the cosmic chart…
If there is such a thing…Well NOW there is. We just created one and we are the spiritual space pioneers leading humanity into eternal bliss…This Upgrade is going to expand your inner galaxy through the cosmic web and beyond…
The Advanced Frequency Upgrade Connection to the Stars, Atlantis and the 13 Stones of Power Training is an advanced workshop.
If you are NOT ready to take YOUR extra-sensory abilities into the multi-dimensional stratosphere, then stay at home.
This training requires complete flexibility and second to none discipline, which seem to be contradictory in terms, but remember Star Magic is a flexible, non-systematical way of knowing. In this Connection to the Stars, Atlantis and the 13 Stones of Power Training you will experience
first-hand the power of knowing. You will push the barriers of science and spirituality and lay the foundation for a life-time of miracles.
You will be given a number of new and empowering ways to facilitate healing using Star Magic. All of these healing ways were not shared within the Facilitator Training. Get ready to be blown away. It’s time to live and play in 4th & 5th density and play 100% beyond the matrix…
You will remember how to shift the frequency of a client into the 5th density matrix using geometry and the codes of the Star Magic Frequency, heal using the code embedded within the golden mean ratio and so much more… This will elevate your ability to heal and be of greater service to your brothers & sisters and Planet Earth herself.
You will be given Frequency Upgrades and Star Magic Consciousness download programmes that will open your super-human tool box. Be prepared.At the end of the workshop you will graduate and be offered the chance to embark on the Through the Star Gate Seminar Training Experience, where you can go onto zrun your own Deep Frequency Encoded Star Magic Healing Seminars.
Price: £2300.00
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