Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here
We are one. We are manifestations of the same energy, the same source code.
The Tribe will be connecting once again, accessing pure source frequencies, healing, expanding and emerging as a higher, more unified consciousness.
Join the Star Magic Tribe for this epic Global Meditation. We are experiencing relentless off planet frequencies hitting our planet and the effect on our human bodies, our emotional bodies and our energetic tamales are strong.
During this meditation we will work with these energies and build holographic architecture into our templates to allow the smooth integration of these frequencies.
When we gather as a family, the healing is potent and the love we can send out to the planet is phenomenal.
Be a part of the transformation on Earth.
This will be extremely powerful!
At least once a month, Jerry invites the world to participate in a FREE 60-minute Star Magic Tribe Global Meditation with an open cosmic heart and a sincere will to heal, transform, and evolve into their wholeness. This is a powerful session amplified by the Star Magic Tribe’s global presence (with thousands of us gathered virtually) for each transformative session. You are invited to this super special Global Healing event where we will connect and meditate as a Tribe. We have witnessed many times how a handful of people strongly unified by a common intent can profoundly influence a larger group of people. This is how we heal the Planet, expand human consciousness and send a tsunami of love through our human family and all sentient beings on Earth. Find out more here.