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The Sirius Portal Aligns with the Sun, Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka, three Stars in Orion’s Belt.
On this Lions Gate Portal the stakes are ultra high. We will be travelling together, as a Tribe, through the Orion Star Gate, into the Cradle of Lyra.
We will working with the Ka-Ra-Nu Tribe (the original Galactic White & Diamond Krystalline Lions) and accessing Hyperbolic Technology for rapid Planetary & Human Healing and Rapid Flow Manifestation.
This 08 Gateway is like no other. It’s a time for new beginnings. Jerry has been tasked by the Cosmic Grand Fathers and the Divine Mother, to build the new 7th Dimensional Architecture for Planetary Ascension.
Jerry will be in Greece laying the architecture during the Lions Gate Portal, so will be transmitting live from the sacred lands, after the grid point there has been activated.
Join Jerry, the 7D Lyran Council, the 12D Sirian Council, the Cosmic Grand Fathers and the Divine Mother, for this collaboration, celebration and huge multidimensional upgrade for humanity and our Cosmic Families.
You will receive a huge DNA Upgrade, a massive Ascension Key Code for Accessing the 8th Dimensional Star Gate into the Ka-Ra-Nu Tribes Emerald Ascension Temple and next level healing!
At least once a month, Jerry invites the world to participate in a FREE 60-minute Star Magic Tribe Global Meditation with an open cosmic heart and a sincere will to heal, transform, and evolve into their wholeness. This is a powerful session amplified by the Star Magic Tribe’s global presence (with thousands of us gathered virtually) for each transformative session. You are invited to this super special Global Healing event where we will connect and meditate as a Tribe. We have witnessed many times how a handful of people strongly unified by a common intent can profoundly influence a larger group of people. This is how we heal the Planet, expand human consciousness and send a tsunami of love through our human family and all sentient beings on Earth. Find out more here.
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