Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here
In a world of uncertainty, there’s a certainty that lies within: you were destined for more, much more. You are part of a grander scheme, a cosmic, mathematical tapestry, woven with your unique threads of purpose.
These Mystery School Teachings are designed to bring out the very best in you. Ancient code that was downloaded into your original architecture is waiting to be activated.
These teachings will help you access 5th Dimensional Templates for your human ascension. Within these templates, lies raw esoteric potential that is the foundation of formidable success as a human being.
These teachings will help you forge a profound connection with your individual Galactic Blueprint and activate the intricate sovereign grid of your life’s purpose.
Elevate your consciousness and activate the encoded potentials within your DNA to align with the emerging frequencies of the New Earth by joining these Monthly (sometimes more) Mystery School Teachings.
Expect Massive Transformation!
Jerry hosts these free Mystery School Teachings every month, sometimes twice, covering different topics and subjects, giving you the chance to learn new skills and take new tools into your spiritual arsenal. These are practical tools that you can use every day to keep unlocking more of who you are, more of your Divine Potential.
In 2022, Jerry introduced the Star Magic Tribe to the Angelic Blue Devis, a powerful race of high frequency angelic butterflies.
They have 8 very specific pieces of coding and each Tribe member downloaded them all over 3 sessions.
The upgrades and healing results were incredible.
During this 2 Part Mystery School Teaching, Jerry will be connecting you to some upgraded Blue-Devi technologies and healing techniques.
This will be extremely empowering, furnishing you with new codes and ways to heal yourself and others.
You will receive access to the 7th Dimensional Blue-Devi Healing Chambers and a new code every month from the Blue-Devis through 2024, as long as you are an Infinity Member.
If you leave Infinity and re-join, your membership starts again so you will not get immediate access to the codes.
This will be a game changer.
Part 1: 13th February 2024, 6 pm London time (GMT)
Part 2: 4th March 2024, 6 pm London time (GMT)
If you have been an Infinity Member for more than 30 days, you don’t need to do anything. You will be sent login and passcodes in the morning on the day of the workshop to your registered e-mail.
If you are not an Infinity Member, please join here. In just 30 days, you will be able to join Jerry and the Tribe for these powerful, free, life-changing Mystery School Teachings. You will also have access to the replays of all the previous Mystery School Teachings, covering a wide range of topics from Past Lives to Energy Healing, Breathwork, DNA Activation, Light Language, Future Lives, Shadow Work, Entity Removal, Kundalini Activation, Relationships, Star Gates, Gridwork and so much more.
The event is scheduled for 1 hour 30 minutes but don’t be in a hurry to leave as it may go over if we are working and flowing.
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