Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here
The fun you will have, the Souls you will meet, the laughter you will experience, is priceless. Once you’ve been on an Infinite Wisdom, you will be back again.
This is going to be the most powerful IW so far and if you have attended any or all of the last 19, you know what is in store.
Infinite Wisdom 20 is set to be a whole new level of information, wisdom and energy.
If you’ve joined Jerry and the tribe on the previous cosmic adventures then you know that when we say we are raising the, we are surfing the alchemical sound waves into a whole new universal ocean of magic, creating and healing.
In 2024, Jerry travelled to 15 worldwide locations and laid the 7D Architecture, Activated the Solar Clock and prepared the planet first humanities Solar Flare DNA Upgrade.
During this Infinite Wisdom Journey, Jerry will guide you as you travel to a multitude of different Star System inside and outside of our time based matrix.
These will be 7th Dimensional Spaces, Temples, Chambers, Space Crafts and high frequency planetary homes where you will meet your galactic families first ceremonies, upgrades, healing and exploration.
On each of the 18 Cosmic Journeys, you will connect with and reconnect with being that have something to share with you.
You will be gifted knowledge and wisdom and alchemical experience after alchemical experience, as your vibration elevates, your consciousness expands and you truly activate your highest timeline.
As you connect with Jerry and the Tribe, twice a day for 9 days, you will connect with the Star Magic Family and remember what real community feels like. You will make new friends, reconnect with old ones, having fun and laughter on his wild cosmic ride.
18 Sacred Activation Points in 9 Days.
Every IW has superseded the one that came before. This one will be no different!!
Each of the 18 sessions are different. They are all recorded and the recordings go live within 1 hour of the finish time.
The recordings are available for 12 weeks and they are also uploaded into the resources section of the Star Magic Healing App for ease of use, where they will remain for constant access.
No problem. Some Tribe Members can’t make every live session. If you cannot make a live session then listen to the recording in your own time.
50% discount if you have been an Infinity Member for 60 days or more.
Please ensure you are logged into Infinity to book
This Infinite Wisdom will be next level. Expect Transformation.
Session times: 60-90 minutes
Saturday | 10-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Saturday | 10-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Sunday | 11-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Sunday | 11-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Monday | 12-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Monday | 12-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Tuesday | 13-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Tuesday | 13-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Wednesday | 14-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Wednesday | 14-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Thursday | 15-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Thursday | 15-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Friday | 16-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Friday | 16-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Saturday | 17-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Saturday | 17-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
Sunday | 18-May-2024 | 3:00pm | 4:00pm | UK TIME |
Sunday | 18-May-2024 | 8:00pm | 9:00pm | UK TIME |
During my first Infinite Wisdom journey me and my partner experienced something quite profound that still to this day has had a major impact on our lives in the best way possible. We both had been heavily addicted and dependent on cannabis and nicotine for over 10 years relying on it to get through life and on the fifth day of the journeys something just clicked and the two of us just said we were done with smoking and bid farewell to it the next day. It has been 17 months and neither of us have went back to it, and we never will. we have experienced more from life in the last year than we have in the past 10 years and can honestly say it was the best decision we have ever made. The frequency was that potent from the meditations that it made it almost easy to stop and break free from the cycle. That’s only one of the many amazing experiences I had and will be forever grateful to Jerry and the star magic family for helping us see the better side to this life. So much love
I had a hair line fracture in my little toe, the pain is GONE! My whole body feels like it’s gone through an overhaul, I feel like a baby!
The Infinite Wisdom journey is truly unparalleled. The reason? It continually deepens my understanding of the energetic and quantum realms, elevates my level of consciousness, I always receive deep realizations and healings while also having lots of fun with the tribe. Each journey transforms me, evolving me into a more refined version of myself. However, it’s not for everyone. It’s for those seeking empowerment, growth, knowledge, for those that want to become their grandest selves. For those hungering for ‘more’ in life. Infinite Wisdom consistently propels me to the next level of my existence.
Just signed up for IW. Each one is even better than the last. It’s like 9 days of pure bliss. Can’t wait to start. I already have a special connection with a pink dragon named Harmony. She is fantastic and looks similar to the picture. Until she presented herself, I had no idea there was such a thing as a “pink “ dragon. Love those fantastic high vibrational, wise, loving beings. This IW is going to be great!
After journey number 3 I had an explosion of light in my head, there was a pop and I felt like a lit up. Ever since then my pineal gland has been active. I can see with my 3rd eye. I feel more. I am more. This has empowered me. I feel so confident.
Ever since I was a small child I have wanted to return ” home “…I feel these journeys are getting me there. viscerally beyond real. Thank you so much!
Now I know what a Kundalini Activation is.
After the sixth journey I have not worn my glasses. I don’t even know what happened or what shifted, but something happened in my body. It feels different and I don’t need my glasses. This is AMAZING. I am speechless.
I love just everything on this journey. The Healing, the Power, the Laughing, the Freedom, the people, the space, the love, the wisdom. Just absolutely everything. Thank you all so much.
Didn’t want to come back! Felt so at home being with the Andromedan council. Only ever feel that way down here when I am meditating with you guys.
I loooove it! So powerful! I feel empowered. I can feel the shift in energy.