Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here
The Star Magic Family is coming together. English and Chinese speaking Tribe Members have the opportunity to co-create together in Divine Harmony!
Every month we are bringing our Tribe members together, journeying, healing and opening our hearts as a global family, uniting as a major human force of love and light and creaating waves of consciousness that will flow through the world and create healing on many levels.
During this Global Meditation we will be connecting to the Yellow Dragons, some powerful Grid Workers. We will be going to down into the Planetary Architecture to elevate the frequency of our Multi-Dimensional Light Bodies, work wit the Dragons and send Turbo-Charged streams of high-frequency energy to different parts of the Planet for healing.
This will be a massive upgrade.
This will be healing for you, your sisters and brothers and the Planet herself!
If you feel the call, join us as we Unite as a Global Family!
See You on the Inside Beautiful Souls
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