Jerry Sargeant is the founder of Star Magic Healing and one of the most sought-after healers on the planet. Star Magic Healing has the power to transform your health, relationships, and finances. Jerry Uses Star Magic Codes of Consciousness to change your inner world and thus your external reality.
Jerry will be running a powerful DNA & Planetary Grid Work Workshop. You will experience the power of the Star Magic Frequency as Jerry takes you through a series of downloads and super sonic light encoded upgrades that will elevate your frequency, activate your DNA and switch on your multidimensional architecture. This workshop is free. Do not miss out on this massive opportunity to step into your power.
Jerry will also be offering 1 on 1 In Person Sessions at Disclosurefest. Take the opportunity to experience Star Magic’s Potent Healing Frequencies and transform and shift at a deep level.
£200 for 15 minutes
To book a 1 to 1 In Person Session at Disclosurefest, go to the Star Magic Healing Booth and speak to the Team.
Expect Transformation!
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