Your reality is about to be altered and your life turbo-charged beyond all measure. This is for those who are truly ready to experience life beyond the veil of illusion!
Star Magic is always stretching the boundaries of human consciousness and taking its tribe on new adventures, into unknown territory to elevate the frequency of each human being that joins the party. This time around it’s no different. We are seriously taking it to the next level and beyond.
If you decide to join this party, get ready because we are going into Galactic OverDrive!
You are invited to a very special, Deep In Space Retreat.
This will be 10 days & 9 Nights of cosmic discovery, deep healing, and remarkable insights. There is NOTHING this transformative being offered on the Planet right now. The Star Magic Tribe is taking you DEEP INTO SPACE!
The entire 10 days will be spent journeying through Deep Meditation, dancing, and laughing, fueled by Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, and the Star Magic Frequency.
Ayahuasca is an ancient mystical plant with its origin in the Amazon. Originally it was only the shaman who took it to come in contact with the ‘spirit world’. That way he could gain insights about the tribe and its members.
Today, Ayahuasca has made its entry into Europe because of its strongly purifying and transformative power. Even science in the West started to examine the healing power of Ayahuasca and other entheogens (consciousness-expanding products). According to traditions in the Amazon, Ayahuasca is a plant teacher, closely connected to Mother Earth (female energy – the Divine Feminine). It is sometimes called ‘La Purga’ (the purifier).
It is a unique way to purify your body and mind of toxicity that has been collected during our present and parallel lives. This plant medicine can help each and every one of us discover the truth within our own cosmic hearts.
Ayahuasca is an ancient mystical plant with its origin in the Amazon. Originally it was only the shaman who took it to come in contact with the ‘spirit world’. That way he could gain insights about the tribe and its members.
Today, Ayahuasca has made its entry into Europe because of its strongly purifying and transformative power. Even science in the West started to examine the healing power of Ayahuasca and other entheogens (consciousness-expanding products). According to traditions in the Amazon, Ayahuasca is a plant teacher, closely connected to Mother Earth (female energy – the Divine Feminine). It is sometimes called ‘La Purga’ (the purifier).
It is a unique way to purify your body and mind of toxicity that has been collected during our present and parallel lives. This plant medicine can help each and every one of us discover the truth within our own cosmic hearts.
The working element in Ayahuasca that makes it possible to expand our consciousness is called DMT (Dimethyltryptamine). DMT is a body-like substance that is part of any living organism on this Earth. In humans, this substance is made in small amounts in the pineal gland (located in the center of the brain). It is released while dreaming.
To make sure we stay in this 3D reality, our stomach breaks down the DMT in our food by means of a MAO-enzyme (monoamine-oxidase). Before we drink the Ayahuasca, we take a MAO-inhibitor so the Ayahuasca can be absorbed.
There are different types of Ayahuasca but the plant we will use in our Star Magic Ceremony is called Jurema (Mimosa Hostilis). It has a very high concentration of DMT.
Psychedelic mushrooms or magic mushrooms have existed long before people have discovered their use. People long ago used them whether in shroom cooking or dried consumption for religious rituals. Psilocybin, the active ingredient found in “magic” mushrooms, or “shrooms,” is a powerful psychedelic.
It’s capable of altering the perception of space and time, causing visual distortions, euphoria, and mystical experiences, in return offering huge healing benefits as well as expanding one’s awareness and level of consciousness to exhilarating heights.
When you combine plant medicine with Star Magic, you go Deep Into Space and discover things about yourself and the Universe that you had forgotten for thousands if not millions of years.
Ayahuasca and Psilocybin open your inner senses and bring you into a space where you will experience deep and profound spiritual states of consciousness. This way, you receive life lessons and get knowledge about transpersonal realities. You can have visions about the future and past of the Earth, the cosmos and yourself and so much more. It is a real game-changer.
Ayahuasca and Psilocybin not only open you up to spiritual realities. They also open your unconscious pain body.
The pain body is a part of your subconscious where painful, fearful, and disappointing experiences are stored. Suppressed events and circumstances from past lives and parallel realities make up a part of your pain body.
There are experiences stored on the deepest levels, within your cells and bones that are related to birth and death, the two gates through which the soul journeys from one life to another. Both medicines will ensure you are brought to the point of trauma so it can be released and you experience a gigantic shift that will elevate your life forever.
An Ayahuasca ceremony is for those who are interested in:
Although an Ayahuasca or Psilocybin ceremony certainly is a mystical experience and very sacred, there are no rituals and obligations. It is an individual journey where the group energy builds and which will, in turn, enhance your personal experience.
You do not need to have taken Ayahuasca or Psilocybin before to come to this retreat. You do not need to have experienced a Star Magic workshop before coming to this retreat. It is for everyone. Just know that you are not coming to dance around the borders of consciousness. You are coming to explore this colossal universe and journey deep into your own Cosmic Heart. Deeper than you have ever travelled.
If you are an experienced woman or man in the spiritual field, we guarantee you, and we don’t say that lightly, that you will have the most powerful and profound experience of your life.
It’s time to transform your world.
All Deep In Space Retreats are run by Jerry himself. No one else is authorized to run Star Magic Deep In Space plant medicine retreats. If it’s not on our website and run by Jerry, it is not a Star Magic Deep In Space Retreat and it is not safe to journey and heal with this person.