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Blue Devi Angelic Kryst Consciousness Codes, Part 2, 21st February, 2021, Online

February 21, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here

You will receive an email with your registration link the day before this event

(If you are not already an Infinity member you can sign up here)

Free master class – Infinity Members only – remember, it’s free to join for 7 days!

This free Master Class, held by Jerry Sargeant, is for Star Magic Infinity Members. Its part of our new addition to Infinity called Interactive. Jerry hosts these live Master Interactive Classes, covering different topics and subjects, giving you the chance to learn new skills and and take new tools into your spiritual arsenal that you can use every day to keep unlocking more of who you are, more of your Divine Potential.

This is a very special Masterclass. Recently Jerry came into contact with some beings that introduced themselves as Blue Devi Angelic Kryst Consciousness Codes. The beings themselves entered Jerry’s space when he was doing some grid work in Ireland. They carry the New Earth Frequency Codes. Actually, the beings themselves are the codes.

During this Masterclass Jerry will introduce you to these beings and download the first 3 codes into your consciousness. The next 3 codes will be delievered in a second Masterclass and the third set of codes in the third part of this Masterclass Trilogy.

These beings carry an energy like you’ve never felt before.

So Calm – So Beautiful – So Powerful – So Divine.

These New Earth Codes are being shared with us because Star Magic is in alignment and at the forefront of the vibratory field in the expansion of human consciousness, we are being given these codes to share with our Tribe and the world!

How will you know if you are ready for them? You will a strong pull in your heart.

See you on the inside!

Expect Transformation. Are you ready?

If you are an Infinity Member already, you don’t need to do anything. You will be sent login and pass codes the day before the workshop to your registered e-mail.

If you are not an Infinity Member, please join here https://www.starmagichealing.org/infinity-members/ and you too, will also be sent login and pass codes the day before the workshop to your registered e-mail.

The event is scheduled for 3 hours but don’t be in a hurry to leave as it may go over if we are working and flowing.

See You on the Inside Beautiful Souls

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