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Activate the Solar Clock, 5th October 2024, Online

October 5 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Please note: All event times stated are UK time (BST). Convert to your timezone here

Never Before In Human History

This has NEVER happened before in human history!

And this will NEVER happen again in human history!

The question is, are YOU ALL IN on your Ascension?

The Mission

Two months ago, Jerry was introduced to the Cosmic Grandfathers. They are a Consciousness like nothing he’s ever experienced. They are a culmination of every higher frequency being in the Multiverse.

Hyper-Accelerated Upgrades

There is a team of Grandfathers, and each one represents a Multiverse. These Grandfathers are known as the ‘Zarakas’ or ‘Ancients’.  They oversee the entire Realm of the Cosmic Grandfathers.

There is another team of Grandfathers known as the ‘Feneraqi’ or ‘Elders’ and each of those represents a Universe.  There are many Grandfathers, as there are many Universes.

After undergoing a Hyper-Accelerated set of Upgrades with the Zarakas, they told me I was ready for the mission!


This is the next level in human consciousness!

People have been talking about the Solar Flash for a long time but it’s not possible until the Solar Clock is activated.

Now you are about to discover the Truth about what’s required for Humanities Ascension!

Series of Potent Activations

This will be a series of potent activations, as we work together to switch on the Solar Clock.

During August, Jerry went on the mission and travelled to 15 countries laying crystals for the new 7th Dimensional Architecture. This mission was instigated by the Cosmic Dragon King and Queen and the Cosmic Grandfathers.

The mission was to lay these crystals in very specific grid locations which formed a dragons wing grid through the planet.

Solar Clock

This grid will hold the new emerging Divine Mother Frequencies on Earth and the grid is also the key to activate the Solar Clock, which in turn will create the long awaited Solar Flash which will upgrade humanities DNA and activate consciousness on Earth to a super sonic level.

Lightbody & Solar Clock Activation

During this 3 hour workshop you will be taken through two very powerful Lightbody Activations before a third and final activation which will involve the Activation of the Solar Clock.

To be a part of something like this is truly a once in a multiple set of lifetimes opportunity.

The Solar Clock does not behave like a normal clock and Jerry will explain this during the workshop. You will understand what’s in stall for humanities future and how we all can play an active role in this Ascension Process.

You are invited to be a part of this and receive a set of Multidimensional Upgrades using a Light Technology that this world has NEVER SEEN.


Your investment into this set of upgrades and to be a part of human history, is £18

After Saturday 5th the replay will be available in the shop for £144

Expect healing, transformation and a connection to a frequency that you’ve never experienced before.

This is the next level in human consciousness!

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