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A Sovereign Dawn – NOW ONLINE

May 22, 2020 - May 24, 2020

Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here

Book This Event Now

Please note: Due to travel and group gathering restrictions in response to the Coronavirus, this event will now be taking place online. Log in details for the webinar will be emailed to all attendees prior to the event. If you have any questions or queries, please email info@starmagichealing.org.

A Sovereign Dawn

A new dawn is upon us and time for collaboration is now. Many lightworkers have been working solo in this physical reality, doing what they thought was best to move humanity forward and the work that has been done is beyond extraordinary. Now, for us to evolve fluidly, effectively and at the pace necessary for humanity to grow the golden wings it came to planet Earth to do, to soar with sovereignty into a new quantum and physical paradigm, we must unite, join forces, co-create and shift our sisters and brothers into a new frequency band. One filled with unity, bliss, divinity and unconditional love.

We are giving birth to a co-creation of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Frequencies. Stellar Fairbairn and Jerry Sargeant will be taking a group of Divine Souls on a sacred journey of the heart. They will be birthing a Sovereign Dawn.

Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

We incarnated on Planet Earth to be free and sovereign and to truly thrive in this world. Many of us have lost our way, have become disconnected and are merely living and not thriving. This can change. What’s needed is a conscious effort from a large number of souls to make the shift. Once enough human beings have elevated their vibration, cosmic waves will flow through the rest of our human family and shift them from the inside out. When this happens, we will know our power.

 As individuals and as a global family, we will ignite the divine spark within us and start making our own rules and regulations on his planet. We will start thriving as free, sovereign beings, living from the heart and in a state of elevated bliss, loving, caring, sharing and being in divine union with both aspects of our own internal essence, the divine feminine and the divine masculine.

During this powerful workshop, we will open and activate your heart and bring your feminine and masculine aspects into perfect equilibrium, creating a super-charged cosmic force that flows out from your soul and transforms your world.

Sound & Light Technology

Both Stellar and Jerry will share cutting edge sound and light technologies with you. These technologies have been around since before the dawn of time. Our ancient ancestors knew them and utilized them to their fullest potential and now we are at a time in our human evolution, where they are much needed and are rising back to the forefront of human consciousness, so we can re-discover our Super-Human Potential and live as free sovereign beings once again, in an age of telepathy, telekinesis, distance healing and more.

These are our divine gifts and not some mystical, esoteric phenomena that only a few are able to tap. Stellar and Jerry will share quantum geometrical light and sound codes, through voice, instrument and meditation, that will unlock these ancient aspects, lying dormant in your DNA. A galactic awakening will occur that will unleash your inner magic.

Clearing & Cleansing

During this weekend of enlightenment, fun, wisdom and unity, you will be unplugged from any past or parallel life trauma that is hindering your growth on this Earth. You will understand the true meaning of Divine Sovereignty, what it truly feels and means, a protocol for ascension from the lower astral planes. Soul contracts will be cleared across multiple timelines, deleting anything from the KA body in the process that does not serve for you in this time and in turn making space new Divine Soul Contracts as your mission on Earth unfolds and your purpose becomes clear if you haven’t already found it. Any belief systems that are keeping you locked in circular patterns will dissolve and you will engage with galactic /light/data streams that will empower your life, world and universe.

Grange Stone Circle

During the weekend you will visit Grange Stone Circle, a powerful energetic site where you and the Tribe will connect at a cosmic level to the lands, its energies and ancient wisdom streams. The trip to Grange Stone circle will involve the teaching of archeo-acoustics, why these sites were built, their sacred purpose and how we can access and unlock the ancient wisdom within the sites through vibration. Using our unified group heart frequency, we will create a standing wave of sound to access the deep knowledge held within this ancient stone circle. Many secrets lie within this space. This will be phenomenal.

What will I Take Away from this Event?

Activation of your original Divine Human blueprint for this coming time and the knowledge of how to walk this new codex of creation onto the Earth

 Activated DNA

Activated 3rd Eye

A deep understanding of heart-led living.

The Divine Mother Arc Codes for 1000 Years of Peace

A Clear Connection to Your Life Purpose

Heart & Mind Coherence

Heightened Awareness

Huge Clarity

Expanded Awareness and Increased Energy

A Bio-Circuitry System with the Old Programming Dissolved

An Expanded Heart and a Deep Sense of Peace

Increased Confidence

Date & Time

Friday 22nd May 7.00pm – 9.00pm

Saturday 23rd May: 10am – 9.00pm

Sunday 24th May: 10am – 5pm

 Attendees will receive an email with the link to the online webinar prior to the event.

Expect Massive Transformation!




Bonuses for Attending

Everyone that attends will receive:

Stellar’s entire back catalogue of music for free. A special gift worth £222.00

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