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7D Unicorn Transmission – Heal Your Inner Child & Unleash Playful Wisdom, Online

November 21, 2020 @ 5:00 pm

Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here

You will receive an email with your registration link the day before this event

(If you are not already an Infinity member you can sign up here)

Free master class – Infinity Members only – remember, it’s free to join for 7 days!

This free Master Class, held by Jerry Sargeant, is for Star Magic Infinity Members. Its part of our popular addition to Infinity, called Interactive. Jerry hosts these live Interactive Master Classes, covering different topics and subjects, giving you the chance to learn new skills and and take new tools into your spiritual arsenal that you can use every day to keep unlocking more of who you are, more of your Divine Potential.

In this 2 hour Masterclass, Jerry will take you on a journey to meet some incredible Unicorns. These 7th density beings are Pure Love and simply being in their presence will ignite deep parts of you that have been forgotten. As you re-establish the connect you will heal. The reason for this journey is to remind you of the playful wisdom that lies within you and the vast creativity that this playful, childlike energy can produce when harnessed and used at full capacity. Unicorns are some of the most loving, childlike, divine beings in the Universe and their love is rivalled by a select few. You will heal your inner child across multiple timelines and bring a new level of joy and happiness into your life.

Please stay hydrated leading up to this Masterclass. It will be deeply transformational.

There will be time for sharing and questions afterwards.

See you on the inside!

Expect Transformation. Are you ready?

If you are an Infinity Member already, you don’t need to do anything. You will be sent login and pass codes the day before the workshop to your registered e-mail.

If you are not an Infinity Member, please join here https://www.starmagichealing.org/infinity-members/ and you too, will also be sent login and pass codes the day before the workshop to your registered e-mail.

The event is scheduled for 2 hours but don’t be in a hurry to leave as it may go over if we are working and flowing.

See You on the Inside Beautiful Souls

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