Please note: All event times stated are UK time (GMT). Convert to your timezone here
We will be taking a tour of a number of 5th Dimensional Mystery Schools to take part in ancient teachings, download codes for a variety of physical and metaphysical purposes, meet many ascended masters and galactic beings.
If you were on our last Infinite Wisdom ‘Cosmic Justice, you will have experienced the tribal bond and group cohesion, not to mention the fun and laugher a long the way.
This time we are raising the bar once again!
I know it’s hard to believe as the last one was so special, but we will. We always go beyond and this time will be no exception.
Book Your Space and Join your tribe for this Epic Adventure!
9 days: 18th – 22nd May & 25th – 28th May
3pm and 8pm on all days except 22nd May the times will be 11am and 3pm
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