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Hey there, beautiful soul. How are you feeling? I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I want to give you an energetic update. Okay, we’re four days into our stay in Egypt and on the 11th of march on Friday evening something incredible happened and I want to share it with you. Okay, I was supposed to go into the great pyramid on the 10th of march which was Thursday and for the last weeks months it’s been the 10th of march, 10th of march, 11 o’clock at night.
I’m going into the pyramid, okay, all on my own with the lights off and I’m just going to spend a good chunk of time there, okay, and no one else is going to come in there with me. It’s just going to be lights off and I was pumped and excited like little kids. I’ve been trying to plan this for a couple of years to get that time and that space just to do some real important work and it’s never really worked out. The reason it’s never really worked out is because it wasn’t supposed to happen until this time and space.
Now, on the 10th of march, I was told that you’re not going into the pyramid tonight. It’s tomorrow night, which is the 11th of March. Now I went into the pyramid on the 11th of march and things happened that I can’t even begin to describe with words but there’s one thing that’s important and before I share this with you.
I found out when I came out of the pyramid from a friend who follows a guy that makes predictions on twitter called ‘at loop’ something or other, and he put a prediction that on the 11th of March something massive was going to happen at this location and the location was the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was going to be something for the spiritual awakening and the awakening of humanity, and you know what is happening as we kind of transition through the energies in these crazy and chaotic times on planet earth as we’re regaining our sovereignty and our freedom. But I did not know that this poster had gone up until the day after I came out of the pyramid.
Now when I went into the pyramid as I said so many things happened and I’m not going to go into all of them, but I want to just share one important piece. I went down into the well okay and only spent about 10 minutes in the well. I had to collect a sphere and I had to bring that sphere into my energy body and ground some codes down into the planet. I then went up into the queen’s chamber. I had to collect some codes from the queen’s chamber. I was in those two chambers for maybe 30 minutes in total and then I went up to the King’s Chamber.
Now when I went into the king’s chamber, remember the lights are off and if you have been into the great pyramid uh you know with the lights on like most people do then it’s a certain experience but as soon as you turn those lights off the whole chamber becomes a universe and with your eyes open, you’re just seeing so much stuff is it’s unreal. Now I went into the sarcophagus. I laid down in the sarcophagus and I had some healing.
Various things happened in there which I will share later on but it’s not important for this video I came out of the sarcophagus I went and laid as you come out of the sarcophagus it’s at one end of the king’s chamber I came out of the sarcophagus with the with the big open space I walked into the middle and then back towards the left wall where the energy is the most potent and I laid down on the floor like in a star position and I’m looking up and my I bring my light out of my body that’s what I was guided to do I’ve gone up through the upper chambers.
There are more chambers up above the king’s chamber. We have gone up through those chambers and up into a holographic capstone. When I have got into the holographic capstone, I have connected through a kathara grid structure to the 12 universal stargates and my light has travelled in a in a very specific format through the stargates and up through stargate 12 into the primary light fields and the primary sound fields.
I have had to do some work there. Then once I’ve done that, I’ve merged all the universal stargates into one and brought them back into the capstone. Once I’ve done that, I’ve grinded them back into my light body and then this whole intricate web of katharas has merged with my own energetic body. Once I did that, I shot straight back from the capstone back into my physical body. Now, when I was not asleep, I wasn’t in a trance. I was meditating. I was fully aware, but when I sort of sat up after this experience.
Okay, I put the torch on my phone just for a second and I am facing the other way. I’m facing my physical body is shifted not 180 degrees but about 170 165 to 170 degrees. Okay now I didn’t feel any shift in my physical body now did my physical body turn 170 degrees or did the king’s chamber turn 170 degrees now if the king’s chamber turned 170 degrees then whatever the king’s chamber was on or in must have turned and that’s the pyramid and the pyramid is on the planet so the planet I truly feel and from speaking to other sources since this experience that there was a pole shift that took place whilst I was in the pyramid a planetary and the cosmic pole shift and for those of you that that truly understand the mechanics and the architecture of the planet and the grids and what’s been happening for billions of years you know there’s been multiple planetary shifts cosmic shifts pole shifts and they’ve tipped us out of alignment and we came back into alignment on the 11th of March.
Now this is huge because it has opened up many channels gateways and doorways and things have shifted to such an extent that the whole frequency of the planet has shifted okay and this is going to affect humanity massively and the global awakening and consciousness and humanity unifying together it’s just unbelievable and I wanted to share that with you because it is so profound and I you might say well how come one human being can you know believes or knows or thinks that you know he could potentially make this possible now that’s not what I’m saying when I was in that king’s chamber there wasn’t just me there was portals opening on the walls the amount of beings that came into that space was unreal absolutely unreal you could hear them.
Walking around you could hear the footsteps you could see their faces their eyes there were beings in there that I’ve never even met before okay that I’ve never even seen of or heard of before and obviously I had to work really fast and make sure that everything was in place my team was there working making sure that the wrong type of beings can enter that space because many of them tried many of them tried to interfere with the work that we were doing but we had so much support you know from beings within our earthly environment beings from for from other dimensional spaces they all came into that king’s chamber and surrounded the king’s chamber so this work could be done
I couldn’t have done this without you and the support of all of our sisters and brothers on planet earth this was a planetary effort this was so huge it was unbelievable and all of those light workers and all of those grid workers and all of you beautiful souls out there that have been working tirelessly for days months weeks years working on the ascension process and the grids and the architecture of the planet to stream everything and put all of the jigsaw puzzles into place to make this happen on that particular day I thank all of you from all of my heart.
This was a huge human effort okay and I feel blessed that I was able to witness it first hand and be a part of this process with every other human being, lightworker grid worker whatever you want to call yourself on this planet. My love, my heart goes out to you all. It’s time for us to keep going keep working and ride this wave this vibrational wave this light and sound wave okay the codes that are streaming in right now are unreal and we’ve only just started our ascension tour. We’ve got so much more work to do but this is the foundation, the groundwork.
Wherever you are on this planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. I love you, beautiful soul, and I’ll see you real soon.
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