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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, let us talk about healing – energy healing, holograms, and why you may be struggling to facilitate the healing of another human being, another beautiful soul. When you are doing timeline work, when you are rewinding timelines.
Now I am Jerry, it is April 2022, and if I go back down my timeline 20, 21, 20, 20, 20, 19, etc. I go all the way back to where I came out onto this glorious green and blue ball, in 1978. Okay. Now, as a soul, if I look at my timeline linearly, I can drill back into my incarnation before that, my incarnation before that, my incarnation before that and that would be a particular timeline.
Now your soul can be playing out on multiple timelines at any one time, which is important to understand in a sense and what a lot of healers do, is they will drill back through the timeline? Okay. To a certain point, for example, let us say a human being has a tumour and they go back down that timeline to 3.5 years ago, and that is when their client told them that the tumour appeared.
So, they go back to before that point, and they look at the body and the body looks great. Like the vibration, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually. The holographic blueprint looks crystal clear. There is no tumour. So, what the healer does is he takes a replica of that. He takes a mould, a carbon copy, a holographic carbon copy in the quantum field where there is no tumour, and what he or she does is they infuse that and entangle that with the human being that they are working on right now. And what can happen is the tumour can disappear. This can happen. Now, if a healer works in this way, nine times out of ten, the tumour is going to come back. It is like when you go to a doctor and, you know, you have a cyst or a tumour or something in the body and the doctor cuts it out and it’s gone. But a year later, four years later, at some point in the future, nine times out of ten times, that cyst is going to come back again.
Now, every single injury, illness and disease has an emotional trigger. The liver means something. The kidneys mean something else. The throat means something else. Everything has a trigger point, an emotional, traumatic cause and what happens is the body is literally creating symptoms and it is creating symptoms so the human being can acknowledge what is happening and go deep into their heart, deep into their cells. Deep into their consciousness and release and remove and bring in the healing of those traumatic elements, whether it’s from this lifetime or a previous incarnation or maybe a future incarnation. Because in the quantum field, there is no past, present and future.
There is just the present moment ok, there is just the present moment. Now if someone has got a tumour, let us say it is a tumour that’s triggered by that word that begins with C, the certain governing bodies do not really like us to talk about when it comes to healing. So, I am just going to use the word ‘C’ if someone has that disease. Often, it is because they have been invaded, their boundaries have been invaded, whether it is mentally, physically. It could even be sexually, and that human being experienced is this invasion and they experience eventually this, like, powerlessness.
Okay, and they experience a lack of self-worth that fear stems off the back of this lack of self-worth, lack of trust. All sorts of things come from this. Ultimately, the human being becomes disconnected from their truth and their fierceness and their ferociousness, their lion and their lioness, their God, their Goddess, and they experience powerlessness, lack of self-worth. And this is what creates the trigger point, the traumatic experience that creates the symptom that we might call you know, a tumour that is linked to that word, beginning with, ‘C’.
All right, now, if someone had a liver issue there is going to be anger and guilt that are running programs, guilt and anger programs that were created from that traumatic experience, whether it is in their childhood, whether it was in a past life does not matter. It was created somewhere. Now, if you want to create rapid healing, what you have got to do is drill down the timeline to the deepest root point in spacetime, which contains the original trigger point. That could be 100 years ago. It could be a thousand years ago. It could be 5 million years ago. It could be 500 hundred million years ago. If we drill back through, you know, our galactic origins, it could be human incarnations. It does not matter.
But it came from somewhere. Now, as you drill down that timeline, it may be that there were several experiences where the same programs were kind of initiated and triggered and activated, you know, whether they were guilt programs, rejection programs, anger programs. But ultimately there is one original pivotal trigger point and if you get to that and you can bring that into healing, however you do that, then everything else in front of that linearly will fall, and boom, the healing can take place.
If you go back to the point when the cyst or the tumour was created or was first observed or noticed, which is, say, seven months ago or four years ago, and you were and you do the work in that point, then you can get rid of that the cyst or the tumour or whatever symptoms the physical human being is experiencing. But it is just like going to the doctors and having this cyst cut out. You are not at the trigger point. You are not removing and dissolving and transmuting the pain and the trauma that created this thing in the first place, and all this stuff is stored in the cells, in a cellular memory, in our DNA and in our soul. Sometimes in our light body, what we need to do is to go back there in that time and get to the original trigger point. Then the healing is rapid, and it lasts.
So, if you are experiencing issues where you know you are going to work on clients and symptoms are easing, they’re going and then they’re coming back again, this is probably the reason why, it’s because you haven’t found and transmuted the original trigger, the original trauma that created these symptoms in the first place.
So, it does not mean that you’ve done anything wrong, it just means you’ve got to dig a little bit deeper, and this is the other thing, right? You could go and work on a human being and you might relieve certain elements of trauma. You might bring soul fragments into healing. You might recreate timelines, restructure timelines, which can also create healing, but that the higher self, the inner self. Okay, other elements of this human being that you are working on knows so that this human being is not really, you’re ready to work with all the trauma that is available right now.
So, it gives you several pieces of the puzzle, so you work with what is available. Then the human being comes back to you several weeks later and says, Listen, I am still feeling a bit of this and that. So, you go in and you can go deeper on that second run, and as you go deeper on that second one, you get to the original trigger point and boom, the healing takes place. Sometimes it can be two or three healings. Ultimately, you want to make it, you know, make it happen in one. You know, we only ever want to see a client once. Everything should be fast and efficient, but there are times when two or three healings are necessary. This is a healing man. Now every human being has the capacity to self-heal and what we do is facilitate this. Facilitating the healing process is simply creating an environment so the human being can self-heal.
We never actually heal anyone. We just set the space up and then everything takes place naturally. This is basic energy healing. At Star Magic, we have trained thousands of people in over 40 countries, and we are going to continue to do so. Whether you are an experienced healer or are a total beginner, check out Go and check out our facilitator training pages. We have level one, level two, level three, level four experiences. Our next one is in May 2022. We have got another one in July, we have got them in September, October, November throughout this year. We are running them constantly online and in-house.
So, you decide what is best for you. We do five-day training, seven-day training, ten-day training. So come and get among it. Whether you are an experienced healer or a total beginner, we will meet you where you are at and take you beyond the next level, that I can guarantee.
So go and check out our website beautiful soul,, and wherever you are on this magical planet, go out into the world and hug your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love them fiercely and ferociously and I will see you again very, very soon. Go and shine that magical light. Be awesome. One love. one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
“You walk in, and you feel the love, and when you have the opportunity to embrace it, it goes straight through you. Heck yes. If you are looking for more, then this is way more than you can ever imagine. Yeah, it was just life-changing, it was a life changing experience and I just graduated in the certification program for Star Magic Healing. I feel super amazing now.”
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