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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So today we are going to continue from where we left off yesterday. Yesterday I was sharing with you how to use holograms and how to entangle those holograms with another human being that you want to facilitate the healing of and then use starlight, earth energy and light codes to facilitate rapid and intelligent healing.
Now, what we are going to do today is we are going to carry on from this but first, I will give you a quick recap. Yesterday, we brought up a hologram. Okay. Now, a hologram can be an empty body shape that you visualize in the empty space. Okay. A hologram could be a physical object like a teddy bear. It could be an iPhone. It could be anything. It could be a banana. Anything that you decide that you want to entangle with the human being that you are working on.
Okay, you could get your finger. You could draw the outline of a body. Okay. See it in the empty space. That could be your hologram, it is your call. Okay. Now, once you have brought up the hologram or created the hologram, you see it, you feel it. You know that it is there. You then entangle the hologram with the human being that you want to facilitate the healing with or of. So, if you are new to this, what I would suggest yesterday is that you say this is the hologram of is the hologram if you say their name three times.
So, this is the hologram, Brian. This is the hologram, Brian. This is the hologram of Brian. Okay and then you entangle it with your intention and then whatever you do to that hologram happens to Brian, whether he is in Australia, or America or Timbuktu, it does not matter. There is the time, distance and measurement in the quantum field. So, whatever you do to the hologram is happening to Brian or Emma or Sandra or whoever is in that split second in that moment. Okay. In real time.
Now, once you have set up the hologram, what we were doing yesterday is connecting to Mother Earth. Okay. Down in the centre of the planet, Mother Earth has a Merkabah field. The top tetrahedron is electric green. The bottom one is platinum, and we will bring in the platinum light from her bottom tetrahedron up through the rocks and the minerals up to the surface of the planet, up through the hologram and into the hologram’s heart.
We then connect to Sirius the dog star and we were bringing in electric pink lights from the dog star down through the cosmic fabric, through Mother Earth’s atmosphere, down through the skies and through the crown and into the hearts of the hologram of whoever you are working on.
So, you have got the platinum light and the electric pink light merging in the heart space. You then open your own heart, ensuring before you do that that the back of the hologram is facing you, and you open your own heart frequency into the back of the hologram it merges with the frequency of Sirius and Mother Earth.
This incredible vortex starts to spin, light codes come down through the pink, up through the platinum, out through your heart, and you hold the space and rapid healing is engineered. Now, what we are going to do today is add something onto this. This is mega powerful. If you’ve read my book, Healing with Light Frequencies, The Transformative Power of Star Magic, you will know all about Egyptian clearing pyramids. Now, to activate Egyptian clearing pyramids all you must do is just present for a moment and set the intention. I want to activate Egyptian clearing pyramids and what will happen is these Egyptian clearing pyramids will start to spin in your heart.
You are either going to get two, four, six, or eight. They always come in pairs. Now, if you are using Egyptian clearing pyramids on their own, you would bring up a hologram. You would place your hands over the knees of the hologram, and the pyramids would go into your shoulders down your arms out of your hands and into the knees of the hologram of whoever you are working on, and you would leave your hands over the knees, the pyramids will whizz around the hologram, clearing up energy, and then they would be like boomerangs. They return, hands your hands back up for your arms into your body and dissolve back into your heart. Now, these pyramids do not collect energy so, when they come back into your hands, up your arms, since you are not bringing anything back from the hologram into your body. So, you don’t need to be concerned about that.
What the pyramids do is energy shoots from the apex and from the four corners, and it whizzes around the inside of the hologram, letting out charges of code and what it does. It basically breaks up any old stagnant energy inside the holographic structure and makes it much easier for the light from Sirius Mother Earth and your own heart frequency to do the work. Okay, so this is what you are going to do. You are going to bring up the hologram. You are going to get the platinum light from Mother Earth flowing in. You’re then going to get the electric light from Sirius. It must go in that order. Then you open your own heart frequency, and you connect.
So, you have got Mother Earth, Sirius, your own heart. The code starts to flow through the pink, the platinum, and out from your heart. Then what you are going to do is you’re going to bring up another hologram. This hologram functions over here. Your heart has two frequencies. The earthly and the cosmic frequencies are running. You then bring up another hologram in your space here. You entangle that with the same human being. This is the hologram of this is the hologram of what you are going to do is place your hands over this hologram. You’re going to connect, you’re going to call upon the Egyptian clearing pyramids, they’re going to spin in your heart space, flow out from your shoulders, down, your arms, out of your hands and into the hologram. You are going to leave your hands there. Your heart is running into this hologram.
Now, why would you use two holograms? You don’t have to but think about this for a second. You’ve got this hologram where your heart is running into. Okay? Now, if your heart is running into that, into the heart, the back of the heart of the hologram, you know, the knees are going to be down here somewhere. You do not want to have to reach down to go to the knees. So, what I do is I bring up a small hologram and have it here. So, I’ve got a big hologram and a small hologram.
The Clearing Pyramids the Star Magic Egyptian clearing pyramids are running through the body. Either two, four, six, or eight. The right amount will come for the human being that you are working on. The pyramids know what is best. Trust the process. Leave your hands there till they come back. They might come back in 30 seconds. 10 seconds, 3 minutes. It doesn’t matter. Just hold the space. Your heart’s running into this hologram, your hands are here. All you do is be still.
Once the pyramids come back through your arms, back through into you, into your chest, then they will dissolve. Then you scrub this hologram out and you get rid of it. You never leave a hologram inn the empty space. You’ve then got this hologram still running. It might run for 3 minutes or 5 minutes. You’re going to know when to stop it. Once you feel that the healing has taken place, once you know that the healing has taken place, you close down Sirius. You close down Mother Earth; you close down your own heart frequency, and you scrub the hologram out of the empty space.
Why do we scrub holograms out of the empty space? Because if another being comes along and sees that hologram, it is like a voodoo doll. They could do something nasty to it. We use holograms for positive reasons, but they could be used for negative reasons. So, make sure you scrub it out of the space, you can dissolve it with your mind, you can explode it. Just make sure it is gone. However, you decide to do that. These two things running together are supersonic, powerful.
Okay, try it on yourself now. Bring up your own hologram. This is the hologram of say your name, get the platinum light, the pink light, your own heart frequency running. Bring up the secondary hologram. This is the hologram of entanglement. Connect to the Star Magic Egyptian clearing pyramids. Get them running. The rest is history. This is simple. This is easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
This is energy healing Star Magic one on one basics baby. Anyone can do this. You, me, everyone. Okay, this is not rocket science. All you have got to do is be in your heart. Set your intention and go to work. The whole thing can take place in one minute. It might take 7 minutes. Okay, if you are there for more than 7 or 8 minutes, something is wrong. Okay? It will never take that long. This stuff’s rapid.
All right, start playing with it. Start feeling it, start creating shifts in your own life with these easy-to-use tools and if you have not got a copy yet of healing with light frequencies, the transformative power of star magic with these healing ways that I am sharing with you on these videos, then go get yourself a copy. There is gold it is full of gold and if you are an energy healer, whether you are experienced or you are a complete and utter newbie, the book, the content, the information, it will meet you where you’re at, expand you, and enable you to create massive shifts in your own life, and shifts in the lives of your friends, your family, and shifts in the lives of your clients. You put these tools to good use.
Wherever you are on the planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously, Beautiful Soul, fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. That is the golden rule of hugging. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Remember to check out our website
We have got some of the best ascension tools on the planet and if you want to come and attend one of our Star Magic facilitator training experiences, level one, level two, level three, level four, we got five-, seven- and ten-day experiences that will blow your consciousness throughout the multiverse. Go and shine your magical, beautiful, powerful light and I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out Beautiful Soul.
“It is very painful. So, I asked Jerry to help me with it. He put his hand in my lower back for a few seconds, and then the pain was gone. It is really special. Everybody should come to attend. I feel super amazing now.”
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