In 2009 my wife had a severe migraine and for some reason I thought I could take it out of her head. I placed my hands over head and saw the headache, the energy that was causing it. I circled my hand over her head and saw that my hand attached to this energy. I lifted my hand and pulled the migraine from her head. Within a second she jumped off the bed and was back to her beaming smiley self, like there was never a head ache in the first place.
Several months later, whilst in New Zealand, a friend of mine had a severe road traffic accident. She was in hospital in intensive care. Her partner had been told that she may never walk again and could be in hospital for a year. She was in critical condition. I received a phone call one evening asking if I could help. It was from my friend’s partner. My logical brain jumped to attention how can I possibly help My intuition on the other hand, my female brain steered me towards my crystals and I lay down on the bed. I placed crystals on the different chakras of my body and within seconds I was in her hospital room and energy started pouring out from my hands. It flowed into her body and at the same time I naturally started putting her body back together. It seemed effortless.?
I did this every day for an hour for between two and three weeks. Within twelve weeks she walked out of hospital. On leaving hospital she phoned me up and said Jerry, I woke up one night, looked at the side of my bed and said what are you doing here She was talking to me. She saw me with her physical eyes, not in her minds eye, exactly where I had imagined myself. It was at this point I knew that what I was doing was real.
Next I started seeing geometry and hieroglyphics floating through the air with my physical eyes and I was guided to journey to ancient mystery schools in other dimensions, where I sat in classrooms and learnt about energy healing. At this point people from all walks of life seemed to cross my path, all with serious illnesses or diseases. I offered to help and everything I was doing was working.
I have continued my journey over the last two years and now spend my time healing people with energy. Distance healing and psychic surgery is my full time business. I have now learnt how to heal groups of people at once by joining everyone’s energy field together. Once I do that I bring up a master holographic blue print that once healed has the capacity to heal everyone in the room.
Here are some comments from my seminars:
It felt like someone was operating on my body. I was being pushed around and prodded. When I opened my eyes no one was there Dave Kettering
I have never felt so happy. The happiness continued after the workshop. Weeks have gone past and I still feel happier than I ever have in my life – Shirley Westland
I looked up and Jerry had disappeared. All I could see was an Egyptian man where Jerry was stood. The energy in the room took my breathe away Mark Brandist
I didn’t know it was possible to feel so much love. I even loved myself for the first time in my life and I’m 56 years old. The transformation since Jerry’s workshop has changed my life Karen Smart
I run seminars and workshops regularly. I also host large healing meditation groups every week in a virtual meditation room. Just like with my energy healing I use the energy in my group meditations to infuse my clients with what I call Star Magic, Source Energy or Pure Consciousness. It enables my clients to experience a frequency upgrade which elevates their lives in the most magical way.
Watch this video and hear what some of my clients have to say:
Energy healing can transform your life and the lives of your loved ones. You can get more information on distance healing, Jerry’s energy healing workshops, group healing meditations and much more by visiting:
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