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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, the energetic blasts that are pummeling this planet right now are becoming even more potent, even more intense. The human resonance is spiking and these waves of energy coming from different parts of the galaxy up from the earth are just swamping and bombarding us. These energetic blasts are shifting people’s consciousness and people are responding and reacting in different ways depending where they’re at on their journey, where their level of awareness is. It’s governed by their level of consciousness and the inner work that they’ve either done or not done, and you see people that are asleep and they’re getting smashed by these energetic waves. They’re being forced out of their spellbound states that they’ve been in for such a long time.
Souls that have been asleep, souls that are like sheep just following the orders, the rules and the regulations, these waves are so intense they’re starting to crack the veil, and even those souls that have been in such a deep sleep state are starting to see the light. It’s incredible. It’s not easy for these people and what we’ve got to do as souls that are awake and are on this journey and have a greater understanding. It doesn’t mean that we are above or better. It just means that we’ve started our inward journey a little bit earlier because something triggered and woke us up and what we’ve got to do is we’ve got a whole space for these beautiful souls. We’ve got to love them from afar and we’ve got to open our hearts and be patient with them and love them and support them energetically. There’s nothing else we can really do unless they reach out for our help and obviously, we can speak to them and talk to them and encourage them and inspire them and hold space for them verbally, mentally, emotionally, in lots of different ways.
However, we can’t force our opinions and ideas onto other souls, other humans, so loving them from afar is the best thing that we can do. There are souls that are new on this kind of ascension in a journey into the labyrinth of their cosmic heart where all the answers lie, and these souls are being split and fragmented and woken up and going through a lot of them. This kind of dark night of the soul where you know they realize that everything’s been a lie, everything’s difficult, they realize that everything’s been a lie and what they’ve known and believed in for so long is not what they thought it was, and this is a rude awakening for people. But what happens, you see, once you’ve had that glimpse of the light, that thirst and that drive, and that quest for more knowledge and a higher truth, and not necessarily a higher truth but the ‘real truth’ is so strong. It magnetizes these souls, and it draws them, and it’s like they’re on a conveyor belt that they can’t get off even though it’s painful and at times they wish they could jump off it, and maybe un-see what they’ve seen.
The truth is the truth and its ultimate, undefinable, and once you know, and you’ve seen and you’ve had that glimpse, you can’t get off that escalator. You can’t get off that train because you must find out the source of the truth, and you have to know it all and you keep diving and digging and uncovering until you truly have that deep understanding of what’s real and what’s not real. It’s a beautiful thing and again we’ve got a whole space for these beautiful souls. They’re our sisters and brothers of earth. We all came here for this party. We all came here to play this game. We all came here on this mission as different souls that are all connected ultimately, energetically, through frequency, geometry, and codes. You’ve got other souls that are a little bit further along on their journey. You could call them more awakened, advanced, whatever you want to call them. They’re just labels but it’s just souls and humans that have been on this journey a little bit longer and so they’ve woken up more and they’ve got a deeper understanding of what’s true and what’s not. They’ve been on this in a journey of the heart which is the journey of the brave.
It’s not easy to dive into your heart. It’s sometimes an uncomfortable place because the heart is a different frequency and it’s that frequency that lays down the energetic railroads that crack the illusion and open up the knowledge and the wisdom to other souls on this journey but for those more advanced souls that have been doing the inner work for longer periods of time they become even better co-creators with these new blasts and waves of geometry and cold coming from in the earth from out in space bombarding our human energetic fields our planetary fields. They become better and more effective co-creators, manifestors.
Everything’s faster, everything’s speeding up, so wherever you are on your journey just embrace it. Embrace it and allow yourself to go through the process that you need to go through, and don’t fight it. Just be with it. Accept it. Whether it’s magical or painful it doesn’t matter. There’s magic in the pain and there’s pain in the magic. Everything has a double-edged sword, or everything is a double-edged sword. Everything has polarised views and paradigms and we can see things from so many different points of view, so many different angles. Wherever you perceive it from, based on your understanding of the world, the universe, your own physical anatomy, your light body, your soul, is perfect and they’re all just inroads that eventually and ultimately lead to the same space that same sacred space of the heart which brings everybody eventually back to love.
Love is the original driving force that created everything. Love contains darkened lights. Love is whole, love doesn’t fractalize and dispel and segregate, and dismantle. Love unifies and brings things together so ultimately love is the master of darkened light, the zero-point, pure equilibrium, because dark and light exists in all of us. So, as we go on this journey these waves are pummeling our DNA and activating that dormant knowledge that gives rise to infinite wisdom. Just enjoy the right to know that it’s part of the process. It’s all just a process and all of us together on this planet are like a divine orchestra. We’re like instruments and the universe is playing us and we’re letting off aromas and musical tones and harmonics, light frequencies, which all weave and interblend together. That’s what plays the magical beautiful song of life.
We’re all part of it, beautiful soul, so just buckle up, get your space helmet on, stick your space goggles on, get a great big pipe and smoke some DMT and just enjoy the ride. Have a laugh, enjoy the process. Go and hug some trees. Go and exercise, meditate, do some qigong, fast, hydrate your body. Go and listen to some light language or speak some light language. Know that you are a divine formidable force of nature, a galactic titan from the stars. Enjoy these waves. They’re here to uplift you, inspire you, and take you forwards on your human journey so you can evolve mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Not just in this reality but on multiple timelines and in different frequency bands, different dimensional spaces.
Your amazing, beautiful soul, and I love you so much. Go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and never be the first to let go. You know that is the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon. Smile and laugh, have fun, and remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet, beautiful soul, go and check them out and join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one. Gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one.
You get to choose the time that you create the time that you heal with other people you get to decide your working hours which don’t become working hours anymore they become playful hours you can wake up when you like you can take the kids to school you can go to a yoga class in the morning you can go and have a coffee or a tea with your loved ones. You can come back, and you can start healing and start facilitating the healing at twelve o’clock one o’clock two o’clock. You can work for three hours or six hours. You can work five days a week, three hours a day. You could work two days a week ten hours a day. Maybe you just want to work two hours a day four days a week and that’s enough. You get to decide exactly when you want to work. You have so much freedom when you’re a Star Magic facilitator. Download your free training prospectus and understand the opportunity.
I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Go and shine that powerful light and roam these streets and these lands like the lion, the lioness that you are.
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