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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul. What is going on this planet it is nuts, it is crazy. What can you do right now to help yourself, the planet, and your sisters and brothers?
Well first you can’t really help anyone else. They got to make their own decisions, they got to take responsibility for who they are as sovereign beings on planet earth or maybe not so sovereign because they haven’t realized it yet. They’re still lost in the matrix working those nines of fives or maybe jobless buying into the madness the bs that’s pumped out in every which way possible. We can’t help those people directly anyway but what we can do is inspire them. We can inspire them and how do we inspire them. We inspire them by acting ourselves and stop acquiescing.
When you are silence, you are consenting to everything that is unfolding. You are consenting to everything that is unfolding and if you try and claim ignorance: “oh I wasn’t aware of it, I didn’t know, that doesn’t matter” because everything is out there in full view. It’s just you don’t know how to decode it. It’s in the movies, it’s in the books, it’s everywhere. We are told that we’re being enslaved but we just think it’s some kind of made-up reality on a movie screen or in a book or wherever we see this stuff. That couldn’t possibly be real but they’re telling you they’re sharing with you, they’re informing you, of what is happening to you.
So, what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to open this great big heart. You’ve got to shine love and light. You’ve got to be loving light, and you’ve got to stand up in your own truth, in your own power, and say no I am not buying into that, this isn’t for me, I’m a powerful unnameable, indescribable, supersonic, superhuman, and these things that you’re trying to pass these new rules and so-called laws that aren’t laws and nothing to do with me. I’m not buying into that stuff. I’m creating my own reality.
When you open your heart and you start to love life, life starts to love you back. People talk about creating your own reality. You are your own reality. You are your own reality. it’s not about creating your own reality. You are your own reality because everything in your external environment mirrors back to you. How you’re feeling on the inside – I walk around and I see these people in their masks and i just smile at them, send them some love, some heart frequency, from mine to this. In the back of my head and in my heart and in my consciousness, I’m saying: “I love you, beautiful soul” and some of these people give me dirty looks, disgusting looks. They look at me like I’m from another planet because I’m not wearing a mask but that’s okay because that’s their reality.
Remember the external world reflects their inner world. So, for them this disease could potentially come and wipe them out in a heartbeat. That’s why they’re acquiescing, that’s why they’re wearing the mask, that’s why they’re conforming. You, beautiful soul, are different. You are a curious determined high vibrational being that knows exactly what they want to do and where they want to be and that is living a high vibrational lifestyle on a planet where everybody cares and shares, where the world’s resources are shared equally between all men women and children. This is what I feel in my heart 24/7 and this is why the world is good to me. Life isn’t hard yet there are many people out there now that are having hard lives.
This so-called pandemic has crushed many people but there are many people that have risen and thrived through it and again that’s a choice, but some people don’t know how to climb out from the gutter again. It’s not easy but everybody has the skills and the tools to be able to overcome any situation, but you’ve got to go into your heart to realize your power. You’ve got to go into your heart to realize the truth because you aren’t going to find truth externally. There’s going to be no truth. You’re only going to find the truth in here in the heart. There’s nothing I can share with you that is truthful for you. There’s nothing I can do to help you know and believe. You’ve got to go internal; you’ve got to go inside to your cosmic heart.
Maybe some of my truths are your truths too and we can connect on that level, but you should never believe anything that I say. You should never believe anything that anyone shares with you. What you got to do is to realize and know yourself, know thyself – the temple Adelphi, the temple of Apollo – know thyself, beautiful soul. Go in and clean your own home, the home of your soul, and this reality, this physical vessel. Clean it and cleanse it. Empty your mind of those poisonous thoughts and fill it full of love and then, beautiful soul, you can go on this magic carpet. Right now, on planet earth it’s time that everybody realizes, wakes up and realize the truth, realize the real lies, with your real eye, and wake up. When we came out into this world, we were berthed just like a ship in the docks.
Those words that sound very similar, it’s all part of the hocus pocus and the tricky trickery and the word magic that confuses humans. The doctor, the doctor, d-o-c-k – the doc is metal and in this case gold. If we look at the aura of a human being the first two letters ‘a’ and ‘u’ is gold. This is how the black magicians look at, all this stuff. You are a product you are a commodity, and your energy is what is sold. You come through the birth canal, out into this world, and the doctor docks you. It’s crazy and they mine your energy, the au, the gold. You are the gold, a living, walking, talking, gold specimen that is traded on the New York stock exchange rather (Ra) sun gods. They’re handing over to their deity in a negative capacity the frequency and the energy.
Your birth certificate, a bill of lead, a certificate of birth. You are property of the United Kingdom corporation or the corporation of the United States of America. It’s important that you realize this stuff so you can say no to it and start to reclaim your divine sovereign rights as a free universal being that came to planet earth to have fun to expand, to live in joy and bliss and be in communities with lots of other like-hearted souls. You get to choose this but only you can choose this. No one can choose it for you – fresh vegetables, fresh fruits sungazing, qigong, light language, meditation, breathwork. Get out into nature and hug those beautiful trees. These are the tools that are going to fill your whole essence full of love and magic and you can reclaim yourself, bring all your energy back home into this now space instead of it spilling off in all different directions.
You must own your own lands. Your body is the land. You’ve got to take control of it once again. The reason they think they can come and stick these needles in your arms is because they think they own your lands and they’ve tricked you into being their property. They tricked you when you were hours old, so you didn’t have a say in the matter, but your parents bought into it and their parents bought into it. But now you know the truth so what are you going to do, beautiful soul? Are you going to carry on ignorance, are you going to carry on subservience, are you going to carry on acquiescing, conforming, being a good little girl or a good little boy, a good little slave, or are you going to say “No! I am a superhuman. I’m raising my vibration, expanding my consciousness, and creating and blazing my own path through this chaotic world into a new world of joy and bliss, harmony and peace, balance, and equilibrium where I’m going to connect with my soul family and make this world a much more harmonious place.”
So, you get to choose wisely, go in your heart. You are the power, you are the source, you are the one, the centre of your own universe and everything else outside of you is an extension of you an extension of you. You’re the power, beautiful soul. Start looking in the right place, go internal. I love you so much. I’m giving you a great big hug right now, beautiful soul. I’m hugging you so tightly and you know what you should do right now. You should go out and hug your sisters and brothers and you should hug them so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging is never the first to let go. That is the golden rule. You got to love fiercely and ferociously through these crazy times. It’s the only way we’re going to burst and burn through the mayhem, but we can do it.
We’re getting stronger. There’s a mass awakening happening on planet earth right now. You just got to look around you. If you see between the chaos, you can see the vibration rising. It’s beautiful and we got the 3D timeline and the 5D timeline and whilst you’ve got to stand up and you’ve got to say no to all this stuff because we’re still here right now in these physical bodies in this environment, you’ve got to hold the light, you’ve got to stay focused on the end of the tunnel. As you walk down that dark tunnel you see the light and you know that’s where you’re headed, and you know that’s where your truth is and that is where humanity is unfolding into right now – 5D consciousness baby.
Whilst you walk down that dark tunnel you got to give it zero attention, zero attention by focusing on a new reality and not by engaging in the old one. You’re just going to hold it in place, you’ve got to say yes to the new. Observe the old and love it as you travel and this whole world’s going to fall into place, but you got to say no it’s such a rock and a hard place it’s such a fine line. You’re a master alchemist though just like me. I know that I can feel that so it’s going to be cool anyway.
Get yourself out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers, don’t be the first to let go, beautiful soul. Love fiercely and ferociously and remember to subscribe. Hit the notifications tab and share these videos with your sisters and brothers. Let’s make this world a much more harmonious place and don’t forget you got to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. So go and check it out and I’ll see you again very soon. I love you so much, beautiful soul.