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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I wanted to share a little message with you. It is Monday morning. I am off to the gym every morning. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I am always activating myself and empowering myself by taking control of my life.
So, I wanted to share this message about moving from a disempowered programmed state of consciousness to an empowered state of consciousness, and you could even call it an empowered programmed state of consciousness because really what you are doing is programming, or reprogramming, yourself to live in a state of magic, a state of empowerment, a state where you apply yourself day in and day out in a way that gets results. Most people are judging their own behaviour. Most people are blaming other people or themselves. Most people don’t want to move and lean into the experiences that the universe is laying down in their path, and when you don’t lean into life then life starts to smack you a lot. it starts to beat you up a little bit.
It is like going on a fairground ride or a massive roller coaster. If you go on a big roller coaster and you’re sitting there, like waiting to kind of go over the edge and then the kind of first initial drop you know where your belly goes up into your brain, and all that sort of stuff. You know if you stand there, and you are worried then you are in fear. It is not very nice but if you put your arms up in the air and you kind of roar into it and you like to attack it and scream as you go down in it and like in a way that you’re loving it becomes enjoyable like you attack it you lean into it. Life is the same.
I always remember playing rugby as a kid and you know you would be going in for a tackle. If you had any doubt in your mind or there was a little bit of fear about going in for that tackle and you didn’t apply yourself a hundred percent, you’d end up getting knocked about a little bit by the other person’s knees or shins. But if you went into that tackle and you committed to it full force, you’d tackle the other guy down and it wouldn’t hurt a tiny little bit. Life is the same. You must attack life. You must lean into life, you must commit to life and when the universe is laying things down for you some of them are comfortable, some of them are enjoyable. You do have some beautiful experiences but a lot of the time when you’re moving through those growth periods you’ve got to step into the unknown and the unknown is quite uncomfortable for most people.
So, people go into the unknown very timidly or they go into the unknown with fear or sometimes they stay away from the unknown they give it a wide berth and they stay back in the comfort zone, the known which they know. It’s like the boats in the harbour I might imagine. You’re in a boat at the harbour and the boat is tied to the harbour with a bit of rope. If you keep rowing, you’re not going to go anywhere, you’re going to stay in the harbour because you’re attached to it. What you have to do is cut that rope. You must cut that connection to the safe harbour of the known and you’ve got to venture out into the seas into the oceans because that’s where you’re going to grow when you’re going to furnish yourself with new skills and new abilities. I always try to adopt this kind of savage mindset and I truly feel that everyone should become a little bit savage.
Now most people like to be comfortable. They like to have everything around them and to have a nice easy life. People don’t like to have that savage mentality. For me being savage is of the utmost importance because I don’t want to rest on my laurels. I don’t want to stay comfortable. I don’t want life to kind of mould me and shape me. I want to become savage and blaze new trails and mould and shape life itself, and to do that always requires a bit more effort because you have got to break through into areas and fields of consciousness that have not been broken through before. That requires dedication. It requires discipline, it requires focus, it requires effort, it requires a strength of mentality, a strength of heart. It requires you to combine all these faculties together and combine it into one powerful choice, and that powerful choice is your commitment.
It is your commitment to act right now on what the universe has in front of you not to fear it but to lean into it and if you can bring yourself into that elevated state of consciousness and make that choice, that choice is going to catalyse a vortex of energy and that vortex of energy is going to support you. It’s going to back you up and it’s going to ignite something very powerful within you and that choice that you made to commit to whatever is in front of you will go much smoother. It will be much easier not because it is easy but because of your mindset and your mentality and how you’ve decided to approach it.
Just like going in to commit on the rugby field to tackle that big, huge guy that is running towards your knees and shins running at full power. You have got to get down low and you have got to drive in with your shoulder and you have got to bring him to the ground. That requires a choice a choice that you are going to commit that to that tackle with everything that you have got and you’re going to put your whole body in front of his legs and if you do that, you’re not going to get hurt but if you go in half fast you might end up with a broken collarbone. You might get trampled on with those studded boots and end up with cuts on your face or your body because you’ve gone weak. You got to go in hard, you got to go in like a savage. You have got to commit, and you’ve got to be fearless and when you decide to be fearless.
To dive into the unknown territories 24/7 365, you are going to grow in ways that you never knew were possible. Most of humanity, they never truly live, they never truly thrive. They just get by day to day, paycheque to paycheque and that is all they expect of themselves. They are happy that way or they think they’re happy. Anyway, they just don’t know what’s beyond their reality, their existence, because they’ve never had the courage to try something new to be brave.
We all know that fortune favours the brave, like Christopher Columbus who sailed out into the oceans. He took that perpendicular approach. He didn’t go a mile out from the shore and then go in a circle and stay close to the shore because he knew that he would be safe; he could always go back if he wanted to, like Napoleon Bonaparte. He burnt his boats, he sailed to the islands, and he burned his boats, so his men had no choice but to fight and win. Otherwise, there was no retreat because they had no boats to get off the island. They would not have been able to swim because the tides were too rough, so they had to win the battle.
When you commit with this kind of attitude, savage fearlessness, you will win every single time. It doesn’t mean that you might not get knocked down winning. It doesn’t mean that you’re always going to stand on your two feet. Part of winning is getting knocked down because when you get knocked down and you lose, a small battle on the road to success which could be in a relationship or a business deal or health issue. You might have to try 25 business ventures before you hit the nail on the head, and something becomes successful. The 24 before were not failures. You just got knocked down, you were learning, you were getting more skills, you were getting upgraded so that when you got to business number 25 you were fully equipped to make it work. This is life baby. You must decide if you want to get beaten up by life or do you want to take the bull by the horns and ride that bull into life and crush and overcome.
Start doing things every day that take you out of your comfort zone, the gym is an easy one. Do things that make you uncomfortable, speak your truth when there is a part of you saying oh, I really can’t do this, I really can’t tell this human being how I feel. Open your heart, open your mouth, speak your truth. When you start to speak your truth, when you open your heart, and you do all these uncomfortable things, you just start to grow.
If you’re in a relationship and you’re not happy, leave that relationship. Have the courage to go it alone. I guarantee the universe will support you. If you’re in a business relationship and your business partner isn’t pulling their weight, move on, or have a chat with them and buy them out of the business or work out a way of taking them out of the business peacefully and calmly. Beautiful soul, you must have the courage to go into those unknown territories.
Wherever you are on this magical planet go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously, hug them tightly. You know the golden rule of hugging. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Go out and have fun. Smile, dance, go a little bit crazy, because we’ve all got a crazy side so let that crazy streak out. You don’t have to conform. Conforming is boring. You came here to express all your divinity and all your magic. So go out into the world and be that powerful light.
You are amazing, you are divine, you are supersonic. You’re a sovereign soldier, a galactic titan, an earth angel. You are a lion, you are a lioness, a god, a goddess. Go and express your divinity in this human body and I will see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website and join our new telegram group spiritual gangster one and gangster is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. Your mind, body, and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. I will see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
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